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Tablet Holy Delmore 11 Jul
Delmore Schwartz, a prominent Jewish writer associated with the New York intellectuals, made a significant impact with his short story "In Dreams Begin Respo...
11 Jul
Tablet The Egoz Boys 11 Jul
The article discusses the experiences of members of the Egoz unit in the Israel Defense Forces, known for their expertise in guerrilla warfare and special re...
11 Jul
Tablet A Return to Mount Olympus 11 Jul
The resurgence of interest in ancient Greek polytheism, part of the broader neo-pagan movement, is being observed, with practitioners influenced by pop cultu...
11 Jul
Tablet Reclaiming the Urban Virtue of Judging 10 Jul
The text discusses the importance of judgment in urban communities and how a rejection of criminal justice's core function of judgment has led to societal ch...
10 Jul
Tablet ‘The Time to Stay Silent Was Over’ 9 Jul
The text discusses the author's journey of connecting with the Jewish community, particularly through encounters with Jewish individuals and experiences in I...
9 Jul
Tablet Before #MeToo—and After 8 Jul
In the narrative, the author recounts a disturbing event involving a potential encounter with a rapist known as the Center City rapist, part of a series of a...
8 Jul
Tablet The Lost World of ‘The Shochet’ 8 Jul
"The Lost World of The Shochet" explores the memoir "Der Shochet" by Pinkhes-Dov Goldenshteyn, offering a glimpse into 19th-century Ukraine and Crimea throug...
8 Jul
Tablet Antisemitism on the Rise Down Under 5 Jul
Antisemitism has been on the rise in Australia since October 7, with incidents ranging from doxing and boycotts to violent attacks targeting the Jewish commu...
5 Jul
Tablet American by the Grace of God 3 Jul
The text explores the perspective of two immigrants, a Christian from Lebanon and a Jew from Israel, reflecting on their decision to come to America as an ac...
3 Jul
Tablet Why I Left My Faculty Position at Rutgers 2 Jul
The author describes their decision to leave Rutgers University due to the administration's response to an anti-Israel protest promoting self-martyrdom throu...
2 Jul
Tablet The Los Angeles Synagogue Attack Wasn’t a Warning for Jews Alone 2 Jul
In a disturbing incident at a Los Angeles synagogue, a violent mob associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine targeted Jewish worshipp...
2 Jul
Tablet Jab, Jab, Hook, Hook 2 Jul
The author recounts his experiences grappling with his Jewish identity from childhood to adulthood, including humorous anecdotes from Hebrew school, challeng...
2 Jul
Tablet Israel’s Two Big Lies 2 Jul
In this critique, the author discusses two major lies affecting Israel. The first lie pertains to the conscription of Haredi men into the Israel Defense Forc...
2 Jul
Tablet Progressive Except for Palestine 1 Jul
A Jewish academic physician at the University of Toronto has been shunned by progressive colleagues who labeled him as a Zionist, despite his long history of...
1 Jul
Tablet Will the Law Protect Jewish Places of Worship From Antisemitic Mobs? 1 Jul
In the aftermath of an anti-Israel protest outside Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles, calls for more protection of Jewish places of worship have emerged. D...
1 Jul
Tablet The Sephardic Rabbis’ Letter 28 Jun
The letter signed by prominent Sephardic rabbis in Israel, including members of Shas, opposes the drafting of yeshiva students into the army, highlighting a ...
28 Jun
Tablet A Forgotten Ladino ‘Queen’ 28 Jun
"Ladino Queen" sheds light on the remarkable life of Chelly Wilson, born Rachel Serrero, an influential figure in the adult entertainment industry in New Yor...
28 Jun
Tablet A Very Young Dancer 27 Jun
A young girl named Claire passed away from bone cancer at age 12, leaving her family devastated. Claire, a talented ballet dancer, had dreams of performing w...
27 Jun
Tablet Biden’s Phony Saudi-Israeli Peace Deal 27 Jun
The text critiques the Biden administration's purported Saudi-Israeli peace deal, suggesting it is a ploy to subordinate traditional US allies to Iran and th...
27 Jun
Tablet Bookends 26 Jun
The text discusses Tractate Bava Metzia in the Babylonian Talmud, which grapples with establishing ownership in Jewish law. It starts with the unique scenari...
26 Jun
Tablet Liberal Jews Deluded Themselves on Palestine 26 Jun
The text highlights how liberal American Jews have overlooked the mainstream presence of anti-Zionism within progressive circles, particularly on college cam...
26 Jun
Tablet The Child Soldiers of Ethnic Studies 25 Jun
Student activists, particularly within Students for Justice in Palestine, are pushing for the incorporation of anti-Palestinian racism and the bolstering of ...
25 Jun
Tablet Fran Lebowitz Wasn’t Kidding 25 Jun
Fran Lebowitz, known for her witty and critical writing, playfully mocks her readers in her essays, particularly in "Metropolitan Life" and "Social Studies,"...
25 Jun
Tablet Stalk Talk 24 Jun
For over 2,000 years, asparagus has been considered a prized vegetable, with historical significance in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and among Jews as mentio...
