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Tablet Passover FAQ 23 Mar 2023
Passover is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. It is observed through the retelling of the Exodus story dur...
23 Mar 2023
Tablet Literary Phenom Flames Out 23 Mar 2023
The article criticizes the novel "The World and All That It Holds" by Aleksandar Hemon, calling it disappointing and lacking in substance. The author suggest...
23 Mar 2023
Tablet The Joys of Garlic 23 Mar 2023
Garlic has a long history in Jewish cuisine and culture. In the Talmud, it was recommended as an aphrodisiac and as a way to create a romantic atmosphere dur...
23 Mar 2023
Tablet Failed Unions 22 Mar 2023
This text recounts the author's personal experience with her husband, who was required to register as an immigrant from a Muslim-majority country in the afte...
22 Mar 2023
Tablet Escape From Mariupol 22 Mar 2023
Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, led to a massacre of Jews in the city of Mariupol. Elvira Borts, a 6-year-old Jewish g...
22 Mar 2023
Tablet The Hollow Return of American Manufacturing 21 Mar 2023
Since President Biden took office, there has been a resurgence of manufacturing in the United States. Multinational corporations have pledged billions of dol...
21 Mar 2023
Tablet Women Holding Things 21 Mar 2023
Artist and illustrator Maira Kalman's exhibition at the Mary Ryan Gallery features gouache paintings, including a detailed image of E.F. Benson's garden room...
21 Mar 2023
Tablet Israel’s Genius, and Its Bad Shepherds 21 Mar 2023
The author expresses their love for Israel, citing its miraculous creation and history. However, they express concern and anger towards certain political and...
21 Mar 2023
Tablet Her Name Was Luka 16 Mar 2023
In the weeks leading up to the Sobibor revolt of 1943, Alexander Pechersky, the leader of the revolt, formed a friendship with a young Dutch woman named Luka...
16 Mar 2023
Tablet ‘Ritual, Even as an Atheist, Has Enormous Power’ 16 Mar 2023
A recent Pew study revealed that a significant portion of Jewish adults in America identify as atheist, agnostic, or having no religion. However, this does n...
16 Mar 2023
Tablet Biden Is Delivering the Middle East to China 16 Mar 2023
Chinese leader Xi Jinping's brokering of a reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia has shaken the United States' role as the dominant power in the Middl...
16 Mar 2023
Tablet The Suckers’ Revolt 15 Mar 2023
This text describes the experience of participating in a protest in Israel against proposed judicial reforms. The author, who comes from a family with strong...
15 Mar 2023
Tablet Regina Spektor’s Howl 15 Mar 2023
Regina Spektor recently performed a concert at the Walt Disney Auditorium in Los Angeles, where she used her dark humor to explore the Russian-speaking Jewis...
15 Mar 2023
Tablet A Stitch in Time 15 Mar 2023
The author reflects on the recently discovered hidden treasures of Jews who died in the Holocaust, contrasting them with her own grandmother's embroidered ta...
15 Mar 2023
Tablet A Dictionary on Trial 14 Mar 2023
This text discusses a trial that took place in 1895, where Nicolae Iorga, a Romanian politician and scholar, was denied naturalization. The trial was influen...
14 Mar 2023
Tablet Knight Takes Rook in Cold War II 14 Mar 2023
The article discusses the war in Ukraine as the first proxy war in the current Cold War between the US and post-Soviet Russia. It analyzes the conflict on th...
14 Mar 2023
Tablet Call Me by My Grandfather’s Name 14 Mar 2023
Esther Levy Chehebar, a Sephardic Jew from Brooklyn, wrote a children's book called "I Share My Name" to explain the tradition of naming children after livin...
14 Mar 2023
Tablet Israel’s Tech Resistance Took Their Money, and Put It Where? 14 Mar 2023
The article discusses the role of the High Tech Workers Resistance, known as Mechaat HaHitechistim, in opposition to the Israeli government's proposed judici...
14 Mar 2023
Tablet Wanted: More Rabbis 13 Mar 2023
Non-Orthodox rabbinical schools in America are experiencing a decline in enrollment, leading to a shortage of rabbis to fill available positions. This declin...
13 Mar 2023
Tablet Israeli Minister: American Intervention in Israeli Politics ‘Crossing a Line’ 10 Mar 2023
Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli, criticized the Biden administration for intervening in Israeli politics and undermining Israel's sovere...
10 Mar 2023
Tablet Men in Formation 10 Mar 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the mental health and addiction crisis among men in the United States. Deaths of despair, including drug overdoses, sui...
10 Mar 2023
Tablet Fine Feathered Friends 10 Mar 2023
The article discusses the significance of chickens in Jewish life. Chickens were a common and affordable source of food in Eastern Europe, often used in ever...
10 Mar 2023
Tablet The Great Transitioning 10 Mar 2023
GLAAD has criticized The New York Times' coverage of transgender issues, particularly regarding medical sex changes or gender affirmation for minors. GLAAD a...
10 Mar 2023
Tablet The Beginning of the End of Israel’s ‘Grand Coalitions’ 9 Mar 2023
The current political crisis in Israel presents an opportunity to dismantle the flawed structure of the Knesset's grand coalitions that have connected the ce...
9 Mar 2023
Tablet Treason of the Science Journals 9 Mar 2023
The article discusses how the flow of information during the COVID-19 pandemic was compromised, with senior public health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fa...
