Daily Podcasts Video search
Tablet Zionism: The Tablet Guide 19 Apr 2023
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, a book titled "Zionism: The Tablet Guide" is being released. The book includes...
19 Apr 2023
Tablet Leaker, Whistleblower, Racist, Spy 19 Apr 2023
The arrest of a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman for leaking classified information has sparked debate over whether he is a whistleblower or an enemy of th...
19 Apr 2023
Tablet Eight Days 18 Apr 2023
This poem, titled "Eight Days," tells the story of a woman in a ghetto during the Holocaust who gives birth to a baby boy. Despite the dire circumstances and...
18 Apr 2023
Tablet Atheists in Foxholes 18 Apr 2023
The Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF) is a group that advocates for the rights of nontheist and atheist service members in the militar...
18 Apr 2023
Tablet Malines 18 Apr 2023
This text discusses the hideouts known as "malines" that were created in the Vilna Ghetto during the Holocaust. The poet Abraham Sutzkever, who lived in the ...
18 Apr 2023
Tablet Portraits of Hope and Resilience 17 Apr 2023
"Invited to Life: Finding Hope After the Holocaust" by B.A. Van Sise is a book that shares the stories and portraits of 90 Holocaust survivors. Van Sise bega...
17 Apr 2023
Tablet The Gate Out of Paradise 17 Apr 2023
Victoria Redel's poetry collection, "Paradise," offers a rich exploration of human experiences, ranging from eros to grief, Spinoza to diaspora. The collecti...
17 Apr 2023
Tablet Missing but Wanted: Children 17 Apr 2023
The text argues that despite the emphasis on global warming as the most important problem, the fertility growth rate in the US and Europe has collapsed, posi...
17 Apr 2023
Tablet High-stakes Poetry 14 Apr 2023
Rivke Basman Ben-Hayim, the last living Yiddish poet of her generation, passed away in March 2023 at the age of 98. She was a survivor of the Vilne Ghetto an...
14 Apr 2023
Tablet Holding Steady at Twenty 14 Apr 2023
The Hold Steady, known for their storytelling and creating mythologies in their punk music, have released their latest album, "The Price of Progress." The al...
14 Apr 2023
Tablet The Long Goodbye 14 Apr 2023
The text discusses the writings of essayist Andrea Long Chu, who gained attention for her essays on topics such as transitioning and femininity. The author a...
14 Apr 2023
Tablet Exploring ‘The Archive’ 13 Apr 2023
Unorthodox, a podcast, has started a new segment called "The Archive," where host Liel Leibovitz visits the National Library of Israel and talks with curator...
13 Apr 2023
Tablet The Meaning of Life 11 Apr 2023
The article discusses Rabbi Ari Berman's book, "The Final Exam," which addresses the challenge of teaching young Jews about both Torah and universal values. ...
11 Apr 2023
Tablet Free Evan Gershkovich 11 Apr 2023
American journalist Evan Gershkovich has been detained in Russia and is facing accusations of espionage, which could result in a 20-year prison sentence. Ger...
11 Apr 2023
Tablet America’s Censorship Regime Goes on Trial 11 Apr 2023
The article discusses the issue of censorship on social media platforms in the United States. It presents two cases as examples: a father who lost his son af...
11 Apr 2023
Tablet Poems for Taxi Drivers 10 Apr 2023
Today in the Taxi is a poetry collection by Sean Singer that won the Jewish Book Award. The poems, narrated by a cab driver, blend storytelling and reflectio...
10 Apr 2023
Tablet The Odd Knight of the Cinnamon Shops 10 Apr 2023
Benjamin Balint's book, "Bruno Schulz: An Artist, a Murder, and the Hijacking of History," explores the life and death of Bruno Schulz, a writer, artist, and...
10 Apr 2023
Tablet A Russian Passover 10 Apr 2023
In this article, a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi reflects on the challenges faced by Jews in former Soviet countries, particularly in Ukraine and Russia. While anti...
10 Apr 2023
Tablet Hard-boiled History 5 Apr 2023
This article explores the historical and cultural significance of eggs in Jewish cuisine. Eggs have been an important part of the Jewish diet since Talmudic ...
5 Apr 2023
Tablet The Holy Grail of Grail Stories 5 Apr 2023
The Holy Grail has become a widely recognized symbol, even though it does not appear in the Christian Bible and there is no genuine cult around it. The origi...
5 Apr 2023
Tablet Pharaoh Xi 5 Apr 2023
The article discusses the plight of the Uyghur people in China and their struggle to preserve their culture, language, and identity in the face of Chinese go...
5 Apr 2023
Tablet Into This Clearing 5 Apr 2023
The narrator of the story recounts a conversation with their mother about their dying grandmother. The mother expresses ambivalent feelings about calling the...
5 Apr 2023
Tablet The Darkness of Charoset 4 Apr 2023
This article explores the significance of charoset, a staple of the Passover Seder, and the personal journey of the author in attempting to recreate their gr...
4 Apr 2023
Tablet Leonardo da Vinci Was Jewish 4 Apr 2023
A new book by historian Carlo Vecce suggests that Leonardo da Vinci's mother, Caterina, was a Circassian Jew who was abducted as a teenager and sold as a sex...
