Daily Podcasts Video Research
JTA Pioneering Israeli Chef Efi Naon opens a new restaurant, Frena, where his acclaimed Taboon once stood 29 Mar
Israeli chef Efi Naon has opened a new upscale restaurant named Frena in Manhattan, taking the place of his previous acclaimed establishment Taboon, which cl...
29 Mar
Kveller Hulu’s ‘We Were the Lucky Ones’ Introduces American Viewers to Israeli Legend Lior Ashkenazi 29 Mar
Lior Ashkenazi, a highly acclaimed Israeli actor, is making a splash with American audiences in the TV series "We Were the Lucky Ones." Known for his versati...
29 Mar
Forward 'Not fully of this world:' Joe Lieberman's rabbi delivers his eulogy 29 Mar
Rabbi Daniel Cohen delivered a moving eulogy for Senator Joe Lieberman, highlighting his integrity, faith, and kindness both in his public and personal life....
29 Mar
JTA Amsterdam, atoning for role in delivering Jews to the Nazis, pledges donation and memorials at tram stops 29 Mar
Amsterdam's public tram company, GVB, announces the placement of memorials at key locations where it transported Dutch Jews to the Nazis during the Holocaust...
29 Mar
18forty (What) Do Jews Believe About the Afterlife? 29 Mar
Judaism's beliefs about the afterlife are diverse and not extensively discussed, despite classical Jewish sources refuting the misconception that Judaism lac...
29 Mar
Jewschool Quiet – They’re Shooting: The Trouble with “Jewish Unity” 29 Mar
The article discusses the debate within the American Jewish community regarding the criticism of the Israeli government's actions in war, focusing on Senator...
29 Mar
Kveller For Jewish ‘Third Culture Kids,’ There’s Both Challenges and Joys in a Multicultural Life 29 Mar
The article discusses the experience of raising Jewish Third Culture Kids (TCKs), who grow up in a country different from both of their parents' origins. It ...
29 Mar
Jewish Table Friday Kibbitz: What's Your Favorite Artichoke Recipe? 29 Mar
In the text "Friday Kibbitz: What's Your Favorite Artichoke Recipe?" the discussion likely revolves around different ways to prepare and cook artichokes. Par...
29 Mar
Jewdicious America's Only Undefeated Team 29 Mar
Ross Kagan Marks reflects on the loss of his oldest friends, Josh Wex Wexler and David Fetch Fleisher, who were like brothers to him, sharing a strong bond t...
29 Mar
Chabad.org Siyum HaRambam: Empowering the Individual, Uniting the People 29 Mar
A video documenting the Siyum HaRambam event, marking the completion of the 43rd Rambam study cycle, which celebrates empowering individuals and unifying the...
29 Mar
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones No Excuses for Sam Bankman-Fried 29 Mar
Exploring the legal implications of Sam Bankman-Fried's sentencing for fraud, the podcast discusses his family's attempts to rationalize his conduct and thei...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle If the law has any meaning, the police must ban this year’s Quds Day protest 29 Mar
In a discussion of the upcoming Quds Day protest in London, the article argues that the police should ban the event due to the history of incitement and viol...
29 Mar
Future of Jewish What Palestinian ‘Resistance’ Actually Means 29 Mar
The text explores the historical roots of Muslim hostility towards Jews, citing events like the Battle of Khaybar in 628 CE as well as more recent instances ...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Let’s talk schools: why we need a schools review 29 Mar
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understandin...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Revisiting ‘the Jewish Contract with America’ 29 Mar
The article discusses the historical and unique relationship between Jews and America, highlighting elements of the Jewish Contract with America such as the ...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy Revisiting ‘the Jewish Contract with America’ 29 Mar
The text discusses the historical connection between Jews and America through the "Jewish Contract with America," highlighting key aspects such as the absenc...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Is there a Jewish way to fight a war? 29 Mar
In "Ethics of Our Fighters: A Jewish View of War and Morality," Shlomo M. Brody examines the ethical considerations surrounding warfare from a Jewish perspec...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy In defense of the congregational rabbinate 29 Mar
The article defends the importance of congregational rabbis in Jewish life, highlighting the deep connections and enduring relationships they create with the...
29 Mar
eJewishPhilanthropy In defense of the congregational rabbinate 29 Mar
The article defends the congregational rabbinate amidst a perceived crisis in synagogue engagement in the U.S. It highlights the unique roles and connections...
29 Mar
Forward I translated the complete Hebrew Bible. Trump's 'USA Bible' betrays its greatest asset 29 Mar
Robert Alter criticizes Donald Trump's "USA Bible," a version of the Bible being sold for $59.99, which includes patriotic elements like the pledge of allegi...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle One pot spicy salmon with rice 29 Mar
A recipe for Spicy Salmon with Rice that serves 8 and requires minimal effort, with preparation needed 8 hours in advance. The dish entails mixing garlic, ha...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 265 29 Mar
The Etgar Quiz no 265 tests knowledge on Jewish topics such as the destruction of the Second Bet Hamikdash by the Romans, Israel's second Prime Minister (Mos...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Tzav 29 Mar
Parashat Tzav discusses the rituals of sacrifices conducted by priests at the Tabernacle, emphasizing the importance of maintaining enthusiasm and passion in...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Shabbat times from March 29 to April 5 29 Mar
Shabbat times for the period from March 29 to April 5 are provided, including the exact times when Shabbat begins and ends in various cities. Additionally, d...
29 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Hysteria vs. Hashem 29 Mar
The cancellation of the legal basis for exemption of charedim from the army in Israel has sparked hysteria and anger within the charedi community, with claim...
