Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish Action The State of Orthodox Belief 20 Jun 2019
The text discusses the state of Orthodox belief among young Jewish day school graduates who struggle to articulate their belief in God and the uniqueness of ...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Bringing God into the Classroom 20 Jun 2019
Rebbetzin Leah Kohn developed the Kivun curriculum to address the lack of deep discussion around Jewish philosophical topics in high schools. The two-year pr...
20 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Up Close with Rabbi Elazar Muskin: On the 25th anniversary of the RCA’s prenuptial agreement 22 Mar 2019
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the RCA Prenup, Rabbi Elazar Muskin discusses its impact on American Jewry with The Rabbinical Council of America a...
22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action Dating with a Mental Disorder 22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action explores the topic of dating with a mental disorder, particularly within the Orthodox Jewish community, where mental health concerns can signif...
22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action Dating with a Mental Disorder 22 Mar 2019
The article discusses the complex issue of dating with a mental disorder within the Orthodox Jewish community. It presents cases where individuals with menta...
22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief: Spring 2019 22 Mar 2019
Rabbi Pinchos Bodner, Rabbi Avraham Peretz Friedman, Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, and Rabbi Yitzchak Silberztl are highlighted in this collection of Jewish book rev...
22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action The Rav on the Significance of the Shofar 31 Aug 2018
In his teachings on the significance of the Shofar during the High Holidays, the Rav delved into the essence of the mitzvah, emphasizing the importance of bo...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action Gifts My Mother Gave Me: A Tribute to the Jewish Mother 31 Aug 2018
In the book "Gifts My Mother Gave Me: A Tribute to the Jewish Mother," different authors share stories illustrating the profound impact and valuable lessons ...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action On Mothers 31 Aug 2018
The Jewish Area by Elena Flerova explores the profound influence of Jewish mothers on renowned Jewish leaders. The text presents anecdotes and reflections fr...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action Up Close With Rebbetzin Abby Lerner 31 Aug 2018
Rebbetzin Abby Lerner, the national director of conversion services for GPS, discusses her role in supporting conversion candidates and preventing abuse in t...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action Preserving Your Future: Egg Freezing Technology 31 Aug 2018
In the Orthodox Jewish community and beyond, egg freezing has become a popular option for women seeking to preserve their fertility due to various circumstan...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action “Please Blow the Shofar Quietly” 31 Aug 2018
The author reflects on their childhood synagogue days, reminiscing about the diverse characters that populated their memories, including The Voice, Mr. A., a...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action Sephardic Kinot: Exploring Moroccan Tradition 12 Jun 2018
Rabbi Gad Bouskila of Netivot Israel Congregation discusses Moroccan Kinot traditions for Tishah B'Av, highlighting differences from Ashkenazic customs. Moro...
12 Jun 2018
Jewish Action Does the Shidduch System Need an Upgrade? 12 Jun 2018
The article discusses the challenges faced by young Jewish individuals within the Orthodox community in navigating the shidduch system, highlighting the stru...
12 Jun 2018
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief 12 Jun 2018
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz's book "The God Book" offers modern Jewish readers a clear and accessible summary of key theological thoughts from medieval Jewish phil...
12 Jun 2018
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press – Summer 2018 12 Jun 2018
Rabbi Hillel Goldberg's "Countdown to Shabbos" explores the deep connection between Shabbos and the rest of the week, encouraging readers to integrate the sp...
12 Jun 2018
Jewish Action Light in all the Dark Places 3 May 2018
An Israeli reporter convinced Dr. Daniel Brown to share his story of being Hitler's nephew's grandson and a Jew, leading to public sensationalism and traumat...
3 May 2018
Jewish Action The Warsaw Ghetto: An Eyewitness Account 13 Mar 2018
Dr. Hillel Seidman, a Chassidic Jew, documented daily life in the Warsaw Ghetto in his diary from July 1942 to January 1943. The diary reflects the challenge...
13 Mar 2018
Jewish Action Torah from the Years of Wrath: The Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh 13 Mar 2018
Dr. Henry Abramson's "Torah from the Years of Wrath" delves into the historical context surrounding the Aish Kodesh, a collection of Torah homilies by Rabbi ...
13 Mar 2018
Jewish Action Chanukah Highlights From Around the World 8 Dec 2017
This text offers a diverse array of Chanukah recipes from culinary experts Joan Nathan and Paula Shoyer, drawing inspiration from Jewish cuisine around the w...
