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Jewish Review of Books Scenes of Jewish Life in Imperial Russia 25 Nov 2013
The anthology "Everyday Jewish Life in Imperial Russia" offers glimpses into the diverse experiences of Russian Jews before the revolution. Through stories l...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Riding Leviathan: A New Wave of Israeli Genre Fiction 25 Nov 2013
Israeli genre fiction is experiencing a resurgence as demonstrated by the recent Geffen Prize shortlist featuring novels with themes like Rabbinic conspiraci...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hebrew School Days 29 Aug 2013
A young individual finds a job teaching Jewish history through drama at a temple's Sunday school despite having little experience. The teaching approach lack...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Athens or Sparta? A Rejoinder 29 Aug 2013
The author critiques Mr. Tyler's book, "Fortress Israel," and his response to a review of the book, claiming that there are mistakes and ill will in both. Th...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Athens or Sparta? A Response 29 Aug 2013
Benny Morris, a prominent historian of Israel, responds to a review of his book "Fortress Israel." Morris criticizes the reviewer, Moshe Halbertal, for attac...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Fall 2013 29 Aug 2013
This collection of letters from the Fall 2013 issue of Letters Magazine covers a range of topics related to Jewish culture and philosophy. One letter discuss...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Joy of Being Delivered from Jewish Schools Results in a Stiff Foot 29 Aug 2013
Solomon Maimon, a controversial Jewish philosopher in the late 18th century, narrated his life in an autobiography where he critiqued the brutality and irrat...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Exogamy Explored 29 Aug 2013
In "Til Faith Do Us Part," Naomi Schaefer Riley explores the trend of interfaith marriages in America, highlighting the challenges and benefits that come wit...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books “Why Bother?” A Response 29 Aug 2013
In American Post-Judaism, the author argues that Jewish identity in America is in a state of decline or transition, with religion no longer being the primary...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books A Student-Centered Tradition 29 Aug 2013
Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapira of Warsaw is recognized for his student-centered approach to education, emphasizing the individual's spiritual potential, in ...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Jake in the Box 29 Aug 2013
Yair Zakovitch's book "Jacob: Unexpected Patriarch" offers a close reading of the biblical story of Jacob, exploring various interpretations and textual anal...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hebraic America 29 Aug 2013
In the book "American Zion," Eran Shalev explores the influence of Hebraic motifs in early America. He argues that early settlers saw themselves as re-enacti...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Fiction and Forgiveness 29 Aug 2013
Dara Horn's novel, "A Guide for the Perplexed," explores themes of memory, forgiveness, and sibling rivalry against the backdrop of present-day Egypt and his...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books On Not Bringing Up Baby 29 Aug 2013
Jane Eisner, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, expresses concern over the declining birthrates among young liberal Jews in America, a trend mirrored in soc...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Hunter 29 Aug 2013
James Salter, a prolific writer known for his spare war stories and magnum opus "All That Is," recounts his transformation from Jewish roots as Horowitz at W...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Day School Tuition Crisis: A Short History 29 Aug 2013
The text discusses the historical evolution and challenges of Jewish day school education in the United States. It traces the roots of organized Jewish educa...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Who Owns Margot? 29 Aug 2013
Jillian Cantor's novel "Margot" reimagines the life of Margot Frank, imagining what her life might have been if she had survived Bergen-Belsen. The novel por...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Meanwhile, on a Quiet Street in Cleveland 29 Aug 2013
Jerry Siegel, a young aspiring writer from Cleveland, was the creative mind behind Superman, inspired by a series of experiences and collaborations with his ...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Karl Marx, Bourgeois Revolutionary 29 Aug 2013
Jonathan Sperber's biography of Karl Marx portrays him as a figure of the 19th century, highlighting his bourgeois origins, lifestyle, and approach to revolu...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books All-American, Post-Everything 29 Aug 2013
In the book "American Post-Judaism" by Shaul Magid, he explores the movement of Jewish Renewal and its impact on Judaism. Magid argues that Jewish Renewal re...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Fathers & Sons 29 Aug 2013
Israel's new chief rabbis were selected after a contentious process that highlighted the deep-rooted issues within the rabbinical institution. The winners, R...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Notice Posted on the Door of the Kelm Talmud Torah Before the High Holidays 29 Aug 2013
Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv, a student of Rabbi Israel Lipkin Salanter, founded the Talmud Torah of Kelm, a unique yeshiva blending tradition with elements of th...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hebrew School Days 29 Aug 2013
The text explores the author's experience teaching Jewish history through drama at a Sunday school, where the director lacked a clear vision of the curriculu...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books “Why Bother?” A Rejoinder 29 Aug 2013
In his response to Allan Arkush's review of Shaul Magid's book "American Post-Judaism," Arkush questions the motivation behind redesigning Judaism, pointing ...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books What Jesus Wasn’t: Zealot 12 Aug 2013
Reza Aslan's book "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth" presents Jesus as a nationalist zealot aspiring to depose the Roman governor of Palestine...
