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Tablet Israel, Right or Left 27 Jul 2023
The article discusses the question of whether U.S. military aid to Israel is a right-wing or left-wing issue. The authors argue that the focus should be on t...
27 Jul 2023
Tablet Ending Aid Won’t Stop the Demonization of Israel 27 Jul 2023
This article discusses the argument that ending US aid to Israel would stop the demonization of Israel by anti-Israel activists. The author disagrees with th...
27 Jul 2023
Tablet Israeli Settlements and International Law 26 Jul 2023
Malkah Fleisher argues in defense of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which she refers to as Judea and Samaria, while most of the world and internationa...
26 Jul 2023
Tablet The Food After the Flood 26 Jul 2023
The permission to eat meat granted by God to humanity after Noah's Ark is often overlooked. Jewish commentators throughout history have provided various inte...
26 Jul 2023
Tablet The Ambivalent Destroyer 26 Jul 2023
The article discusses the movie "Oppenheimer," directed by Christopher Nolan, which focuses on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bo...
26 Jul 2023
Tablet Finding Light in the Darkness 25 Jul 2023
This personal essay reflects on the profound impact of a sexual assault on the author's experience of Tisha B'Av, the Jewish day of mourning. The author desc...
25 Jul 2023
Tablet A Cruel Summer at Cornell 25 Jul 2023
This personal essay describes the author's experience as a student at the Telluride Association Summer Program (TASP), a prestigious and intensive educationa...
25 Jul 2023
Tablet Hitler and The Seattle Times 25 Jul 2023
David Volodzko, a journalist of Jewish and Slavic descent, was fired from his job at The Seattle Times after being accused of defending Hitler. Volodzko had ...
25 Jul 2023
Tablet Spiritual Fitness 24 Jul 2023
The 2020 Pew study found that many American Jews identify as Jewish culturally or ethnically, but not religiously. However, a large percentage of Jews still ...
24 Jul 2023
Tablet What Happened to Robert Malley? 24 Jul 2023
Robert Malley, a key figure in the Biden administration's Middle East policy, was suspended from his position due to reportedly mishandling classified docume...
24 Jul 2023
Tablet The French Riots and the Jews 24 Jul 2023
In a recent article, French Israeli politician Meyer Habib and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed concern over the riots in France, associat...
24 Jul 2023
Tablet I Have a Right to Live in Judea and Samaria 21 Jul 2023
In this article, a Jewish woman living in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) defends the right of Jews to live in the region despite frequent demonization and...
21 Jul 2023
Tablet A Yiddish Musical Treasury 21 Jul 2023
This article discusses the significance of Yiddish folk songs in the American folk music revival. It highlights the contributions of Moses Asch, founder of F...
21 Jul 2023
Tablet Canadian Cowboy 21 Jul 2023
Colter Wall, a Canadian singer-songwriter, is being compared to Johnny Cash for his deep and weathered voice and his commitment to traditional country music....
21 Jul 2023
Tablet First Resorts 20 Jul 2023
The article discusses the early Jewish summer resorts in the Catskills, specifically focusing on the Fairmont and Grand View Hotel. These resorts were among ...
20 Jul 2023
Tablet Back to the Borscht Belt 20 Jul 2023
The Catskills area in New York State is experiencing a revitalization, with new historical markers, boutique hotels, and cultural festivals commemorating its...
20 Jul 2023
Tablet Nancy Isabelle 20 Jul 2023
After a slow business period, Rabbi Yaroslaver's bookstore receives a visit from a rabbi who shares his life story of surviving the Holocaust and his struggl...
20 Jul 2023
Tablet The A(braham) Bomb 19 Jul 2023
The article discusses the importance and impact of the Abrahamic tradition, which includes Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, on American culture and politics...
19 Jul 2023
Tablet Why Are So Many Kosher Restaurants So Bad? 19 Jul 2023
Kosher restaurants often have frustrating experiences for diners, leading to the question of why so many are bad. One major factor is the financial challenge...
19 Jul 2023
Tablet I, Sea Jew 19 Jul 2023
The author reflects on his experiences as a Jew and his relationship with the sea. He recounts a trip with his gentile wife to the beach, where they encounte...
19 Jul 2023
Tablet The Spy Who Loved Me 18 Jul 2023
This text is a humorous personal narrative about the author and his friend, referred to as his "Brah," going on pub crawls and their encounters with a new pe...
18 Jul 2023
Tablet The Austerity Diet 18 Jul 2023
The period of austerity in Israel, lasting from 1949 to 1959, was a time of limited resources and rationing due to the influx of Jewish immigrants to the new...
18 Jul 2023
Tablet Lament for Susan 17 Jul 2023
Lament for Susan is an article discussing the phenomenon of neglected authors being revived and praised by the New York Review of Books (NYRB). The author qu...
17 Jul 2023
Tablet End U.S. Aid to Israel 16 Jul 2023
The article discusses the belief in a powerful Israel lobby that influences U.S. aid to Israel. It argues that the reality is more complex, with U.S. aid ben...
16 Jul 2023
Tablet This Charming Man 14 Jul 2023
Morrissey, the former lead singer of the Smiths, has a strong following among Mexican Americans and Israelis for different reasons. In the case of Israeli fa...
14 Jul 2023
Tablet Voice Vote 14 Jul 2023
The debate surrounding the recognition of an Indigenous Voice in the Australian constitution is polarizing the country. The proposal, which stemmed from the ...