8 Dec 2017
Jewish Action Exploring the Power Of Prayer 15 Sep 2017
The text discusses various aspects of prayer in Jewish tradition. It includes articles on approaches to prayer education, interviews with rabbis about prayer...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Praying to the Wrong God? An Old/New Approach to Tefillah Education 15 Sep 2017
Rafi Eis discusses the challenges in teaching tefillah (prayer) effectively in Jewish education, emphasizing the need to address not only human aspects but a...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Praying to the Wrong God? An Old/New Approach to Tefillah Education 15 Sep 2017
The article discusses challenges in tefillah education faced by many Jewish educators, highlighting a common focus on improving human aspects of prayer witho...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Talking with Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger 15 Sep 2017
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger discusses with Moishe (Mark) Bane the challenges of prayer, emphasizing how tefillah reflects our connection to Hashem and the imp...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Talking with Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger 15 Sep 2017
Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger and Moishe Bane discuss the challenges of prayer, emphasizing that the essence of prayer is developing a deep connection to Hashem...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Engaging the Teenage Soul: Introducing the NCSY Siddur 15 Sep 2017
NCSY has created a unique Siddur aimed at revolutionizing teenage prayer experiences, filled with stories, questions, and images to inspire young people's co...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Engaging the Teenage Soul: Introducing the NCSY Siddur 15 Sep 2017
NCSY has introduced a groundbreaking siddur designed to engage and inspire teenagers in prayer, featuring stories, questions, and images to help them connect...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of Tefillah—Spanning the Spectrum of Prayer 15 Sep 2017
Rav Shimshon Pincus' book, "Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of TefillahSpanning the Spectrum of Prayer," explores the nuances and importance of prayer, emphas...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of Tefillah—Spanning the Spectrum of Prayer 15 Sep 2017
In "Gates of Prayer: The Ten Terms of Tefillah," authored by Shimshon Dov Pincus and reviewed by Gil Student, the focus is on understanding and appreciating ...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The Best Books on Prayer 15 Sep 2017
This article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been helpful for personal prayer and teaching. Some highlighted works include "Netiv Bi...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The Best Books on Prayer 15 Sep 2017
The article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been found helpful for personal prayer life and teaching, focusing on works from the pas...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The State of Tefillah 15 Sep 2017
The text discusses the different ways individuals approach prayer, highlighting two main modalities: avodah shebalev, where one connects emotionally and inte...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The State of Tefillah 15 Sep 2017
In this discussion on the state of prayer ("tefillah"), Daniel Korobkin explores the concept of prayer with intention ("kavanah") versus the recitation of pr...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Rescued by the Tufts of Their Hair 15 Sep 2017
"Rescued by the Tufts of Their Hair" by Rav Haim Sabato takes readers through the story of Tzion, a soldier, and his journey from a poor orphan in Hatikvah Q...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Subs for Your Carbs: Low-Carb But High-in-Taste Dishes for the High Holidays 15 Sep 2017
Registered dietitian Shira Isenberg emphasizes the importance of including some carbohydrates in the diet for energy and nutrients, cautioning against overea...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action No Need For Forgiveness 15 Sep 2017
Rabbi David Levy, a rabbi from West Virginia who made aliyah in 1996, shared his experience of dealing with the death of his son, Noam, who died in a counter...
15 Sep 2017
Jewish Action The Role of Music in Prayer 12 Sep 2017
Chaim David Berson discusses the significance of music in prayer, mentioning how the right melody or musical theme can enhance the emotional connection durin...
12 Sep 2017
Jewish Action Being Single 4 Aug 2017
In the poem "Being Single" by R. Rosenfeld, the experience of loneliness, frustration, and societal judgment faced by single individuals, particularly women,...
4 Aug 2017
Jewish Action Stress Less This Summer 22 Jun 2017
As summer approaches, many people experience increased stress levels due to changes in routine, family dynamics, and environmental factors. Long-term stress ...
22 Jun 2017
Jewish Action Reviews In Brief 22 Jun 2017
"Rav and Rebbe" by Chaim Dalfin provides historical tidbits about the friendship between Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (the Rav) and Rabbi Menachem Schneerson...
22 Jun 2017
Jewish Action The Making of a Jewish Wedding 22 Jun 2017
Kylie Ora Lobell shares her journey of planning a Jewish wedding shortly before her conversion, highlighting the support and generosity she received from the...
22 Jun 2017
Jewish Action The Future of Reproductive Medicine: What Does Halachah Say? 21 Mar 2017
Reproductive medicine has seen remarkable technological advancements since the introduction of IVF in 1978, leading to the development of pre-implantation ge...
21 Mar 2017
Jewish Action Children after Divorce 21 Mar 2017
The impact of divorce on children, especially in the Orthodox Jewish community, is lifelong and profound. Children of divorce face challenges such as a loss ...
21 Mar 2017
Jewish Action The Data on Divorce: Q & A with Dr. Yitzchak Schechter 21 Mar 2017
Dr. Yitzchak Schechter, a clinical psychologist and director of the Center for Applied Psychology at Bikur Cholim in Monsey, New York, has been conducting re...
21 Mar 2017
Jewish Action Pesach Getaway Without Gaining 21 Mar 2017
When attending a Pesach hotel getaway and trying to maintain a diet, focus on weight maintenance rather than weight loss due to the abundant and tempting foo...
21 Mar 2017
Jewish Action A Hundred Years of Purim Recipes 6 Mar 2017
This article presents Purim recipes from vintage cookbooks dating back to the early 1900s. Some of the recipes include Purim Fritters, Homontashen with poppy...
6 Mar 2017
Jewish Action How to Mindfully Eat a Latke on Chanukah 8 Dec 2016
The author discusses the concept of mindful eating, emphasizing that individuals are the experts on nourishing their bodies. Mindful eating involves tuning i...
8 Dec 2016
Jewish Action Giving & Getting: Volunteering in Israel 28 Nov 2016
Retirees like Richard Corman are increasingly volunteering in Israel after making aliyah, utilizing their skills to benefit Israeli society. Corman leads eff...
28 Nov 2016
Jewish Action On and Off the Beaten Track: Chanukah—and all year—in Gush Etzion 28 Nov 2016
The article discusses The Workshop (The Sadna) in Gush Etzion, a Judaica workshop run by Mandy and Jeremy Broder, where visitors can create their own woodwor...
28 Nov 2016
Jewish Action Goodbye Soup Mix, Hello Chicken: The Less Processed Shabbat 28 Nov 2016
The article discusses transitioning to a less processed Shabbat meal. It categorizes processed foods into five levels, from minimally processed to heavily pr...
28 Nov 2016