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For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – The Mood 20 Nov 2023
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the aftermath of the recent war in Gaza and the surprising support among Israelis for renewing Jewish settleme...
20 Nov 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – Shifa 16 Nov 2023
The IDF's takeover of Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital amid the broader conflict sparks debate around the hospital's symbolic significance. Some view it as emblemati...
16 Nov 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – A State of All Its Citizens 13 Nov 2023
The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has led to scrutiny and even punishment of Israel's Arab-Palestinian minority for mourning their kin in Gaza, as discussed by Do...
13 Nov 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – The Morning After 9 Nov 2023
The escalating Israeli military response to Hamas prompts Israelis to think about rebuilding and healing post-war, as well as the implications of an end to H...
9 Nov 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" 6 Nov 2023
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the controversial slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free" commonly heard in Palestinian sol...
6 Nov 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — The Sword of Damocles 2 Nov 2023
Amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, Israelis are living under the constant threat of violence, grappling with the dual objectives of elimin...
2 Nov 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — Our Leadership Void 30 Oct 2023
In a discussion on the leadership void in Israel during times of conflict, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi analyze Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's...
30 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — There is No Justification. But..? 26 Oct 2023
UN Secretary-General Guterres condemned terror attacks in the Israel-Hamas war, called for a ceasefire, and demanded the immediate release of hostages. Howev...
26 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — Into the Unknown 23 Oct 2023
As Israel considers a ground invasion into Gaza during its war with Hamas, there are concerns about the potential consequences, such as drawing in Hezbollah,...
23 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — The Hospital 19 Oct 2023
The text discusses a recent blast at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza that was caused by a misfired rocket from the Islamic Jihad, leading to deaths among Pales...
19 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — Moral Red Lines 16 Oct 2023
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi reflect on the concept of moral red lines in the context of Israel's ongoing war, questioning whether such lines exist...
16 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — Day Five — Evil 12 Oct 2023
As the conflict in Israel escalates, the death toll rises, prompting reflections on the nature of evil. Amid the ongoing violence, US President Biden condemn...
12 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War — Day Three — How Did This Happen? 9 Oct 2023
Israel is currently facing a war following a devastating attack by Hamas on October 7. The attack resulted in numerous casualties, injuries, and captives amo...
9 Oct 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Could the Saudis be the Gamechangers? 27 Sep 2023
The article discusses the potential for a formal alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, considering the historical Arab stance against Israel and recent g...
27 Sep 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Farewell, 5783 13 Sep 2023
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the challenges of the past year in Israeli history, reflecting on Jewish theology and psyche that influenced i...
13 Sep 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The IDF's Crisis of Unity 30 Aug 2023
The IDF, long seen as a unifying force in Israeli society, is facing a crisis of unity amid challenges such as opposition by reservists to government plans a...
30 Aug 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The IDF's Crisis of Unity 30 Aug 2023
The article discusses the current crisis of unity within the IDF, the people's army of Israel. Traditionally viewed as a beloved and trusted institution repr...
30 Aug 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Under the Shadow of Unreasonableness 27 Jul 2023
The Knesset recently passed a bill limiting the Supreme Court's power to overturn government decisions based on their reasonableness, despite opposition from...
27 Jul 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Under the Shadow of Unreasonableness 27 Jul 2023
The Knesset recently passed a bill that removes the Supreme Court's power to overturn government decisions based on their reasonability. Despite opposition f...
27 Jul 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The Reasonableness Clause 19 Jul 2023
This article discusses the ongoing protests in Israel against a proposed judicial overhaul. The protesters are concerned about potential amendments to the re...
19 Jul 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The Reasonableness Clause 19 Jul 2023
On the 28th consecutive week of protests against a proposed judicial overhaul in Israel, supporters, including Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana...
19 Jul 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Who are Israel's Settlers? 5 Jul 2023
In this discussion, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain delve into the subject of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Settlers are a pro...
5 Jul 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Who are Israel's Settlers? 5 Jul 2023
Israel's settlers in the West Bank hold significant influence in Israeli politics and global affairs. Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Ha...
5 Jul 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The No-Longer Silent Majority 21 Jun 2023
In this article, the authors discuss the recent protest movement in Israel and the challenge of sustaining its momentum. They explore the possibility of leve...
21 Jun 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The No-Longer Silent Majority 21 Jun 2023
After prolonged weekly protests in Israel, concerns about protest fatigue arise. Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the potent...
21 Jun 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The Rise of Haredi Power 7 Jun 2023
Israel's Haredi community has experienced a significant increase in power and influence, moving from the political periphery to the center of Israeli public ...