14 Jul 2023
Tablet Songs for Lou 14 Jul 2023
The article discusses the album "My Back Was a Bridge for You to Cross" by Anohni, which explores themes of life, death, and self-reflection. The album refer...
14 Jul 2023
Tablet The Biden Administration Redefines Antisemitism 13 Jul 2023
The article discusses the Biden administration's redefinition of antisemitism and the controversy surrounding it. The International Holocaust Remembrance All...
13 Jul 2023
Tablet In Memory of Milan Kundera 13 Jul 2023
Milan Kundera, a prominent Czech writer, recently passed away at the age of 94. The author shares their personal memories of encountering Kundera's work whil...
13 Jul 2023
Tablet The ‘Firebug Brotherhood’ of the Lower East Side 12 Jul 2023
This article explores the phenomenon of Jewish arsonists in New York City's Lower East Side in the late 19th century. The text examines a specific case invol...
12 Jul 2023
Tablet An Open Letter to Lev Golinkin 12 Jul 2023
The author rebukes Lev Golinkin's article published in The Forward, which criticizes the Ukrainian Azov battalion for its alleged neo-Nazi influence. The aut...
12 Jul 2023
Tablet How False History Is Used to Justify Discrimination Against Asian Americans 12 Jul 2023
The text discusses how false historical narratives have been used to justify discrimination against Asian Americans, particularly in the context of affirmati...
12 Jul 2023
Tablet Srebrenica Elegy 11 Jul 2023
The text is a poetic reflection on the tragedy of the Srebrenica genocide, drawing parallels to other instances of mass killings and genocides throughout his...
11 Jul 2023
Tablet A Church’s Quest for Enchantment 11 Jul 2023
The media docuseries "The Secrets of Hillsong" focuses on the downfall of the celebrity pastor and the scandals within the Hillsong megachurch in New York Ci...
11 Jul 2023
Tablet Why Good Politics Makes for Bad Art 10 Jul 2023
The article explores the relationship between politics and art, questioning whether political art is effective or necessary. It discusses the example of two ...
10 Jul 2023
Tablet Introducing ‘What Really Matters’ 7 Jul 2023
"What Really Matters" is a podcast hosted by Walter Russell Mead and Jeremy Stern, brought to you by Tablet Magazine and Hudson Institute. In this podcast, t...
7 Jul 2023
Tablet The Bold Jewish Woman Who Created Barbie 7 Jul 2023
Ruth Handler, the Jewish woman who created Barbie, was a trailblazer and feminist. Raised by her sister due to her parents' limited resources, Ruth grew up t...
7 Jul 2023
Tablet The House of Love and Prayer 7 Jul 2023
Rabbi Yidel Glatt, a strict follower of the Torah, died of starvation due to his extreme adherence to the laws of the Torah. He believed that focusing on eve...
7 Jul 2023
Tablet The Media’s Hypocrisy on Vaccines 6 Jul 2023
This article discusses the hypocrisy of the media's coverage of COVID-19 vaccines. It criticizes the media for popularizing vaccine resistance while now cond...
6 Jul 2023
Tablet A Slaughter of Jews in Ukraine 6 Jul 2023
This text discusses the Lviv pogrom that took place on July 1, 1941, in Ukraine. It explores the factors that led to the pogrom, including anti-Jewish sentim...
6 Jul 2023
Tablet What’s the 17th of Tammuz? 6 Jul 2023
The 17th of Tammuz is a day in the Jewish calendar that commemorates various historical tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people. It marks the beginnin...
6 Jul 2023
Tablet The Beet Goes On 5 Jul 2023
This article traces the culinary history and cultural significance of beets in Jewish cuisine. The debate over whether raw or cooked beets are beneficial for...
5 Jul 2023
Tablet Separating Pearls From Sand 5 Jul 2023
Jacob ben Isaac Luzzatto's second introduction to the second edition of Sefer Hasidim emphasizes the importance of the commandments and the Jewish people's u...
5 Jul 2023
Tablet Welcome to Blackstone U.S.A. 4 Jul 2023
Private equity firm Blackstone has become the largest residential landlord in the U.S., with an estimated 300,000 rental units across the country. The firm's...
4 Jul 2023
Tablet Minnesota Burning 3 Jul 2023
The author reflects on the history of racial tensions and police brutality in Minneapolis, starting with the recent killing of George Floyd. They mention pre...
3 Jul 2023
Tablet Kill Off the Old City so New Cities Can Be Born 3 Jul 2023
The article discusses the decline of traditional cities and the rise of suburbs and exurbs in the American urban landscape. It highlights how urban centers a...
3 Jul 2023
Tablet The Shepherd of American Courage 3 Jul 2023
The American colonists found inspiration in the biblical figure King David as they sought reassurance that their fight for independence was in line with God'...
3 Jul 2023
Tablet Smog City 3 Jul 2023
The author describes the annual weather phenomenon in Los Angeles known as "June Gloom," where the sky turns gray, temperatures drop, and seasonal depression...
3 Jul 2023
Tablet Summer in Austin and Miami 3 Jul 2023
The author argues that New York City is no longer a desirable place to live due to crime, high cost of living, and a deteriorating quality of life. They sugg...
3 Jul 2023
Tablet Summer on the Greens 3 Jul 2023
The author shares their experience of spending Memorial Day weekend in Pinehurst, North Carolina, a town known for its love of golf. The author reflects on t...
3 Jul 2023