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Lehrhaus Is a Dateline a Logical Necessity? The Halakhic View Less Often Quoted 26 Nov 2018
The essay explores the concept of a halakhic dateline in Jewish law, questioning its necessity and discussing various historical and modern perspectives on i...
26 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Jacob’s Silence and the Rape of Dinah 22 Nov 2018
The article explores the story of Jacob's daughter, Dinah, who is raped in Shechem, leading to a violent retaliation by her brothers, Simeon and Levi. Jacob'...
22 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Advocacy of the Faithful: A View from Washington, DC 19 Nov 2018
In "Advocacy of the Faithful: A View from Washington, DC," Nathan J. Diament discusses the Orthodox Union's approach to political advocacy, focusing on a cas...
19 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Team of Rivals: Building Israel Like Rachel and Leah 15 Nov 2018
The Torah portion focusing on Rachel and Leah's rivalry and their roles in building the House of Israel is explored in relation to the biblical narratives of...
15 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Shades of White: A Fresh Look at Lavan’s Relationship With Yaakov 15 Nov 2018
The text discusses the relationship between Yaakov and Lavan as depicted in Parashat Vayeitzei. Traditionally, Lavan is viewed negatively in midrashic interp...
15 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Politics from the Pulpit: An Epistemological Reflection 12 Nov 2018
The text explores the challenges rabbis face in navigating politics from the pulpit amidst increasing American partisanship. It questions whether rabbis shou...
12 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Four Days of Kristallnacht in Hessen 8 Nov 2018
During the four days of Kristallnacht in 1938, violence erupted in small villages like Nentershausen in Hessen, Germany. The pogroms were prompted by the ass...
8 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Peshat and Beyond: How the Hasidic Masters Read the Torah 7 Nov 2018
The article explores how Hasidic masters interpret Torah narratives as a process of refining human-divine character traits, known as tikkun ha-middot. Focusi...
7 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Of Sages, Prophets, and Politics from the Pulpit 5 Nov 2018
As Election Day approaches, the question of whether rabbis should discuss politics from the pulpit arises once again. In the past, rabbis would speak on poli...
5 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Halakhah’s Insiders and Outsiders 1 Nov 2018
"Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law" by Chaim Saiman explores Jewish law as a broader concept beyond mere regulation of conduct, delving into talmud Torah, p...
1 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Saiman’s Halakhah: Rabbinic Law as Culture 30 Oct 2018
Chaim Saiman's book "Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law" delves into the concept of rabbinic law as culture, exploring how law in Judaism is not just about r...
30 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus No Law in Heaven 29 Oct 2018
In "Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law," Professor Chaim Saiman offers a unique exploration of Halakhah's nature, steering clear of apologetics or criticism....
29 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Avraham’s Test of Loyalty 25 Oct 2018
The text explores a different perspective on the story of the binding of Isaac (Akeidat Yitzchak), focusing on Avraham's loyalty to God as tested through his...
25 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard 22 Oct 2018
The discussion delves into interpretations of the Akeidah, the binding of Isaac, through the lens of Kierkegaard and Kant. Kierkegaard argues for the suspens...
22 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus 93Queen: The New Eishes Hayil, Woman of Valor 18 Oct 2018
"93Queen" is a documentary that follows Judge Ruchie Freier's journey in establishing Ezras Nashim, the first all-women Hasidic ambulance corps, amidst oppos...
18 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Nishmat HaBayit: A Window into the Successes of Yoatzot Halacha 15 Oct 2018
"Nishmat HaBayit" is a significant book authored by Yoatzot Halacha from Nishmat that focuses on Jewish family purity laws, particularly Hilkhot Niddah. The ...
15 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus “I’d Fast a Second Day” 11 Oct 2018
The author shares her experience of wanting to replicate the uniquely powerful Yom Kippur experience that her husband and son had in yeshiva, but for women. ...
11 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Orthodox Women’s Leadership: A Proactive Approach 8 Oct 2018
The text discusses the topic of Orthodox women's leadership in Jewish communities, focusing on the barriers women face in attaining high-level leadership pos...
8 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus The “Genesis” of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 4 Oct 2018
Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" draws heavily from Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's work, "The Lonely Man of Faith." The novel...
4 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Antipodal Etrogim 27 Sep 2018
Rabbi Jacob Ettlinger from the 19th century raised a thought-provoking query in his halakhic work regarding the growth orientation of Sukkot items such as th...
27 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus The G-d of Our Faces 27 Sep 2018
The author reflects on her childhood experiences during Simchat Torah, where she felt a connection to God, perceiving His presence as she looked into the aro...
27 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Does Peri Etz Hadar Mean Etrog? 20 Sep 2018
The text explores the meaning of "peri etz hadar," a term in Leviticus 23:40 referring to a fruit to be taken on Sukkot. While commonly understood as the etr...
20 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus The King’s Great Cover-Up and Great Confession 17 Sep 2018
The article discusses King David's sins and confession, focusing on the redemptive power of confession in Jewish tradition. It highlights the gravity of Davi...
17 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Wake Up Sleeping One! Yehudah Ha-Levi’s Dramatic Use of Genre and Narrative Voice in the High Holidays’ Most Resounding Call to Action 13 Sep 2018
Yehudah Ha-Levi's liturgical poem "Yashen, Al Teradam" serves as a powerful call to action for Jews during the High Holiday season, urging them to wake up, r...
