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Tablet Summer Coldwave 11 Jul 2022
The Bubbe Awards, similar to the Grammys for Yiddish and Jewish music, is now accepting submissions for original Yiddish songs. Last year's People's Choice f...
11 Jul 2022
Tablet The Liberation of the Arabs From the Global Left 11 Jul 2022
This article delves into the post-World War I transformation in Arab societies as modern politics and communication technologies emerged, leading to a shift ...
11 Jul 2022
Tablet Family Ties 7 Jul 2022
The text discusses the Talmudic tractate Yevamot, which deals with the topic of levirate marriage (yibbum) and the bonds of family in Judaism. It explains th...
7 Jul 2022
Tablet Why Read Taubes? 7 Jul 2022
"The Professor of Apocalypse" by Jerry Muller is a biography that explores the life of Jacob Taubes, a Jewish thinker who had a significant impact on 20th-ce...
7 Jul 2022
Tablet The CDC Is Breaking Trust in Childhood Vaccination 6 Jul 2022
The article discusses the trust deficit between the CDC and parents regarding childhood vaccination, specifically the COVID-19 vaccines for young children. T...
6 Jul 2022
Tablet The #MeToo Rabbi 6 Jul 2022
Avremi Zippel, an Orthodox rabbi in Utah, came forward as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse in the wake of the #MeToo movement. After years of struggling ...
6 Jul 2022
Tablet A Lavender Marriage, 2019 5 Jul 2022
In "A Lavender Marriage," the protagonist reflects on his relationship with his Uncle Jack, who has been a father figure to him for the past 13 years. Uncle ...
5 Jul 2022
Tablet To Converse and Pray Together 1 Jul 2022
Professor David Weiss Halivni, a renowned Talmudic scholar, has passed away. He was born in Ukraine and survived the Holocaust, immigrating to the United Sta...
1 Jul 2022
Tablet The American Zionist Dream 30 Jun 2022
The article discusses the Blackstone Memorial, a petition presented to President Benjamin Harrison in 1891 by William Blackstone, urging him to support Jewis...
30 Jun 2022
Tablet ‘The Oppermanns’ Brings Us Some Bad News From 1933 30 Jun 2022
"The Oppermanns" is a novel written by Lion Feuchtwanger in 1933 that tells the story of a Jewish family in Germany as the rise of Nazism begins. The book sh...
30 Jun 2022
Tablet Pagans in Uniform 30 Jun 2022
This article discusses Norse paganism in the context of the military, particularly at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. It highlights the distinction between whi...
30 Jun 2022
Tablet This Land Was Made for You and MENA 29 Jun 2022
The Biden administration is considering the addition of a Middle East and North African (MENA) category to the U.S. Census by 2024. This could provide financ...
29 Jun 2022
Tablet A Legend of Innocence 28 Jun 2022
Eric Zemmour's failed presidential campaign highlighted a ongoing debate in France over the country's role in the Holocaust and collaboration with the Vichy ...
28 Jun 2022
Tablet China’s Killer Doctors 28 Jun 2022
The article discusses the unethical practice of organ trafficking in China and the involvement of the medical establishment. It highlights the case of an Isr...
28 Jun 2022
Tablet Hollywood’s Echoes of Odessa 27 Jun 2022
"My Hollywood" is Boris Dralyuk's debut poetry collection, which explores his experiences growing up in West Hollywood as a Russian-speaking Jewish immigrant...
27 Jun 2022
Tablet Stop Being Surprised by Germany 27 Jun 2022
The article highlights Germany's complicated and often contradictory role in international politics, particularly regarding its stance towards Ukraine. While...
27 Jun 2022
Tablet Yiddish Folk Song in Classical Music 24 Jun 2022
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jewish composers in Russia began incorporating Yiddish folk songs into classical music arrangements. This was sign...
24 Jun 2022
Tablet Whatever Happened to the ‘Pro-Jewish’ Left? 24 Jun 2022
The relationship between politics and religion has shifted in recent decades, with religious people tending to lean Republican and conservatives being more r...
24 Jun 2022
Tablet ‘If You’re Not Ready for Us, Get Ready for Us’ 23 Jun 2022
In this discussion featuring 10 LGBTQ Jews, there is a mixed perception of the Jewish community as a welcoming place for LGBTQ Jews. While some participants ...
23 Jun 2022
Tablet The Lost Synagogue of Aleppo 23 Jun 2022
The Great Synagogue of Aleppo, one of the most significant synagogues in the Jewish world, was destroyed in the conflict between the Assad government and reb...
23 Jun 2022
Tablet The Jew Who Spied for the Nazis 22 Jun 2022
Renato Levi, a Jew from Italy, played a crucial role in the Allied war effort during World War II. Initially recruited as a spy by the Germans, he offered to...
22 Jun 2022
Tablet Building Community Over Friday Night Dinner 22 Jun 2022
Shabbat Shelach is a community group in Israel that aims to build a community for lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women around the Shabbat table. Founded ...
22 Jun 2022
Tablet Up in the Air 21 Jun 2022
The "chairs dance" has become a popular tradition at Jewish weddings and celebrations, where the newly married couple is lifted into the air on chairs held b...
21 Jun 2022
Tablet David of Nazaré 21 Jun 2022
David Langer, a big wave surfer, believes that the surf town of Nazar has the power to change the world. Nazar, a once-sleepy Portuguese fishing village, has...
21 Jun 2022
Tablet The American Moshav Movement 21 Jun 2022
The article discusses the rise of communal living and intentional communities within the Jewish community. It cites examples such as the Berkeley Moshav, a c...
