Daily Podcasts Video search
18forty headphones The Opportunity and Difficulty of Unity: On the Israel March 28 Nov 2023
The text seems to be a comment on a podcast episode titled "The Opportunity and Difficulty of Unity: On the Israel March." The commenter appreciates the podc...
28 Nov 2023
18forty headphones Doron Perez: Our Heart: One Child Married, One Child Missing 21 Nov 2023
Rabbi Doron Perez, executive chairman of the Mizrachi World Movement, shares his personal experience of having one son injured in a terrorist attack and anot...
21 Nov 2023
18forty headphones Doron Perez: Our Heart: One Child Married, One Child Missing 21 Nov 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Doron Perez, executive chairman of the Mizrachi World Movement, shares his personal experiences of having one s...
21 Nov 2023
18forty headphones Yosef Zvi Rimon: What Happens To Jewish Law During War? 14 Nov 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon and Rabbi Shmuel Ismach discuss the role of halacha (Jewish law) during times of war. They addr...
14 Nov 2023
18forty headphones Yosef Zvi Rimon: What Happens To Jewish Law During War? 14 Nov 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon discusses the role of Jewish law (halacha) during times of war. He emphasizes that the guidance...
14 Nov 2023
18forty headphones What Is Happening With Jewish Students and Antisemitism? 7 Nov 2023
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast features journalist Matti Friedman discussing the Israel-Hamas war and the misunderstandings surrounding it. The conversa...
7 Nov 2023
18forty headphones What Is Happening With Jewish Students and Antisemitism? 7 Nov 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, journalist Matti Friedman discusses the Israel-Hamas war and how it is misunderstood globally. The conversation also ...
7 Nov 2023
18forty headphones Daniel Statman: Can War Be Moral? On Moral Philosophy and War 31 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Daniel Statman, a philosophy professor at the University of Haifa, discusses the ethics of waging a moral war. He tal...
31 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Daniel Statman: Can War Be Moral? On Moral Philosophy and War 31 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, philosopher Daniel Statman discusses the morality of war, drawing from his work on revising the IDF's code of ethics....
31 Oct 2023
18forty headphones The Trauma of War: Mental Health Professionals in Israel 24 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, mental health professionals and others discuss the impact of war on mental health in Israel. The guests provide insig...
24 Oct 2023
18forty headphones The Trauma of War: Mental Health Professionals in Israel 24 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, various mental health professionals and individuals discuss the topic of mental health in Israel during times of war....
24 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Voices from Israel 17 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the voices of several individuals in Israel, including Naama, Tania Hammer, Gedalia Zemel, Rabbi Dov Fendel, and othe...
17 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Voices from Israel 17 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, various individuals from Israel, including Naama, Tania Hammer, Gedalia Zemel, Rabbi Dov Fendel, Rav Elyada Goldvicht...
17 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Reading Jewish History in the Parsha 11 Oct 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts introduce their new initiative called Reading Jewish History in the Parsha. Each week, David Bashevkin will...
11 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Reading Jewish History in the Parsha 11 Oct 2023
This podcast introduces a new initiative called "Reading Jewish History in the Parsha," which aims to encourage weekly Torah learning for the protection and ...
11 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Pray for Israel 9 Oct 2023
In times of horror and difficulty, the Jewish people turn to prayer for comfort and support. There are no words to fully describe the situation, but through ...
9 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Pray for Israel 9 Oct 2023
In this short text, the writer is expressing their heartfelt solidarity with the Jewish people during challenging times. They acknowledge the difficulty of f...
9 Oct 2023
18forty headphones Estrangement and Reconciliation: Teshuva for Our Relationships [Teshuva 5/5] 19 Sep 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, psychologist Dr. Joshua Coleman discusses familial estrangement and reconciliation. He explores strategies for famili...
19 Sep 2023
18forty headphones Estrangement and Reconciliation: Teshuva for Our Relationships [Teshuva 5/5] 19 Sep 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, psychologist Dr. Joshua Coleman discusses the complexities of familial estrangement and reconciliation. He is joined ...
19 Sep 2023
18forty headphones Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: The Majesty of Torah Study [Teshuva 4/5] 12 Sep 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig discusses the importance of returning to Torah study as a means of teshuva (repentance). He ...
12 Sep 2023
18forty headphones Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: The Majesty of Torah Study [Teshuva 4/5] 12 Sep 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig discusses the importance of Torah study and its role in the process of teshuva (repentance)....
12 Sep 2023
18forty headphones Infidelity: Consequences and Aftermath [Teshuva 3/5] 5 Sep 2023
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast focuses on the topic of infidelity and its consequences. The anonymous guest shares their experiences and struggles with ...
5 Sep 2023
18forty headphones Infidelity: Consequences and Aftermath [Teshuva 3/5] 5 Sep 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the anonymous guest discusses the consequences and aftermath of infidelity. They explore topics such as saving a rela...
5 Sep 2023
18forty headphones Martha Minow: When Law Should Forgive: On the Limitations of Teshuva [Teshuva 2/5] 29 Aug 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, legal scholar Martha Minow discusses forgiveness, law, and the limitations of teshuva (repentance). The conversation ...
29 Aug 2023
18forty headphones Martha Minow: When Law Should Forgive: On the Limitations of Teshuva [Teshuva 2/5] 29 Aug 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, legal scholar Martha Minow discusses the limitations of teshuva (repentance) and the role of forgiveness in law and h...
29 Aug 2023
18forty headphones Rav Daniel Kalish: The Song of Teshuva [Teshuva 1/5] 22 Aug 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Daniel Kalish discusses how individuals can forge their own path of religious commitment with the right help. H...
