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Lehrhaus Forty Years Later: The Rav’s Opening Shiur at the Stern College for Women Beit Midrash 9 Oct 2017
In 1976, a movement to introduce intensive Talmud study at Stern College for Women was born, prompted by Dr. Haym Soloveitchik's belief in the importance of ...
9 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Kohelet as Intertext 4 Oct 2017
The article discusses the intertextual conversation between the Book of Kohelet and High Holiday liturgy. It highlights the similarities between the themes i...
4 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus How Zionism Saved the Etrog in America 3 Oct 2017
The text discusses how Zionism played a role in reviving the tradition of using etrogim (citrons) in America. Initially, there were challenges in acquiring e...
3 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Yeshiva University President Rabbi Ari Berman’s Opening Shiur 3 Oct 2017
Rabbi Ari Berman, the President of Yeshiva University, delivered a Shiur Petihah (opening lecture) focusing on Tractate Sukkah, tying it to the new administr...
3 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus The Species for Change 2 Oct 2017
The author discusses the symbolism of the four species used during Sukkot, traditionally representing different types of Jews and emphasizing the importance ...
2 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Are Modern Orthodox Jews More Comfortable with Mysticism or Anthropomorphism? 2 Oct 2017
In examining the beliefs and practices of Modern Orthodox Jews, there is a discussion around their comfort level with mysticism and anthropomorphism in Judai...
2 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus A Jewish Story of Two Hurricanes 1 Oct 2017
In a time of increasing division and extremism, the Jewish community in Atlanta found unity and hope through their responses to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. M...
1 Oct 2017
Lehrhaus Why I Don’t Miss Shul on Yom Kippur 28 Sep 2017
The author, Leslie, used to find great meaning in attending shul on Yom Kippur, with its emotional highs and routines, feeling a sense of doing the right thi...
28 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Coming Undone: Vows and the High Holy Days 27 Sep 2017
During the High Holy Days, the focus on vows - their making and undoing - is a significant part of the period's reflection. Annulling vows before Rosh Hashan...
27 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbi Yehudah ha-Nasi’s Yom Kippur 25 Sep 2017
In this article, Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier discusses the interpretation of the ritual of the High Priest on Yom Kippur as described in Leviticus 16. He notes that...
25 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus “Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy Days 20 Sep 2017
"U-netaneh Tokef, a central prayer of the High Holy Days attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, focuses on themes of God's judgment, human powerlessness, and th...
20 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus “Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy Days 20 Sep 2017
The text delves into the significance of the U-netaneh Tokef prayer in the High Holy Days liturgy, focusing on the phrase "ki-halom yauf" (like a fleeting dr...
20 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus “Looking for a Havvayah” A Genealogy of “Experience” on the High Holy Days 18 Sep 2017
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are traditionally times for prayer and introspection, seeking atonement and blessings for the coming year. However, in modern ti...
18 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Narcissus and the Nazir 14 Sep 2017
The legend of Narcissus, as retold by Ovid, involves a young man overly obsessed with his own beauty, leading to tragic consequences. In contrast, in a Talmu...
14 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus A Religion Without Visual Art? The Rav and the Myth of Jewish Art 11 Sep 2017
The article explores the misconception that Jews have not historically engaged in visual art due to the prohibition against making images in the Second Comma...
11 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Steely Dan and Rosh Hashanah 7 Sep 2017
The article discusses the significance of the band Steely Dan in relation to Rosh Hashanah and the biblical text of 1 Samuel. The writer reflects on the them...
7 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus “Turn it and Turn it, for all is in It:” Ilana Kurshan and the Talmud Memoir 4 Sep 2017
Ilana Kurshan's memoir, "If All the Seas Were Ink," details her seven-year journey studying daf yomi in Jerusalem, intertwining personal experiences like fai...
4 Sep 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbi Moshe Feinstein on What Makes America Great 31 Aug 2017
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, in a sermon on the 150th anniversary of the United States Constitution, praised America for having a government structure that resists...
31 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Netivot Shalom: A Mixed Blessing? 31 Aug 2017
The discussion centers around the growing popularity of the Slonimer Rebbe's work, Netivot Shalom, in various Jewish communities and its representation of Ha...
31 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism 28 Aug 2017
In his article "On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism," Jerome Marcus challenges the approach of biblical criticism, arguing that it leads to a shallow re...
28 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus How Mendelssohn’s Torah and Philosophy Converge: A Study of “Anokhi” 24 Aug 2017
This article examines the convergence of Moses Mendelssohn's Torah commentary and philosophy. It explores Mendelssohn's belief that the goal of revelation is...
24 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Rav Hayyim and the Love of Lernen 21 Aug 2017
Rabbi Hayyim Soloveitchik's innovative method of Talmud study, known as the Brisker method, became popular in Lithuanian yeshivot in the early 20th century. ...
21 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Mitzvah Merchants and their Made-in-America Toys 17 Aug 2017
The kosher toy industry, exemplified by stores like Wise Buys and Double Play Toys, caters to the Orthodox community seeking toys that reflect their religiou...
17 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Sarah Schenirer and Innovative Change: The Myths and Facts 14 Aug 2017
Sarah Schenirer is celebrated as the founder of the Bais Yaakov movement, which revolutionized Jewish education for girls. While popular accounts claim she o...
14 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Orthodox Judaism and the Impossibility of Biblical Criticism 10 Aug 2017
Orthodox Judaism and biblical criticism have a complex relationship. While many biblical critics argue that the Bible is historically inaccurate and composed...