7 Jun 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones The Rise of Haredi Power 7 Jun 2023
In recent years, Israel's Haredi community has shifted from the political margins to a position of significant power and influence, sparking debates about it...
7 Jun 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Can Zionists Speak about the Nakba? 24 May 2023
The discussion explores whether Zionists can address the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, while also upholding Israel's legitimacy. There is a per...
24 May 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Can Zionists Speak about the Nakba? 24 May 2023
In this article, the authors discuss the dilemma faced by Zionists when it comes to acknowledging the Nakba, or "catastrophe," referring to the displacement ...
24 May 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Religious Zionism and Judicial Reform 10 May 2023
The religious Zionist community, comprising 10% of Israel's population, is becoming increasingly influential and is transitioning from a focus on security an...
10 May 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Religious Zionism and Judicial Reform 10 May 2023
In this text, the authors discuss the evolving nature of the religious Zionist demographic in Israel. While this group historically focused on security, terr...
10 May 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Reflections on Israel at 75 26 Apr 2023
As Israel approaches its 75th anniversary, there is anxiety in Israeli society about the potential impact of judicial reform on democracy and the unity of a ...
26 Apr 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Reflections on Israel at 75 26 Apr 2023
As Israel approaches its 75th anniversary, many Israelis are feeling anxious about the future. They are concerned about the potential impact of judicial refo...
26 Apr 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Funding an Israel We Disagree With? 19 Apr 2023
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the complexities of funding from Jews in the Diaspora for Israel and question if there are situations where su...
19 Apr 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Funding an Israel We Disagree With? 19 Apr 2023
In this discussion between Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi, the question of whether funding from Jews in the Diaspora is problematic is explored. The ...
19 Apr 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones What Happens Next? 29 Mar 2023
The recent massive protests in Israel have caused Netanyahu's government to halt its judicial reform plans temporarily. Questions arise about the trustworthi...
29 Mar 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones What Happens Next? 29 Mar 2023
The recent protests in Israel have led to a pause in the government's judicial reform, raising questions about whether the current government can be trusted ...
29 Mar 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones On the Verge of a Constitutional Crisis 15 Mar 2023
President Herzog recently urged the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and engage in talks with the opposition to avert a constit...
15 Mar 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones On the Verge of a Constitutional Crisis 15 Mar 2023
President Herzog has called on the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and resume discussions with the opposition, but the governm...
15 Mar 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones A Pogrom in Huwara 2 Mar 2023
The recent events in the West Bank town of Huwara, where two Israeli brothers were shot and killed by a gunman, have sparked a violent response from Jewish s...
2 Mar 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones A Pogrom in Huwara 2 Mar 2023
Recently, in the town of Huwara in the West Bank, two Israeli brothers were fatally shot by a gunman, leading to a violent rampage by Jewish settlers who des...
2 Mar 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones "Israel Is Too Important to Leave to Israelis" 15 Feb 2023
In an open letter by Yossi Klein Halevi, Matti Friedman, and Daniel Gordis, the question is raised whether Diaspora Jews should engage in Israel's internal d...
15 Feb 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones "Israel Is Too Important to Leave to Israelis" 15 Feb 2023
In this article, Yossi Klein Halevi, Matti Friedman, and Daniel Gordis argue that Diaspora Jews should be involved in Israel's internal debates. They discuss...
15 Feb 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones How Can We Talk About the Conflict Now? 1 Feb 2023
The authors discuss the recent violent events in Israel, including a deadly terrorist attack at a synagogue, and the political atmosphere surrounding the Isr...
1 Feb 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones How Can We Talk About the Conflict Now? 1 Feb 2023
The recent escalation of violence, notably a deadly terrorist attack in Neve Yaakov, coincides with a political climate where Netanyahu's government opposes ...
1 Feb 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Between Civil Disobedience and Civil War 20 Jan 2023
In this episode, Jewish scholars Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the implications of Prime Minister Netanyahu's plans to we...
20 Jan 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Between Civil Disobedience and Civil War 20 Jan 2023
The text discusses the potential consequences of opposing Netanyahu's plans to weaken the independence of the judiciary in Israel, raising concerns about a p...
20 Jan 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Lovers of Israel, Take a Stand! 5 Jan 2023
In this article, the authors highlight the struggle that North American Jews face in reconciling their love and commitment to Israel with the increasingly an...
5 Jan 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Lovers of Israel, Take a Stand! 5 Jan 2023
In a discussion about the relationship between North American Jews and Israel, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain delve into the chall...
5 Jan 2023
For Heaven's Sake headphones Responding to Israel's New Reality 14 Dec 2022
In light of Israel's new government led by Netanyahu in collaboration with ultra-orthodox and ultra-nationalist partners, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi...
14 Dec 2022