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Jewish Review of Books The Ukrainian Question 15 Jun 2014
The text discusses the complex historical and contemporary role of Ukrainian Jews in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, highlighting their involvement ...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Shtetl Trap 15 Jun 2014
"The Shtetl Trap" by Jeffrey Shandler discusses the evolving ways in which Jews have used the concept of the shtetl, the Eastern European market town, as a s...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Killer Backdrop 15 Jun 2014
The prevalence of Holocaust fiction in the publishing industry has raised questions about the ethical and artistic considerations of depicting such a horrifi...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Heschel Transcendent 15 Jun 2014
"Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence" by Shai Held is a rational reconstruction of Heschel's thought, focusing on the idea of transcendence. He...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Improbables 15 Jun 2014
Molly Antopol's collection of short stories, "The UnAmericans", explores various characters and their experiences in different historical and cultural contex...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Something Was Missing 15 Jun 2014
Ruth Calderon's entrance into the Knesset sparked interest due to her unique inaugural speech, where she shared a Talmudic legend in its original Aramaic, hi...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Peace, Plan B 15 Jun 2014
The failure of Secretary of State John Kerry's peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians was hindered by issues such as Netanyahu's demand for recognit...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Nostalgia for the Numinous 15 Jun 2014
The text discusses the evolution of ideas on religion, atheism, and postmodernism, particularly through the analysis of Terry Eagleton's book "Culture and th...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books I’m Still Here 15 Jun 2014
"In the Illuminated Dark" is a collection of poetry by Israeli poet Tuvia Ruebner, dedicated to his sister who perished in the Holocaust. Ruebner's work refl...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Brief Kvetches: Notes to a 19th-Century Miracle Worker 15 Jun 2014
Rabbi Elijah Guttmacher, known as the Tzaddik of Grtz in 19th-century Eastern Europe, was a miracle worker who received thousands of petitions (kvitlekh) fro...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Tradition! Tradition! 15 Jun 2014
"Fiddler on the Roof" was initially expected to appeal only to Jewish nostalgia but ended up becoming a global phenomenon. Alisa Solomon's book, "Wonder of W...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Jewbird 15 Jun 2014
Saul Bellow's eulogy for Bernard Malamud highlights their shared immigrant backgrounds and American experiences, despite differing literary success. While Be...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Rallying Round the Flags 15 Jun 2014
During World War I, a significant number of Jews served in various armies, leading to instances of Jews fighting against fellow Jews. The story of a soldier ...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Haim Gouri at 90 15 Jun 2014
Haim Gouri, a prominent Israeli poet, celebrated his 90th birthday last year, with a gala event in Tel Aviv, his birth city, despite living in Jerusalem. Gou...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Missing Menachem 24 Mar 2014
Menachem Begin, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, faced early condemnation, even being compared to Hitler. However, his legacy has evolved, with differ...
24 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2014 5 Mar 2014
The Spring 2014 edition of Letters discusses a variety of topics. One reader reflects on the existence of an anti-Nazi spy network in Hollywood, questioning ...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books History, Memory, and the Fallen Jew 5 Mar 2014
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, a prominent Jewish historian, is reflected upon through the lens of his essays and writings, shedding light on his fascination with r...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books At Professor Bachlam’s 5 Mar 2014
S.Y. Agnon's novel "Shira" follows the story of Dr. Manfred Herbst, an anti-hero professor at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem during the 1930s, as he navi...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Are We All Khazars Now? 5 Mar 2014
Eran Elhaik's article on the Khazar ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews has garnered a lot of attention. Elhaik uses genetic data to argue that most contemporary Jews...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books A Stone for His Slingshot 5 Mar 2014
Ben Hecht, a renowned writer, delivered a captivating speech at a Los Angeles dinner funded by Mickey Cohen, a notorious gangland boss, as part of a Jewish f...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Good, The Bad, and The Unending 5 Mar 2014
The article discusses the film "The Monuments Men" directed by George Clooney, which tells the story of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program during...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Jokes and Justice 5 Mar 2014
The author shares a story about his Israeli roommate, Yoni, who served in the army and had a juvenile sense of humor. The author also mentions a documentary ...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Anti-Jewish Problem 5 Mar 2014
David Nirenberg's book, "The Anti-Jewish Problem," explores the ways in which Jewish questions have shaped the history of thought. He argues that Judaism is ...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Nation and Narrative 5 Mar 2014
Yossi Klein Halevi's book "Like Dreamers" tells the story of seven paratroopers who helped liberate Jerusalem in 1967 and follows their lives through the 197...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Life with S’chug 5 Mar 2014
Einat Admony's book "Balaboosta" shares a blend of Mediterranean recipes alongside personal stories of her life as a chef, mother, and wife in New York City,...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Dialectical Spirit 5 Mar 2014
This article discusses the contradictory views of Rabbi Abraham Isaac ha-Cohen Kook and his contemporary disciples, specifically in relation to their attitud...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Eden in a Distant Land 5 Mar 2014
This article discusses the history of Jewish newspapers and the cultural and political impact they had on the Jewish community in the United States during th...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Living Waters of History 5 Mar 2014
"The Mapmaker's Daughter" by Laurel Corona is a historical novel set in Spain during the 15th century, following the life of Amalia Riba, a converso girl wit...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Politics and Prophecy 5 Mar 2014
Ari Shavit's book "My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel" delves into his family history, experiences, and views on Israel, exploring the count...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Original Sins 5 Mar 2014
The book "Original Sins" by journalist John Judis is a critical examination of President Harry Truman's Middle Eastern policy and the history of Zionism. Jud...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Dangerous Liaisons: Modern Scholars and Medieval Relations Between Jews and Christians 5 Mar 2014
Salo Baron's 1942 article challenged the common narrative of Jewish suffering in medieval Europe, arguing that despite facing some discrimination, medieval J...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Our Master, May He Live 5 Mar 2014
Avraham Grossman's biography on Rashi, a pivotal figure in Jewish history, explores the life and works of the medieval commentator. Born in Troyes, France, R...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Cognitive Dissonance 6 Jan 2014
The text discusses the decline of Conservative Judaism and the factors contributing to it. It notes that the movement has failed to inspire congregants with ...