4 Apr 2023
Tablet From ‘Poems in Plague Time’ 3 Apr 2023
In these poems, the author reflects on the passing of time during a plague and the rituals they engage in. They describe the experience of being confined to ...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet The Case for Free Jewish Day School 3 Apr 2023
The author reflects on their experience as a day school parent and argues for the idea that Jewish day schools should be free or more affordable. They highli...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet Take Our Quiz 3 Apr 2023
A new survey sponsored by the Keren Keshet Foundation has found that American Jews can be categorized into four groups based on their Jewish identity and com...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet The Four Children 3 Apr 2023
A new survey sponsored by the Keren Keshet Foundation reveals that American Jews are showing new trends in their engagement with Jewish identity. While the n...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet Aliens 3 Apr 2023
The author expresses his frustration with American Jewish institutions that fail to provide an engaging and meaningful community. He shares his experiences o...
3 Apr 2023
Tablet On European Intellectuals, Anti-Americanism, and Judith Butler 1 Apr 2023
The author, Eric Marty, responds to a previous article that characterized him as an anti-American academic. He clarifies that his book quotes Judith Butler's...
1 Apr 2023
Tablet From Bourbon to Bagels in Kentucky 31 Mar 2023
Jews have been present in Kentucky since the 1800s and have played a significant role in the bourbon industry. Early Jewish immigrants founded organizations ...
31 Mar 2023
Tablet America’s Favorite Prophet 31 Mar 2023
The article discusses the figure of Elijah in American political and cultural history. Elijah, the biblical prophet, has been invoked by various figures thro...
31 Mar 2023
Tablet Isaac’s War 31 Mar 2023
Isaac Rosenberg, an English-born son of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, was a talented artist and poet who served in the British Army during World War I. Despi...
31 Mar 2023
Tablet Rock the Bush 31 Mar 2023
Live at Bush Hall is the latest release from the British band Black Country, New Road, and serves as a great introduction to the band's new stage of their ca...
31 Mar 2023
Tablet By a Hair 30 Mar 2023
The author shares their personal experience of dealing with white hair and the insecurities it brought them. They reflect on the Tractate Nazir, which discus...
30 Mar 2023
Tablet Iran and Persia 29 Mar 2023
This article discusses the importance of the name "Persia" in relation to Iran. The author reflects on a conversation they had with an Iranian actress about ...
29 Mar 2023
Tablet A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century 29 Mar 2023
The text discusses the phenomenon of disinformation and the government's response to it in the United States. It begins by comparing the accusations of Russi...
29 Mar 2023
Tablet The Russo-Ukrainian War Through a Historian’s Eyes 29 Mar 2023
The Russo-Ukrainian War has deep historical roots and is influenced by conflicting narratives about the region's history. The area that is now Ukraine has be...
29 Mar 2023
Tablet Disinfo Dictionary 28 Mar 2023
The "Disinfo Dictionary" provides brief descriptions of various terms related to disinformation, censorship, and government control over media and informatio...
28 Mar 2023
Tablet Supersized Seders 28 Mar 2023
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, Thailand's chief rabbi and head Chabad-Lubavitch emissary, organizes supersized Seders in Thailand to accommodate the large number ...
28 Mar 2023
Tablet America’s Original Bestselling Haggadah 28 Mar 2023
Published in 1904, Mrs. Philip Cowen's "The Seder Service for Passover Eve in the Home" quickly became a popular and bestselling Haggadah in America, selling...
28 Mar 2023
Tablet The Disappearing of a Great American Novel 27 Mar 2023
In this article, the author discusses a novel called "Crazy Sorrow" that they believe is one of the most beautifully written and American novels of the last ...
27 Mar 2023
Tablet Sounds of the Seder 27 Mar 2023
The article discusses the sound and atmosphere of the Passover Seder, comparing it to the Christmas season. It highlights a comedy sketch from the 1970s that...
27 Mar 2023
Tablet The Inner Life of Gender 27 Mar 2023
The article discusses the concept of gender and its ideological implications. It explores how gender has become a prominent aspect of identity and how it is ...
27 Mar 2023
Tablet Shabbos by the Sea 24 Mar 2023
The author recounts his experience of observing Shabbat while on vacation in Florida. Despite the long walk to the local synagogue, he finds joy and contentm...
24 Mar 2023
Tablet Were ‘Ordinary Poles’ Perpetrators of the Holocaust? 24 Mar 2023
The article discusses the changing perspective among historians on the role of ordinary Poles in the Holocaust. Previously seen as bystanders or victims, rec...
24 Mar 2023
Tablet Cover Your Ears 24 Mar 2023
The early 2000s saw a shift in the music industry, with the emergence of iTunes and smartphones. During this time, ring-tone rap, also known as snap rap, bec...
24 Mar 2023
Tablet Literary Phenom Flames Out 23 Mar 2023
The article criticizes the novel "The World and All That It Holds" by Aleksandar Hemon, calling it disappointing and lacking in substance. The author suggest...
23 Mar 2023
Tablet The Joys of Garlic 23 Mar 2023
Garlic has a long history in Jewish cuisine and culture. In the Talmud, it was recommended as an aphrodisiac and as a way to create a romantic atmosphere dur...
23 Mar 2023
Tablet Passover FAQ 23 Mar 2023
Passover is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. It is observed through the retelling of the Exodus story dur...
23 Mar 2023