13 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Making Jewish Education Affordable 6 Sep 2018
Jay Kelman discusses the issue of affordability in Jewish day school education, proposing a solution that focuses on using monies raised to address current n...
6 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Leavings of Sin: Rav Aharon Lichtenstein on Teshuvah 6 Sep 2018
"Return and Renewal: Reflections on Teshuva and Spiritual Growth" is a collection of twelve teshuva derashot by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, previously offered f...
6 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Rosh HaShanah And God’s Battle for Compassion 3 Sep 2018
The article delves into the nature of Rosh Hashanah as a day of judgment, focusing not just on human self-reflection and repentance but also on God's role as...
3 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Life, Children, and Sustenance: Personal Reflections on the Legacy of a Torah Scholar 31 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a Torah scholar, mentor, and expert in Talmud studies, made a profound impact on his students and community through his extensive knowledge...
31 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Yaakov Elman z”l: Breadth, Creativity, and Commitment 30 Aug 2018
Yaakov Elman was a unique and dedicated scholar known for his proficiency in both traditional Jewish learning and academic Talmud study at Yeshiva University...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Professor Yaakov Elman: A Talmud Scholar of Singular Depth and Scope 30 Aug 2018
Professor Yaakov Elman was a distinguished Talmud scholar known for his unique depth and interdisciplinary approach to studying the Babylonian Talmud. Despit...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus A Tribute to Yaakov Elman 30 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, who recently passed away, is remembered by Mahnaz Moazami for his significant contributions to the academic field of Irano-Talmudica, where...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Reflections From A Student 30 Aug 2018
The essay reflects on the legacy of Dr. Yaakov Elman, not only as a scholar but also as a teacher who inspired students with his egalitarian approach and lov...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Yaakov Elman and the History of Halakha 30 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a renowned Talmudist, was celebrated for his diverse scholarship that extended beyond Talmud to encompass various eras and texts in Jewish ...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Back to School: A Path to Sustainability 27 Aug 2018
September marks the start of the school year and with it comes the issue of high day school tuition. The rising costs can be attributed to increased compensa...
27 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Rav Kook’s Space Odyssey 23 Aug 2018
Rav Kook, a renowned Jewish thinker, is reflected upon in relation to the classic film "2001: A Space Odyssey," which traces mankind's evolution from ape to ...
23 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus We Are All Ozickians Now 20 Aug 2018
This article discusses the importance of Cynthia Ozick as a significant Jewish writer who has been overlooked in comparison to Philip Roth. It emphasizes tha...
20 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Is Religious Tolerance a Jewish Idea? 16 Aug 2018
The text explores the question of whether religious tolerance is a Jewish concept, examining the tension between modern values of religious freedom and histo...
16 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood? 13 Aug 2018
The Torah emphasizes the concept of atonement for bloodshed, stating that only the blood of the perpetrator can cleanse the land polluted by spilled blood. I...
13 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Haggai: Prophet of Elul 9 Aug 2018
The article explores the biblical roots of the Jewish tradition of repentance during the month of Elul. While the popular belief links this time to Moses' as...
9 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy. 6 Aug 2018
The text discusses the impact of Rabbi Shagar's teachings on Postmodern Orthodoxy and Modern Orthodoxy's struggle to engage with contemporary culture. It exp...
6 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Mysticism and its Alternatives: Rethinking Maimonides 2 Aug 2018
The text explores the complex relationship between Maimonides and mysticism, challenging the common perception of him as solely a rationalist opposed to myst...
2 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus The Jewish Calendar: A Scientific Perspective 30 Jul 2018
The Jewish calendar, established with scientific knowledge, employs the Metonic cycle to synchronize lunar and solar years, ensuring Passover aligns with spr...
30 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Tu be-Av and the Concubine of Givah 26 Jul 2018
Tu be-Av, a day described by the Mishnah as one of the happiest in the Jewish calendar, has its origins intertwined with a story in the Book of Judges about ...
26 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus The Reward for Honoring Our Parents 25 Jul 2018
The text explores the peculiar reward promised in the fifth commandment, which declares that honoring parents will result in a long life on the earth that Go...
25 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Revealed yet Concealed: the Meaning of Aseret Ha-Dibrot 23 Jul 2018
The text delves into the meaning and significance of the Aseret ha-Dibrot, or Ten Commandments, highlighting their unique nature as divine utterances reveale...
23 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Hollow Land 20 Jul 2018
The text, "Hollow Land" by Zohar Atkins, is part of a longer work focusing on the theme of mourning and data overload in today's society. The poem explores t...
20 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus This 9th of Av: Do We Sing with Yehudah Ha-Levi, or on Account of Yehudah Ha-Levi? 19 Jul 2018
Each Ninth of Av, as the morning turns to midday, the recitation of the dirges of the Kinnot concludes with Yehudah Ha-Levi's Kinnah poem about Jerusalem and...
19 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and Thanksgiving 16 Jul 2018
The article explores the significance of tears shed on Tishah Be-Av and the connection to gratitude by focusing on the birkat ha-mazon blessing and the Sin o...
16 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Bernard Malamud’s “The German Refugee”: A Parable for Tishah Be-Av 12 Jul 2018
Bernard Malamud's short story "The German Refugee" serves as a parable for the Jewish day of mourning, Tishah Be-Av, exploring themes of loss, suffering, and...
12 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Women and Paternalism 10 Jul 2018
The article discusses the issue of women's advanced Torah study within Modern Orthodox communities. The author reflects on the challenges and societal norms ...
10 Jul 2018