12 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2013 12 Jun 2013
This article discusses two main issues related to kosher certification. Firstly, it points out that many products that do not require kosher certification ar...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Two or Three Concepts of Dignity 12 Jun 2013
Dignity, a central concept in human rights and moral discourse, is explored through various lenses in Jewish and Western thought. The multifaceted nature of ...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books The First Debate Over Religious Martyrdom 12 Jun 2013
The discussion delves into the biblical narrative of Nadav and Avihu, Aaron's sons who were consumed by divine fire for offering unauthorized sacrifices in t...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Man Who Thought in Pictures 12 Jun 2013
Israeli illustrator and cartoonist Shay Charka has created a comic book adaptation of three stories by Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon, known for expressing ideas ...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books In and Out of Africa 12 Jun 2013
Since the early 1900s, the concept of Jewish identity among diverse communities in Africa and the Americas has expanded significantly, with groups like Ethio...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books East and West 12 Jun 2013
The article discusses the concerns of intellectuals and policy analysts about the direction Israel is heading in. It references Diana Pinto, who worries in h...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Emancipation and Its Discontents 12 Jun 2013
The text discusses the experiences of Moravian Jews in the Habsburg Empire during the 19th century, focusing on figures like Samson Raphael Hirsch and the ch...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Cri de Coeur 12 Jun 2013
This article discusses the life of Herschel Grynszpan, a young Jewish boy who gained fame in 1938 when he shot and killed the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath....
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Proust Between Halakha and Aggada 12 Jun 2013
In his essay "Halakha and Aggada," Chaim Nachman Bialik defends both halakha (Jewish law) and aggada (rabbinic lore and legend) as essential aspects of Jewis...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Spanish Charity 12 Jun 2013
"The Retrospective" by A.B. Yehoshua is the final book in his Sephardic trilogy and explores the idea of Sephardic identity and culture in Israeli society. T...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books More Important Things 12 Jun 2013
Francesca Segal's novel "The Innocents" explores the complexities of Jewish life in North West London, focusing on protagonist Adam Newman's struggle between...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Athens or Sparta? 12 Jun 2013
The text discusses the author's personal experience of refusing reserve duty in the Israel Defense Forces during the First Intifada due to his objection to I...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books From Russia with Complications 12 Jun 2013
"The Million that Changed the Middle East: The Soviet Aliyah to Israel" by Lili Galili and Roman Bronfman Matar explores the significant impact of the Soviet...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Culture and Education in the Diaspora 12 Jun 2013
Hayim Greenberg, a prominent figure in Jewish intellectual circles, challenges the traditional Zionist narrative by emphasizing the importance of Jewish cult...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Talking Like That 12 Jun 2013
In "Talking Like That," linguist Sarah Bunin Benor explores the language of Orthodox Jews who have adopted traditional observance later in life and how they ...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books Romancing the Haskalah 12 Jun 2013
Olga Litvak's book, "Haskalah: The Romantic Movement in Judaism," challenges the conventional understanding of the Haskalah as a Jewish Enlightenment movemen...
12 Jun 2013
Jewish Review of Books No Joke 18 Mar 2013
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, was fascinated by Jewish jokes and incorporated them into his study on humor. He appreciated the wordplay and r...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Israel on the Hudson 18 Mar 2013
"City of Promises: A History of the Jews of New York" edited by Deborah Dash Moore, along with other contributing authors, explores the deep and complex rela...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2013 18 Mar 2013
In this series of letters from the Spring 2013 issue of a publication, several important discussions are summarized. Firstly, Henry Kissinger responds to Shl...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Famous Jews 18 Mar 2013
In "Jewhooing the Sixties: American Celebrity and Jewish Identity," the author David E. Kaufman examines the intersection of Jewish identity and celebrity th...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books From the Middle to the End 18 Mar 2013
"The Middlesteins" by Jami Attenberg is a light and engaging read that follows the lives of the Middlestein family. Edie, the matriarch, struggles with compu...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Jerusalem of the Balkans 18 Mar 2013
This article discusses the complex history of Salonica (Thessaloniki) and its Jewish community. The author describes the rise of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn par...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Brother Baruch 18 Mar 2013
In 1927, Hebrew University Professor Joseph Klausner attempted to symbolically rescind the excommunication of Baruch Spinoza, hailing him as a Jewish brother...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Chopped Herring and the Making of the American Kosher Certification System 18 Mar 2013
The article discusses a scandal in the American kosher certification system that occurred in 1986 involving the certification of vinegar used in Acme Chopped...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Middle Position 18 Mar 2013
This text discusses the role of Elliott Abrams, a senior director for Near Eastern and North African Affairs, in shaping US policy towards Israel and Palesti...
18 Mar 2013