24 Jun
Tablet Help for Would-Be Parents 21 Jun
A woman shares her emotional and challenging journey through infertility and the lack of support she felt from the Jewish community while trying to conceive....
21 Jun
Tablet Biden’s Italian Strike 20 Jun
The text discusses the allegations made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Biden administration is withholding arms shipments to Israel, l...
20 Jun
Tablet Grappling With Pride 20 Jun
The author reflects on their evolving relationship with Pride events, from feeling empowered and accepted at their first Pride festival to experiencing disco...
20 Jun
Tablet Attack of the Crypto-Nazis! 20 Jun
The text discusses how certain intellectuals and academics have historically viewed working-class and rural Americans as threats to American society and demo...
20 Jun
Tablet Salman Rushdie’s Beautiful Revenge 19 Jun
In Salman Rushdie's "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder," he reflects on his experience of being stabbed during a talk in Buffalo and the subsequen...
19 Jun
Tablet Jewish Juneteenth 18 Jun
The text discusses the emergence of Jewish celebrations of Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in America. Black Jews are integrating June...
18 Jun
Tablet Communists, Antisemites Lose Big in European Parliamentary Elections 18 Jun
In the recent European Parliamentary elections, several communist and antisemitic parties faced significant losses, particularly those in Spain, Portugal, Fr...
18 Jun
Tablet Jewish Camps Prepare for a Different Kind of Summer 17 Jun
Jewish summer camps in North America are adapting their programming this year to address the challenges posed by recent events such as the war in Gaza and Oc...
17 Jun
Tablet The Jews of Venice 17 Jun
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the inclusion of Israeli artists at The 60th Art Biennale di Venezia and the criticism faced by Israeli artist...
17 Jun
Tablet The Photo-Negative Ideology 17 Jun
The text discusses the concept of the "Photo-Negative Ideology," where myths and narratives are used to justify violence and discrimination against others in...
17 Jun
Tablet Synagogues’ Absent Fathers 14 Jun
Rabbi Jacob Kohn and other Jewish leaders in the early to mid-20th century expressed concerns about absent fathers in synagogues and their lack of involvemen...
14 Jun
Tablet The Misadventures of the Printer Israel Bak 14 Jun
Israel Bak, a lesser-known figure compared to his contemporaries like Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, played a crucial role in the 19th-century printing and publishing i...
14 Jun
Tablet How Babies Are Made 14 Jun
The text discusses personal experiences working in a synagogue's development office and receiving donations from congregants. It delves into the importance t...
14 Jun
Tablet The Misadventures of the Printer Israel Bak 14 Jun
Israel Bak, a 19th-century printer and pivotal figure in Palestine's history, played a significant role in bringing printing back to the Land of Israel after...
14 Jun
Tablet My First Yizkor 11 Jun
The author describes their journey through grief after their mother's death, reflecting on their relationship with her and their struggle to write following ...
11 Jun
Tablet Kubrick’s Ghost Meets the Demons of the Talmud in Deepest Brooklyn 11 Jun
Tzvi, a 25-year-old filmmaker from a Haredi community in Brooklyn, drew inspiration for his first feature, "Killer of Men," from the gritty backdrop of Sheep...
11 Jun
Tablet The Virtues of Stubbornness 11 Jun
The Book of Ruth is often seen as a tale of loyalty and selflessness, focusing on Ruth's dedication to her mother-in-law Naomi and the eventual lineage of Ki...
11 Jun
Tablet Dreamers and Plagiarists 9 Jun
The text delves into the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, comparing their portrayals of societal collapse and ideological tyranny....
9 Jun
Tablet Cottage Cheese Makes a Comeback 7 Jun
Cottage cheese, a long-standing Jewish staple, plays a significant role in Shavuot recipes due to its dairy nature symbolizing the nourishing aspect of the T...
7 Jun
Tablet The West Is Still Playacting in Ukraine 7 Jun
The Biden administration has recently allowed the Ukrainian army to retaliate against selected targets in mainland Russian territory using US-supplied weapon...
7 Jun
Tablet Streaming Kafka 7 Jun
A new television miniseries, titled Kafka, offers a multifaceted portrayal of Franz Kafka, highlighting various aspects of his life and relationships, blendi...
7 Jun
Tablet Mourning a Miscarriage 7 Jun
The author reflects on the experience of mourning a miscarriage alongside the celebration of Shavuot, drawing parallels between the loss of their unborn chil...
7 Jun
Tablet Harvard’s Golden Age Turns to Mud 6 Jun
The text describes a troubling trend of rising antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment at Harvard University, culminating in incidents like the use of antisem...
6 Jun
Tablet The Evolution of the Israeli Kitchen 6 Jun
In "The Magic Ladle: Women, Science, and Nutrition in the History of Israel" by Erela Taharlev Ben-Shachar, the author explores how food, particularly the or...
6 Jun
Tablet Empty Doorposts 5 Jun
The rise in antisemitic attacks in France following the Hamas massacres in Israel has led many Jewish individuals to fear for their safety, prompting them to...
5 Jun
Tablet France’s Handsome Socialist Jewish Hamlet 5 Jun
Raphal Glucksmann, a Jewish intellectual and leader of Frances Socialist Party, has made significant strides in his political career, now polling at 15% in t...
5 Jun