Future of Jewish An Astonishing Story: The Unlikely Hero Who Birthed Israel's Air Force 2 Jun
Michael Oren shares the remarkable story of Lou Lenart, an American Zionist and World War II veteran instrumental in the birth of Israel's air force. Despite...
2 Jun
Future of Jewish The Nasty Lies That Politicians Spread About Israel 2 Jun
The text discusses President Joe Biden's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, criticizing his perceived lies and political motivations. It arg...
2 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 1 Jun
Future of Jewish is a digital publication dedicated to providing inspiration, education, and connection about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. They aim...
1 Jun
Future of Jewish Israel must step into the role that America once occupied. 1 Jun
The essay discusses the connection between Judaism, Zionism, and the Jewish people's historical and biblical ties to the land of Israel. It explores the root...
1 Jun
Future of Jewish But we are *not* Jew-haters, they insist. 31 May
This essay discusses a fictional but realistic panel discussion at a pro-Hamas rally in Canada, where attendees express views on the Israel-Hamas conflict. T...
31 May
Future of Jewish Why Iran Hates the Jewish State of Israel 31 May
Iran's animosity towards Israel has evolved over time, with historical ties once existing between the two countries post-Israel's establishment. However, the...
31 May
Future of Jewish Dead Palestinians? Blame yourself. 30 May
The essay emphasizes the need to understand the fundamental moral differences and intentions between Israel and Hamas in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It...
30 May
Future of Jewish What They Don’t Teach You When You Move to Israel 30 May
The text discusses personal experiences of moving to Israel, highlighting unexpected lessons learned upon arrival, such as dealing with security concerns lik...
30 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 29 May
Joshua Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a free digital publication focusing on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks support to continue provid...
29 May
Future of Jewish The (Shameful) Privilege of Being 'Anti-War' 29 May
The essay explores the complex concept of being "anti-war," emphasizing the paradoxical nature of absolute pacifism in a world where violence and warfare hav...
29 May
Future of Jewish This is the 'wrong kind' of antisemitism. 28 May
Malik Akram, a 44-year-old armed with a pistol, held Rabbi Cytron Walker and three others hostage in a Texas synagogue, demanding the release of convicted te...
28 May
Future of Jewish Heartbreak and Heroism: My Unforgettable Encounter With Wounded Israeli Soldiers 28 May
Laura Cowan, a designer of high-end Judaica, shares her firsthand experience visiting injured Israeli soldiers at Sheba Tel-HaShomer Medical Centre after Ham...
28 May
Future of Jewish Israel's Most Popular Wartime Saying: The Backstory 27 May
The essay discusses the origins of the popular wartime saying "Am Yisrael Chai" (The People of Israel Live) which was written by Shlomo Carlebach in the mid-...
27 May
Future of Jewish How to Talk With Pro-Palestinians: A Guide 27 May
The text provides a satirical and tongue-in-cheek guide on how to engage in conversations with individuals who are pro-Palestinian, offering strategies for n...
27 May
Future of Jewish Decades of Denial: How Islamists Are Winning the War Against Western Values 26 May
The essay discusses how some Western organizations, including Jewish Voice for Peace, openly support terrorism, such as honoring convicted terrorists like Ra...
26 May
Future of Jewish 'International Law' is irrelevant to the Jewish People's survival. 26 May
The text discusses how international law and institutions, such as the International Court of Justice, are deemed irrelevant and even harmful to Israel and t...
26 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 25 May
Joshua Hoffman, on behalf of Future of Jewish, a free digital publication aiming to enhance understanding of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks sup...
25 May
Future of Jewish The West's Silly Obsession With the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 25 May
The text discusses the Western obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the belief in the Two-State Solution as the ultimate goal for pe...
25 May
Future of Jewish Antisemitism? Blame the Jews! 24 May
The essay discusses the rise of antisemitism globally and its deep-rooted historical patterns, highlighting how blaming Jews for their own persecution is a c...
24 May
Future of Jewish The children in Gaza are not the only ones who matter. 24 May
This text discusses the importance of recognizing and supporting the safety of children in Israel amidst conflicts with Hamas in Gaza. It highlights the need...
24 May
Future of Jewish Dear Palestinians, everybody’s grandparents lost something. Get over it. 23 May
The text emphasizes the moral objectionability of the anti-Israel movement, highlighting its aim to dismantle Zionism and dehumanize Jewish people. It challe...
23 May
Future of Jewish Israeli-Saudi normalization is a ridiculous charade, at least for now. 23 May
Israeli-Saudi normalization is currently viewed as a charade by many in Israel, with the U.S. pushing for this shift in relations as part of a larger strateg...
23 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 22 May
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, is on a mission to enhance understanding of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world by offering free access to content...
22 May
Future of Jewish I admit: A tragedy is unfolding in Gaza. 22 May
The discussion in "A Tragedy is Unfolding in Gaza" acknowledges the destruction and suffering in Gaza resulting from Israeli responses to terror attacks. Des...