29 Mar
Call Me Back headphones Biden’s two-pronged Israel strategy — with Bret Stephens 29 Mar
Bret Stephens discusses the Biden administration's recent abstention from a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire without demanding the rele...
29 Mar
Tikvah headphones Joseph Lieberman on American Jews and the Zionist Dream (Rebroadcast) 29 Mar
Joe Lieberman, a prominent American Jewish figure and former senator from Connecticut, represented a unique era in American public life with his religious ob...
29 Mar
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/30/24 – Shiur 462 – What are our “Yeshiva bochers” struggling with nowadays? 29 Mar
In Shiur 462, the discussion revolves around the challenges facing Yeshiva bochers today, contrasting them with girls' challenges and examining the impact of...
29 Mar
Future of Jewish I just finished 130 days of IDF service. 29 Mar
The author reflects on his 130 days of IDF reserve service in northern Israel, highlighting his unlikely friendship with a fellow soldier, Motti, despite the...
29 Mar
Forward Philly Federation furious over Haverford's 'COVID in times of genocide' campus event 29 Mar
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia expressed anger over an event at Haverford College titled "COVID in Times of Genocide," which they viewed as pe...
29 Mar
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones V For Veto 29 Mar
Amid the escalating gap between the U.S. and Israel, Yonit and Jonathan explore the strategic decisions of Prime Minister Netanyahu and their impact on Israe...
29 Mar
Forward Israel's future depends on a Haredi draft. Can it survive implementing one? 29 Mar
Israel is facing a contentious battle over military draft exemptions for its Haredi population, with the High Court nearing the end of a policy excusing most...
29 Mar
Tablet The Miracle of ‘Ben-Hur,’ Hollywood’s Tastiest Christo-Zionist Epic 29 Mar
"Ben-Hur" is an iconic tale that has transcended various forms of media throughout history, originating in a novel by General Lew Wallace in 1880 and achievi...
29 Mar
Jewish Insider ‘Spine of steel, heart of gold’: Remembering Joe Lieberman 29 Mar
Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish person on a major party presidential ticket, was widely celebrated in the Jewish community. His commitment to his faith, unwa...
29 Mar
Tablet Expanding the World of Jewish Food 29 Mar
Naama Shefi, founder of the Jewish Food Society, has published a new cookbook titled "The Jewish Holiday Table" with Devra Ferst, featuring 135 recipes and s...
29 Mar
Forward The Jewish artist bringing abortion history to America’s museums 28 Mar
Carmen Winant, a Jewish artist and photographer, has created an installation at the Whitney Biennial titled "The Last Safe Abortion," consisting of 2,500 pho...
28 Mar
Moment Is a Two-State Solution for Israelis and Palestinians Still Possible? with Aaron David Miller, Ghaith al-Omari and Robert Siegel 28 Mar
Middle East analysts Aaron David Miller, Ghaith al-Omari, and journalist Robert Siegel discuss the feasibility of a two-state solution for Israelis and Pales...
28 Mar
People of the Pod headphones Jewish College Student Leaders Share Their Blueprint for Combating Antisemitism 28 Mar
Jewish college student leaders at Binghamton University, Seth Schlank and Eytan Saenger, discuss their experiences combating antisemitism on campus following...
28 Mar
MomentMag Is a Two-State Solution for Israelis and Palestinians Still Possible? 28 Mar
A discussion with experts on the possibility of a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians following the Israel-Hamas War.
28 Mar
JTA Final 3 defendants in Lev Tahor cult abduction case convicted of kidnapping 2 children in 2018 28 Mar
Three members of the Lev Tahor religious cult have been convicted of child exploitation and kidnapping for abducting a 14-year-old girl and her 12-year-old b...
28 Mar
Forward The internet wants to know why Stephen Breyer's interview backdrop is so weird 28 Mar
Retired Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's new book, "Reading the Constitution," is praised as a provocative analysis of his approach to interpreting the...
28 Mar
Forward Imam who led prayers at Ramadan event co-sponsored by the Israeli embassy says he regrets it 28 Mar
Imam Faizul R. Khan expressed regret for leading prayers at an interfaith Ramadan event at a Maryland synagogue that he later discovered was co-sponsored by ...
28 Mar
Kveller Hulu’s ‘We Were the Lucky Ones’ Lets Jewish People Be the Heroes of Their Holocaust Story 28 Mar
"Hulu's 'We Were the Lucky Ones' shifts the focus to Jewish protagonists in a Holocaust narrative, deviating from the common portrayal of non-Jewish heroes i...
28 Mar
Forward Israeli High Court brings Haredi draft exemption to a legal end — with unclear consequences 28 Mar
The Israeli High Court of Justice has ruled to end the longstanding exemption of Haredi men from the mandatory military draft, sparking uncertainty about the...
28 Mar
JTA In a first, Oregon’s Jewish federations pull investments from fossil fuels 28 Mar
The Jewish Federation of Greater Portland and the Jewish Federation of Lane County in Oregon, representing about 60,000 Jews, are the first Jewish federation...
28 Mar
Forward In recent years, the settler movement has discovering a winning strategy: Attack the Israeli military 28 Mar
In a recent article, the settler movement in Israel has been noted for its strategy of confronting the Israeli military as a means to advance its objectives....
28 Mar
New Voices Gufim: overheard in the dressing room 28 Mar
The text is a brief mention of an article or piece titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" featured on the New Voices platform. The content or main po...
28 Mar
New Voices Gufim: overheard in the dressing room 28 Mar
The article titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" can be found on the New Voices website.
28 Mar
Moment Israel’s Internal War 28 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing internal conflict in Israel regarding the issue of drafting Haredi yeshiva students into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). ...
28 Mar