9 Mar 2023
Tablet The Lower East Side Madam 9 Mar 2023
Rosie Hertz, known as the Lower East Side Madam, was a Jewish immigrant who ran a successful brothel operation in New York City from the late 1880s to around...
9 Mar 2023
Tablet Protest Porn 9 Mar 2023
The author reflects on their past article expressing fear and loathing towards the president-elect in 2016, realizing that it lacked useful analysis and was ...
9 Mar 2023
Tablet Blinken Builds a Palestinian Hezbollah in the West Bank 8 Mar 2023
The article discusses a plan by the Biden administration to create a 5,000-strong Palestinian force in the West Bank that would supposedly fight terrorism. T...
8 Mar 2023
Tablet ‘In the Basement,’ a Short Story by Isaac Babel 7 Mar 2023
The narrator, a young boy prone to lying, befriends Mark Borgman, the top student in their class. Mark invites the narrator to his wealthy home, where his fa...
7 Mar 2023
Tablet The Flavors of Netivot 7 Mar 2023
Netivot, a city in southern Israel, is known for its North African culinary heritage. Originally established as an immigrant absorption camp, Netivot grew in...
7 Mar 2023
Tablet The Year We Hung Hitler 6 Mar 2023
The article discusses the complex place Purim occupied during the Holocaust. Despite the destruction and imminent danger faced by Jews, Purim was still celeb...
6 Mar 2023
Tablet Remembering a CIA Coup in Iran That Never Was 6 Mar 2023
The article discusses the events surrounding the ousting of Iranian prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh in August 1953. The author argues that the commonly hel...
6 Mar 2023
Tablet How U.S. Ambassador Tom Nides Became Israel’s Arsonist-in-Chief 6 Mar 2023
U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides is facing criticism for his involvement in domestic Israeli politics. Nides has been urging Prime Minister Benjamin Ne...
6 Mar 2023
Tablet Collapse of the COVID Truth Regime 6 Mar 2023
The collapse of the COVID truth regime refers to the diminishing credibility and effectiveness of the mainstream narrative and censorship surrounding COVID-1...
6 Mar 2023
Tablet Religious Liberty Behind Bars 3 Mar 2023
Two cases have been filed by Rastafarians seeking damages for the forcible shaving of their dreadlocks while in prison, arguing that it violated their religi...
3 Mar 2023
Tablet Trading Places 3 Mar 2023
This article discusses the changing dynamics of Jews and Asians in the American elite. It argues that Jews are slowly fading from the elite status they once ...
3 Mar 2023
Tablet Double Crossed 2 Mar 2023
American Jews and Asian Americans find themselves facing similar challenges of being overlooked and underserved by activist organizations like the Anti-Defam...
2 Mar 2023
Tablet Biden Sets Israel on Fire 2 Mar 2023
The article argues that the Biden administration is actively working to bring down Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing government in Israel....
2 Mar 2023
Tablet A Devastating Moment of Clarity in Ukraine 2 Mar 2023
The article discusses the state of the Western alliance and the prospects for Ukrainian freedom in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It highlig...
2 Mar 2023
Tablet The Joy of Purim—Alcohol Not Included 2 Mar 2023
"The Joy of Purim—Alcohol Not Included" explores the author's personal struggle with the tradition of drinking on Purim and the deeper meaning behind the joy...
2 Mar 2023
Tablet Mel Brooks Kicks Larry David’s Skinny Ass 1 Mar 2023
This article explores the tradition of Jewish humor, particularly in its use of irreverence and mockery, from biblical times to modern American Jewish comedy...
1 Mar 2023
Tablet The Vanishing 1 Mar 2023
This text discusses the decline of Jewish influence and representation in various sectors of American society, including academia, the arts, politics, and th...
1 Mar 2023
Tablet The New, Weirdly Racist Guide to Writing Fiction 28 Feb 2023
Craft in the Real World by Matthew Salesses has gained popularity in graduate creative writing programs for its focus on decolonizing storytelling. Salesses ...
28 Feb 2023
Tablet The New Hamans 28 Feb 2023
The author reflects on their childhood experience of being exposed to violent and traumatizing imagery related to the Holocaust without much consideration fo...
28 Feb 2023
Tablet Are Asians the New Jews? 27 Feb 2023
The article discusses the similarities and differences in the experiences of Jews and Asians in countries where they have immigrated in large numbers. Both g...
27 Feb 2023
Tablet America on Fire 24 Feb 2023
The text highlights the widespread rot afflicting America's critical infrastructure, including transportation networks, public schools, healthcare facilities...
24 Feb 2023
Tablet How Can Jews Support Ukraine After the Holocaust? 24 Feb 2023
The discussion revolves around the question of how Jews can support Ukraine after the Holocaust, considering the history of anti-Semitism in the country. Nat...
24 Feb 2023
Tablet Getting Support to the War Zone 24 Feb 2023
The Ukrainian Catholic Church in America has become a crucial link in providing support to Ukraine since the Russian invasion in 2022. The Ukrainian Catholic...
24 Feb 2023
Tablet Why Jeff Gerth’s Endlessly Long Four-Part CJR Limited Hangout Doesn’t Wash 24 Feb 2023
The author criticizes the recently published four-part article in the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) that chronicles the media's wrongdoing during the Russ...
24 Feb 2023
Tablet The Flavor of Jewish Seattle 23 Feb 2023
Seattle is home to a vibrant Sephardic Jewish community, with roots tracing back to the early 1900s when Sephardic Jews from Turkey and Rhodes settled there....
23 Feb 2023