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Lehrhaus Demystifying Day School Tuition 5 Feb 2018
The author discusses the challenges of rising Jewish day school tuition and the lack of significant change despite efforts to address the issue. They created...
5 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study 1 Feb 2018
At the sixteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem in 2013, a special session was dedicated to Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein in honor of his 80th bir...
1 Feb 2018
Lehrhaus She-Hehiyanu: An Endangered Blessing Species 30 Jan 2018
In his article "She-Hehiyanu: An Endangered Blessing Species," Johnny Solomon discusses the challenges Orthodox Jews face in reciting the She-Hehiyanu blessi...
30 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus The Brachos Bee and Becoming American Orthodox Jews 29 Jan 2018
The Brachos Bee, conceptualized by Rabbi Dovid Price in 1971 and organized by Torah Umesorah, was a competitive event for Orthodox Jewish day schools in New ...
29 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Why Do We Deserve God’s Favor? 25 Jan 2018
The text explores the perplexing crisis of faith experienced by the Israelites in the Wilderness of Sin shortly after being saved from the Egyptians. Despite...
25 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Moses Mendelssohn and the Mimetic Society: Then and Now 22 Jan 2018
Lawrence Kaplan reflects on the enduring relevance of Moses Mendelssohn's work, "Jerusalem," by exploring Mendelssohn's discussion on the ceremonial law and ...
22 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Why I believe in Women and Their Batei Midrash 18 Jan 2018
The author passionately advocates for women's participation in in-depth Torah study within batei midrash, despite challenges and limitations in the tradition...
18 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Peer Press-ure: Cultural and Market Forces and the Orthodox Press 15 Jan 2018
Orthodox Jewish print media has evolved significantly over time, with newspapers once viewed as unusual now being common in Orthodox communities worldwide. T...
15 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Hokhmat Nashim 10 Jan 2018
The author reflects on her experiences navigating the limited opportunities for women in Talmud study within the Modern Orthodox community, highlighting inst...
10 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus A Return to Jewish Roots in Nicole Krauss’ Forest Dark 8 Jan 2018
In "Forest Dark" by Nicole Krauss, the novel delves into Jewish literary traditions by exploring themes of identity, biblical allegories, and a search for me...
8 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Neil Gillman and the Postmodern Moment: A Student Reflects 4 Jan 2018
Rabbi Dr. Neil Gillman, a prominent figure in contemporary Jewish theology, passed away in 2017 after a long career at the Jewish Theological Seminary of Ame...
4 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus Judaism in a New World: The Pain, the Paradox, and the Prayer 1 Jan 2018
Rabbi Prof. Eliezer Berkovits, a leading Jewish philosopher, addressed critical issues facing Orthodox Judaism in a changing world, advocating for creative s...
1 Jan 2018
Lehrhaus An Old Jew and His Grandchildren 28 Dec 2017
Dr. Eliezer Berkovits describes a poignant scene in a Jewish neighborhood where an elderly man, deeply engrossed in traditional Jewish literature, sits on a ...
28 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Azariah de Rossi’s Fascination with the Septuagint 27 Dec 2017
In the 1570s, Italian Jewish Renaissance figure Azariah de Rossi translated and published The Letter of Aristeas, a second-century BCE work recounting the tr...
27 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus The Hasidism of Rav Kook 25 Dec 2017
Rabbi Bezalel Naor explores the concept of a new Hasidism proposed by Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, often seen as a precursor to modern Neo-Hasidism. Naor delves...
25 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbi Norman Lamm and His Crusade for the Jewish Home 20 Dec 2017
Rabbi Norman Lamm, a prominent Orthodox Jewish leader, emphasized the importance of the Jewish family as a sanctuary and a stronghold of religious tradition ...
20 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Creation in a Chaotic Decade: Rabbi Lamm in the 60s 19 Dec 2017
Rabbi Norman Lamm played a crucial role in revitalizing Orthodox Judaism on the Upper West Side and in New York City in the 1960s. Returning to New York in 1...
19 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Playing Dreidel with Kafka and Rabbi Nahman 18 Dec 2017
In a thought-provoking exploration, the essay discusses a theoretical dialogue between Rabbi Nahman of Breslov and Franz Kafka about the symbolic significanc...
18 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Women’s Talmud Study and the Value of Choice 17 Dec 2017
Jack Bieler champions women's Talmud study, noting the importance of individual interest and ability in Jewish education. He highlights the need to recognize...
17 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus What Time Should the Early Minyan Begin on Monday? Recognizing mi-sheyakir: Science, Technology, and Sociology 15 Dec 2017
In this essay, Yaakov Jaffe discusses the disconnect between the traditional rabbinic guidance on when to begin morning prayers and the current practices of ...
15 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus “In Every Generation They Rise Up Against Us to Destroy Us”: How We Keep Getting Hanukkah Wrong 14 Dec 2017
The article challenges the traditional understanding of Hanukkah as a conflict between Judaism and Greek culture by suggesting a more nuanced view of histori...
14 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Women’s Torah Study and Cosmic Evolution 13 Dec 2017
In his exploration of women's Torah study and its place in modern Jewish communities, Ilan Fuchs discusses Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's perspective, em...
13 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus “You’ve Always Had the Power”: On Women and Wizards and Rabbis (Oh My!) 12 Dec 2017
The symposium on women and Torah learning highlighted the support from Jewish leaders like the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Soloveitchik, and Rabbi Lichtenstein ...
12 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus The New Jewish Philosophy of Rav Shagar 11 Dec 2017
Rav Shagar, a significant Jewish thinker, resonates with many in today's postmodern world due to his innovative approach of integrating traditional Jewish va...
11 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Mirvis’s Complaint 7 Dec 2017
In "The Book of Separation" by Tova Mirviss, the author recounts her departure from Orthodox Judaism and marriage, depicting her journey from religious obser...