22 May
Future of Jewish Will we know when it is time to leave Israel? 21 May
Rabbi Mishael Zion reflects on the idea of when it might be time to leave Israel amidst ongoing security concerns, expressing a deep commitment to the countr...
21 May
Future of Jewish The Palestinians do not want your two-state solution. 21 May
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex, rooted in historical, ideological, and geopolitical factors. The conflict is not just about land but involves na...
21 May
Future of Jewish The Mainstream Media's Anti-Israel Obsession 20 May
The essay discusses the mainstream media's alleged anti-Israel bias, particularly in its coverage of legal actions against Israel, such as investigations by ...
20 May
Future of Jewish You Might Be Antisemitic: A Handy Guide for the Aspiring Anti-Zionist 20 May
The essay "You Might Be Antisemitic: A Handy Guide for the Aspiring Anti-Zionist" explores the blurred line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, highlighti...
20 May
Future of Jewish The ovens of Auschwitz are still warm. 19 May
The essay by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador, argues that the legacy of the Holocaust continues through the persistent antisemitism that dehumanize...
19 May
Future of Jewish The (Incomplete) List of Blatant Lies About Israel 19 May
Israel, often a target of misinformation and propaganda, faces numerous false claims. Some persistent lies include labeling Israel as an apartheid state, com...
19 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 18 May
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to educate and inspire individuals about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, offering free access to all. Th...
18 May
Future of Jewish The Merger of Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism 18 May
The essay discusses the merger of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, highlighting the historical divide between the two but noting their convergence in contempor...
18 May
Future of Jewish There is no 'progressive' case for the Palestinians. 17 May
The essay argues that there is no progressive case for Palestinians due to the unprogressive nature of the Palestinian movement, which is depicted as violent...
17 May
Future of Jewish How the Israeli Hostages Became an Afterthought 17 May
The text discusses how the hostage situation involving Palestinian terrorists abducting Israelis quickly became overshadowed by biased international messagin...
17 May
Future of Jewish Diaspora Jews face pitiful political decisions. 16 May
The essay discusses the challenging political decisions facing Diaspora Jews, particularly in the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and France. It h...
16 May
Future of Jewish The Real Reasons Behind Gaza's Massive Child Population 16 May
The article discusses the high child population in Gaza, where children make up nearly half of the population, a trend influenced by religious beliefs and hi...
16 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 15 May
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, now offers free access to its content aiming to educate and connect people worldwide with Judaism, Israel, and the J...
15 May
Future of Jewish What an Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Would Mean Right Now 15 May
The article discusses the implications of an Israel-Hamas ceasefire, highlighting concerns about Hamas remaining in power and posing threats to both Palestin...
15 May
Future of Jewish The Essence of the Jewish Soul 14 May
The essence of the Jewish soul is captured in the refusal to assimilate fully into other cultures, a deep commitment to tradition, and a profound grief for t...
14 May
Future of Jewish What Israel Urgently Needs for Its 76th Birthday 14 May
On Israel's 76th Independence Day, the country faces a significant dilemma of dependency on U.S. military aid, which has led to compromising its autonomy and...
14 May
Future of Jewish Trying to Save the Jewish State From Itself 13 May
The text discusses the Rivon movement in Israel, aimed at promoting a more cohesive, inclusive, and respectful public discourse to address internal strife wi...
13 May
Future of Jewish Israel is one of the only countries with two memorial days. 13 May
Israel is one of the few countries with two official memorial days: Yom HaShoah for the Holocaust and Yom HaZikaron for fallen soldiers and terrorism victims...
13 May
Future of Jewish In Israel, 2024 is still about 1948. 12 May
The essay discusses how the events of 1948 in Israel are still deeply relevant in 2024, particularly on university campuses where anti-Israel sentiments prev...
12 May
Future of Jewish Rabbi Linda's Hilarious Invitation to Speak on the 'Morality of Intifada' 12 May
In a satirical piece by Future of Jewish, various events in the Jewish world are highlighted, such as misleading news alerts regarding Hamas accepting a ceas...
12 May
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 11 May
Future of Jewish is a digital publication with a mission to provide insight and education about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. Started in October, th...
11 May
Future of Jewish An Open Letter to the Jewish People 11 May
The open letter urges Jewish people to be courageous like the Maccabees and fight against enemies, arguing that Palestinians have no legal claim to Israel an...
11 May
Future of Jewish The Great Betrayal of Israel 10 May
The text describes U.S. President Joe Biden's withholding of military aid from Israel during a conflict with Hamas in 2023, citing differences in military st...
10 May
Future of Jewish When will the Jews wake up? 10 May
The text discusses the need for Jews to be aware of rising antisemitism and to consider historical precedents beyond the Holocaust, including periods like th...
10 May
Future of Jewish Why Jews as 'The Chosen People' Drives Bigots Crazy 9 May
The essay discusses how the concept of Jews as the "Chosen People" often triggers bigotry and anti-Semitism. It clarifies that this notion does not imply Jew...
9 May
Future of Jewish Biden and Bibi: A Political Dumpster Fire 9 May
U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have faced criticism for their seemingly contradictory statements regarding Israel's a...
9 May