10 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Cultural Heritage in an Age of Genocide 7 Aug 2017
During the aftermath of the Holocaust, the story of cultural preservation emerges from the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto as Polish researchers uncover the hidde...
7 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Why the Courts Got the Get-Torturer Case Right: Religious Liberty as Mutual Accommodation 7 Aug 2017
In a reflection on a recent court case involving get-torturers, the focus lies on the courts' dismissal of the torturers' claims of religious liberty under t...
7 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus Three in One: Creation, Exodus, and Equality 3 Aug 2017
The text explores the rationale behind Shabbat observance in Judaism, highlighting two main perspectives: one based on God's resting after creating the world...
3 Aug 2017
Lehrhaus What Did the Heavenly Ministers Do? 31 Jul 2017
In this poetic and philosophical text by Zohar Atkins, a discussion among heavenly ministers reflects on God's actions during a fast day. Different perspecti...
31 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus How Halakhah Changes: From Nahem to the “Tisha be-Av Kumzitz” 31 Jul 2017
In the discussion of how Halakhah changes from traditional practices to contemporary adjustments, the focus is on the evolution of Tisha be-Av observances, p...
31 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus The Fox and the Chair 31 Jul 2017
The text reflects on the enduring significance of Tisha B'Av, highlighting how the destruction of the Temple and the mourning rituals bring forth memories of...
31 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Decentralizing Religious Authority 27 Jul 2017
The article discusses the decentralization of religious authority in Orthodox Jewish life due to the absence of universally recognized Torah giants like Mosh...
27 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus A Failed Attempt to Challenge the Halakhic Prenup 24 Jul 2017
A recent proclamation by 44 rabbis in Israel raised concerns about the Beth Din of America's halakhic prenuptial agreement, suggesting it might be problemati...
24 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Rav Yehuda Amital and the Secret of Jewish Continuity 20 Jul 2017
Rav Yehuda Amital, the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion, had a significant influence on the Dati Leumi scene in Israel. He established one of the...
20 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Why Religious Liberty Can’t Justify Torture, Even When It’s for a Get 20 Jul 2017
The article discusses a case where a group of Orthodox Jewish men, including rabbis, were involved in a torture-for-hire scheme targeting husbands who refuse...
20 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Blacklists and Bureaucrats, Resistance and The Rabbinate 20 Jul 2017
The text discusses the recent controversy surrounding the Israeli Chief Rabbinate's "Blacklist" of overseas rabbis whose authority they do not recognize for ...
20 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Listening to Women’s Voices 17 Jul 2017
The text discusses the importance of listening to women's voices in Jewish tradition, referencing biblical figures like Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Rahav, Hannah...
17 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Rabbi Norman Lamm’s Theology of Anti-Racism 13 Jul 2017
Rabbi Norman Lamm's theology of anti-racism focused on the responsibilities of those with power and freedom in society, particularly in addressing the issue ...
13 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus The Not-So-Orthodox Embrace of the New Age Movement 10 Jul 2017
Rabbi Rephoel Szmerla's book, "Alternative Medicine in Halachah," explores the halakhic case for alternative medical treatments, reflecting a trend within so...
10 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Bilam, God, and the Silent and Slanted Spaces 6 Jul 2017
The article explores the hidden messages and nuanced storytelling found in the Torah, particularly focusing on the character of Bilam in Parshat Balak. It de...
6 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar 3 Jul 2017
Rav Shagar, a unique and influential Israeli thinker, sought to bridge the gap between Torah truths and modern/postmodern culture, addressing contemporary in...
3 Jul 2017
Lehrhaus Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors 29 Jun 2017
The text discusses the intersection of medicine and philosophy through the perspectives of Jewish philosophers Maimonides and Spinoza. Both thinkers emphasiz...
29 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Simple Judaism of a Rosh Yeshiva-Novelist 26 Jun 2017
The novel "Ki-aphapei Shahar" by Haim Sabato, a Rosh Yeshiva in Maale Adumim, portrays the life of Ezra Siman Tov, a simple man in Jerusalem's Nahlaot neighb...
26 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus These and Those … But Definitely not Those! 20 Jun 2017
Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky's exploration of the concept of elu ve-elu divrei Elokim hayyim raises questions about the Torah-prophecy relationship, particularly in Y...
20 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew? A Reply to Zev Eleff 19 Jun 2017
Zev Eleff's article responds to the notion of a disappearing non-observant Orthodox Jew within the American Jewish community, pointing out the lack of clear ...
19 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Not Your Parents’ “Nonobservance:” A Rejoinder 19 Jun 2017
Zev Eleff responds to Elli Fischer and Matt Williams' critiques of his essay "The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew," clarifying that his study does not d...
19 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Between Shabbat and Lynch Mobs 15 Jun 2017
The author delves into the biblical narrative of a man gathering wood on Shabbat in Numbers 15, exploring its significance and harsh punishment of public sto...
15 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Get Your Hashkafa Out of My Chumash! 13 Jun 2017
In a discussion responding to concerns about ideological alignment in ritual texts used by Modern Orthodox Jews, Yaakov Jaffe deliberates on the preference f...
13 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus Is a Modern Orthodox Humash Even Possible? 13 Jun 2017
Yosef Lindell's article discusses the need for a new Modern Orthodox Humash that meets the needs of contemporary synagogue attendees, highlighting the shortc...
13 Jun 2017
Lehrhaus The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew 8 Jun 2017
The term "Non-Observant Orthodox Jew" gained attention in the 1970s, describing Orthodox Jews who did not strictly adhere to Jewish law but identified with O...
8 Jun 2017