7 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus On Subjectivity and Pluralism: Sparks of Rav Shagar’s Thought 6 Dec 2017
Yehuda (Udi) Dvorkin reflects on the teachings of Rav Shagar, emphasizing the ongoing publication of his works and the importance of understanding his philos...
6 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus Racism Redux 5 Dec 2017
The author discusses the issue of racism within religious texts and communities, highlighting that while some scholars argue that Rabbinic Judaism is not inh...
5 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus The “Between-the-Lines” Faith of Rabbi Hershel Schachter 4 Dec 2017
Rabbi Hershel Schachter's faith centers on the concept of mesorah, the chain of rabbinic transmission that upholds Orthodox tradition, guided by divine inter...
4 Dec 2017
Lehrhaus The Beit Midrash in the Age of Snapchat 30 Nov 2017
In this article, the author discusses the challenges that technology, specifically smartphones, presents in the field of education, particularly in Jewish le...
30 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus The Soul of Man Under Postmodernism: Further comments on Rav Shagar’s contribution 27 Nov 2017
In a discussion about the Jewish thinker Rav Shagar's book "Faith Shattered and Restored: Judaism in the Postmodern Age," Shalom Carmy comments on Rabbi Gil ...
27 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus There Is Nothing New Under the Sun: A Reply to Gil Perl 23 Nov 2017
Gidon Rothstein responds to Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl's essay, highlighting their shared background influenced by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's teachings but differin...
23 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus On Racism and the Torah 21 Nov 2017
The discussion explores a Mishnah from Negaim, focusing on the diagnosis oftzaraat, a skin condition, in Jewish textual tradition. The Mishnah raises questio...
21 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus In Search of Modern Orthodoxy 20 Nov 2017
Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl reflects on his journey within Modern Orthodoxy, initially inspired by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, but ultimately seeking more certainty in...
20 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus The Baptized Jew Who Had a Lot to Teach Us about Orthodox Judaism 16 Nov 2017
Peter Berger, a baptized Jew born in Austria, was a renowned sociologist known for his analysis of religion in modern society. His work highlighted the resil...
16 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Racism and Religious Particularism: A Corrective Antidote 13 Nov 2017
The essay delves into the issue of racism within Judaism, exploring how religious particularism can contribute to prejudicial attitudes and xenophobia. It di...
13 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus A Love Letter to the Woman of Valor 9 Nov 2017
The author reflects on the traditional Jewish poem, Eishet Hayil (Woman of Valor), initially viewing it as a metaphor between the Jewish people and the Sabba...
9 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation 6 Nov 2017
In "Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation" by Gil Perl, the focus is on addressing the challenges faced by Modern Orthodox Millennials, part...
6 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Was God Angry at Sarah? 4 Nov 2017
In this article, the author explains that God is not angry with Sarah when she laughs at the idea of giving birth at an old age, as mentioned in Genesis 18:1...
4 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Some Thoughts on the Binding of Isaac 2 Nov 2017
The story of the Binding of Isaac, or Akeidah, showcases Abraham's dilemma between obeying God's command to sacrifice his son and acting ethically. However, ...
2 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Building Upon the Rav’s Legacy in Women’s Learning 1 Nov 2017
The article discusses the state of advanced Talmud Torah for women, particularly in the context of Rabbi Soloveitchik's influence and the experience of teach...
1 Nov 2017
Lehrhaus Why Are There Empty Chairs in the Beit Midrash?: Updating the Communal Agenda 31 Oct 2017
The article discusses the ongoing debate around the inclusion of women in intensive Torah study, particularly focusing on the need to update communal attitud...
31 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Women, Talmud Study, and Avodat Hashem 30 Oct 2017
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein emphasizes the importance of women's Torah study and religious practice, rooted in a concern for current and future generations. He...
30 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Don’t Forget David’s Literary Temple! A Rebuttal to Levi Morrow 26 Oct 2017
Jon D. Levenson responds to Levi Morrow's objections regarding Levenson's interpretation of a passage from the Babylonian Talmud linking the Temple to restra...
26 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Why Doesn’t Abraham Get to Enjoy the Weekend? 26 Oct 2017
The Torah, aside from being foundational in Judaism, contains the only contemporary account of the origin of the seven-day week, including the weekend. Abrah...
26 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbinic Creativity and the Waters that would Consume the World 20 Oct 2017
The text explores the purpose of rabbinic law and its relationship to biblical text through a narrative involving Rabbi David calming threatening waters thro...
20 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbinic Creativity and the Waters that would Consume the World 20 Oct 2017
Rabbinic law's purpose and creativity, distinct from biblical law, are explored through aggadah narratives, like the story of David subduing chaotic waters w...
20 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Nafshah Hashkah Ba-Torah: A Response to Rabbi Saul Berman 20 Oct 2017
Devora Steinmetz responds to Rabbi Saul Berman's essay on Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's influence on women's Talmud study. She appreciates the progress made...
20 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Celebrating Women’s Talmud and Acknowledging its Opponents 20 Oct 2017
Leonard A. Matanky reflects on his experience teaching girls Talmud at Ida Crown Jewish Academy in Chicago for nearly 30 years, emphasizing the importance of...
20 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus How Can the Modern Orthodox Community Fulfill the Rav’s Vision for Women’s Talmud Study? 20 Oct 2017
In this essay, Rivka Kahan reflects on the fulfillment of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's vision for women's Talmud study in the Modern Orthodox community. Sh...
20 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Can I Use Zip-Ties To Hold Down My Sekhakh? 20 Oct 2017
The discussion revolves around the permissibility of using zip-ties to hold down the sekhakh (covering) of a sukkah. While some halakhic recommendations disc...
20 Oct 2017