22 Aug 2023
18forty headphones Rav Daniel Kalish: The Song of Teshuva [Teshuva 1/5] 22 Aug 2023
In this episode of the18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Daniel Kalish discusses how each individual can forge their own path of religious commitment with the right help...
22 Aug 2023
18forty headphones 'Everything About Her Was Worth It': The Life of Yakira Leeba Schwartz A"H 25 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Sara and Avi Schwartz discuss the life and loss of their daughter, Yakira Leeba Schwartz, who had muscular dystrophy....
25 Jul 2023
18forty headphones 'Everything About Her Was Worth It': The Life of Yakira Leeba Schwartz A"H 25 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Sara and Avi Schwartz share the story of their daughter Yakira Leeba Schwartz, who passed away. They discuss Yakira's...
25 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Yisroel Besser: How To Share Jewish Stories [Books II 4/4] 18 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Yisroel Besser, a renowned author and journalist, discusses the art of sharing Jewish stories. Besser, who has writte...
18 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Yisroel Besser: How To Share Jewish Stories [Books II 4/4] 18 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the author and journalist Yisroel Besser shares insights on how to share Jewish stories. Yisroel, known for his biogr...
18 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Dara Horn: On Jewish Fiction and Non-Jewish Fiction [Books II 3/4] 11 Jul 2023
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast features Dara Horn, a prominent Jewish writer, discussing how fiction and non-fiction can shape our perception of fellow ...
11 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Dara Horn: On Jewish Fiction and Non-Jewish Fiction [Books II 3/4] 11 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dara Horn, a leading contemporary Jewish writer, discusses the role of fiction and non-fiction in shaping our underst...
11 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Sarah Hurwitz and Alex Edelman: On Introducing Judaism [Books II 2/4] 4 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, comedian Alex Edelman and former White House speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz discuss how to introduce Judaism to people in...
4 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Sarah Hurwitz and Alex Edelman: On Introducing Judaism [Books II 2/4] 4 Jul 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, comedian Alex Edelman and former White House speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz discuss how to introduce people to a Judaism ...
4 Jul 2023
18forty headphones Josh Foer: How Can You Make a Digital Library for All? [Books II 1/4] 27 Jun 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Joshua Foer, co-founder of Sefaria, discusses the creation of a comprehensive digital library for Jewish texts. Befor...
27 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Josh Foer: How Can You Make a Digital Library for All? [Books II 1/4] 27 Jun 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Joshua Foer, co-founder of Sefaria, discusses the creation of the revolutionary digital Jewish library. Foer explains...
27 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Dov Singer: Living a Prayerful Life [Prayer & Humanity 5/5] 20 Jun 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dov Singer, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Mekor Chaim, discusses the power of prayer and how it can bring clarity to our l...
20 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Dov Singer: Living a Prayerful Life [Prayer & Humanity 5/5] 20 Jun 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Dov Singer discusses how prayer can bring clarity to the essentials of our existence. He emphasizes the importa...
20 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Debbie Stone: Can Prayer Be Taught? [Prayer & Humanity 4/5] 13 Jun 2023
In this article, Debbie Stone explores the question of whether prayer can be taught. Stone considered the perspectives of different Jewish educators and scho...
13 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Debbie Stone: Can Prayer Be Taught? [Prayer & Humanity 4/5] 13 Jun 2023
Debbie Stone explores the question of whether prayer can be taught in her article. She discusses the challenges that international students face, particularl...
13 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Moshe Koppel: Artificial Intelligence and Torah [Prayer & Humanity 3/5] 5 Jun 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, computer scientist and Talmud scholar Moshe Koppel discusses the intersection of Torah and artificial intelligence (A...
5 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Moshe Koppel: Artificial Intelligence and Torah [Prayer & Humanity 3/5] 5 Jun 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, computer scientist and Talmud scholar Moshe Koppel discusses the intersection of Torah and artificial intelligence (A...
5 Jun 2023
18forty headphones Dovid'l Weinberg: The Song of Prayer [Prayer & Humanity 2/5] 29 May 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dovid'l Weinberg discusses the various modes and levels of prayer. He explores the relationship between creation and ...
29 May 2023
18forty headphones Dovid'l Weinberg: The Song of Prayer [Prayer & Humanity 2/5] 29 May 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Dovid'l Weinberg discusses the various modes and levels of prayer. He highlights the importance of prayer as a ...
29 May 2023
18forty headphones Dovid'l Weinberg: The Song of Prayer [Prayer & Humanity 2/5] 29 May 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Dovid'l Weinberg discusses the various modes and levels of prayer. He explains how prayer serves as a bridge be...
29 May 2023
18forty headphones Samuel Lebens: The Hard Problem of Prayer [Prayer & Humanity 1/5] 23 May 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Samuel Lebens, a philosophy professor, rabbi, and Jewish educator, discusses the nature of consciousness and its rela...
23 May 2023
18forty headphones Samuel Lebens: The Hard Problem of Prayer [Prayer & Humanity 1/5] 23 May 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Samuel Lebens, a philosophy professor, rabbi, and Jewish educator, discusses the nature of consciousness and its rela...
23 May 2023
18forty headphones The How and Why of Moving to Israel [Zionism 4/4] 15 May 2023
This podcast episode explores the practical factors involved in moving to Israel, known as aliyah. Various guests share their experiences and shed light on t...
15 May 2023
18forty headphones The How and Why of Moving to Israel [Zionism 4/4] 15 May 2023
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, guests discuss the practical aspects of moving to Israel, known as aliyah. The guests, including Serena Benovitz, Cha...
15 May 2023