21 Jun 2022
Tablet Trading In His Chevy for a Cadillac 17 Jun 2022
The author reflects on his father's relationship with material possessions and his own struggle with materialism as a Jewish man. The father, content with a ...
17 Jun 2022
Tablet Learning to ‘Cook Like a Jew’ 17 Jun 2022
"Learning to Cook Like a Jew" is a series called Unorthodox that follows the journey of Quinn Waller, who is converting to Judaism. Waller recognizes that fo...
17 Jun 2022
Tablet Leopold Bloom, Good for the Jews? 16 Jun 2022
This article discusses the celebration of James Joyce's novel Ulysses and its character, Leopold Bloom, within the Jewish community. Bloom is often regarded ...
16 Jun 2022
Tablet Curious Yellow 16 Jun 2022
Preserved lemons have a long history and are widely used in Jewish and Middle Eastern cuisine. They have a unique taste, more intense than fresh lemons but w...
16 Jun 2022
Tablet A Walk in the Park With A.B. Yehoshua 16 Jun 2022
In a walk through a park with A.B. Yehoshua, the author discusses his critique of American Jewry and his vision of Zionism. He emphasizes the importance of a...
16 Jun 2022
Tablet Both Sides Now 15 Jun 2022
The article discusses the response of Christian groups in lower Manhattan to the abortion debate. The Roman Catholic Sisters of Life, operating out of Visita...
15 Jun 2022
Tablet The Young and the Restless 14 Jun 2022
The article discusses the strategic divergence between Iran and Saudi Arabia in handling their young populations, shedding light on their differing futures. ...
14 Jun 2022
Tablet I.L. Peretz’s Saints and Sinners 14 Jun 2022
I.L. Peretz, a renowned Yiddish writer, was known for his provocative and sophisticated stories that often challenge moral expectations. Born in 1852 in Pola...
14 Jun 2022
Tablet Three Blind Kings 13 Jun 2022
The article discusses the life and career of Edward Luttwak, an influential military strategist and writer. Luttwak has been known for his rebellious and ind...
13 Jun 2022
Tablet The German and His Temple 13 Jun 2022
This text explores the story of Erich Gunther Deutecom, a German man who lived in Nahariya, Israel in the 1960s. Deutecom was an architect who created a bota...
13 Jun 2022
Tablet Shmate, Revisited 10 Jun 2022
Shmate magazine was a Jewish publication that covered a wide range of topics related to Jewish identity, history, and current issues. The magazine included e...
10 Jun 2022
Tablet Uprooting the Wandering Jew 9 Jun 2022
A grassroots movement led by botanists and garden shops is seeking to rename the wandering Jew plant (Tradescantia zebrina) due to concerns of it being antis...
9 Jun 2022
Tablet Roe and the Fable of Progressive Neoliberalism 9 Jun 2022
The text discusses the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, highlighting the impact it may have on women's reproductive rights. It crit...
9 Jun 2022
Tablet Today, We Are a Fountain Pen 9 Jun 2022
Tablet, a Jewish media outlet, is celebrating its 13th anniversary, comparing it to a bar mitzvah. They highlight the significance of the fountain pen as a g...
9 Jun 2022
Tablet The Privilege of Being Nobody 9 Jun 2022
The essay discusses how the perception of being a refugee has changed over time. In Hannah Arendt's era, being a refugee meant being stripped of all status a...
9 Jun 2022
Tablet Putting Jewish Food in Context 8 Jun 2022
András Koerner, a Budapest native and expert on Hungarian Jewish food, has dedicated his retirement to documenting and uncovering the history of Jewish Hunga...
8 Jun 2022
Tablet The Sunny Side of American Life 8 Jun 2022
This text discusses the theme of failure in early 20th century American literature. It mentions authors such as Theodore Dreiser, Willa Cather, Wallace Steve...
8 Jun 2022
Tablet The Insanity of Mandating Camp Boosters for Kids 7 Jun 2022
This article argues against the mandate of COVID-19 booster shots for children attending camps. It questions the equivalence between the benefits of boosters...
7 Jun 2022
Tablet High and Low Israel Criticism 7 Jun 2022
The article discusses two recent books about Israel that represent contrasting perspectives. Omri Boehm's "Haifa Republic" argues that Israel is a failed sta...
7 Jun 2022
Tablet Cannes After the Plague 3 Jun 2022
The Cannes Film Festival has returned to its usual state, with crowds and the usual business of the festival market. However, the festival has faced challeng...
3 Jun 2022
Tablet Stay Up All Night with Tablet’s Podcasts 3 Jun 2022
The article discusses the tradition of staying up all night on Shavuot, the holiday commemorating the receiving of the Torah. It explains that the tradition ...
3 Jun 2022
Tablet You Need a Poem 3 Jun 2022
"You Need a Poem" explores the importance of poetry in various moments of life, from childbirth to times of uncertainty and celebration. The article discusse...
3 Jun 2022
Tablet Don’t Call Me a Convert 3 Jun 2022
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their experience as a convert to Judaism and discusses the discomfort they feel with the label "convert." They...
3 Jun 2022
Tablet Let Everyone Freely Choose Their Gender and Race 2 Jun 2022
The author argues that the prioritization of identity fragments, such as gender and race, can lead to a totalitarian trend in society. They point out that in...
2 Jun 2022
Tablet The Modesty of Ruth 2 Jun 2022
The article explores the concept of modesty in the biblical character of Ruth. It highlights how Ruth's modesty and restraint in gathering grain in the field...
2 Jun 2022