6 Jan 2014
Jewish Review of Books Living in the USA 11 Dec 2013
The text discusses the challenges facing Masorti/Conservative Judaism in America, emphasizing that the success of religious teachings is not solely determine...
11 Dec 2013
Jewish Review of Books Judaism’s Feminist Future 11 Dec 2013
The essay discusses the future of feminism in the Conservative movement of Judaism. The author argues that adherence to halakha (Jewish law) is not the sole ...
11 Dec 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Problem Is Not Ideological 11 Dec 2013
In response to concerns about the decline of American non-Orthodox Judaism following The Pew Research Center's report, Daniel Gordis' piece "Requiem for a Mo...
11 Dec 2013
Jewish Review of Books A Movement Strikes Back 11 Dec 2013
Various Jewish scholars and rabbis engage in a discussion responding to Daniel Gordis' critique of Conservative Judaism. The debate highlights the movement's...
11 Dec 2013
Jewish Review of Books Pew’s Jews: Religion Is (Still) the Key 25 Nov 2013
The Pew Research Center's study, "A Portrait of Jewish Americans," highlights a significant trend where a growing number of American Jews, particularly among...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Conservative Judaism: A Requiem 25 Nov 2013
The piece discusses the decline of Conservative Judaism within the broader American Jewish community as depicted in the Pew Research Center's data, highlight...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Devil You Know 25 Nov 2013
Anti-Semitism, though once forced underground post-1945, has resurged in recent years, often disguised and submerged. Analyzing over 14,000 emails and letter...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Wisdom and Wars 25 Nov 2013
This article discusses the author's personal experience with T.E. Lawrence's book, Seven Pillars of Wisdom. The author initially stole a copy of the book, bu...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2014 25 Nov 2013
The text discusses various aspects of Jewish observance and identity. It highlights concerns about the diminishing role of religion in Israeli society, the c...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Kashrut and Kugel: Franz Rosenzweig’s “The Builders” 25 Nov 2013
In a symposium on Jewish belief, Commentary Magazine highlighted the influence of Franz Rosenzweig, a German Jew whose essay "The Builders" provided a meanin...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Kafka at Bedtime 25 Nov 2013
"Kafka at Bedtime" discusses two recent works based on the writings of Franz Kafka. The first, "Philosophy and Kafka," is a collection of essays exploring Ka...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Forget Remembering 25 Nov 2013
"The Property" by Rutu Modan is a graphic novel that tells the story of a grandmother, Regina, and her granddaughter, Mica, who travel from Israel to Poland ...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hollywood and the Nazis 25 Nov 2013
The book "Jews in America" written in 1936 by The Editors of Fortune discusses the apprehensiveness of American Jews and the rise of fascism and anti-Semitis...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Hollywood’s Anti-Nazi Spies 25 Nov 2013
In the 1930s, prominent Jewish studio heads in Hollywood secretly funded informants to infiltrate Nazi groups in Los Angeles, working with law enforcement ag...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Salsa and Sociology 25 Nov 2013
The author reflects on their childhood theory that different types of Jews can be categorized based on the intensity of their religious practice, using a com...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Scaling the Internet 25 Nov 2013
On September 11, 2001, Akamai Technologies, a Cambridge-based company, faced a drastic surge in internet traffic following the terrorist attacks on the World...
25 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Bambi’s Jewish Roots 25 Nov 2013
Felix Salten, the author of the popular novel "Bambi," had Jewish roots and was involved in the Zionist movement. He was known for his criticism of hiding or...
25 Nov 2013