Daily Podcasts Video search
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/27/22 – Shiur 385 – Back to School - Do we need to adhere to all school rules? If we don’t, can we sign the school handbook? 26 Aug 2022
In this Shiur (lecture), the question of adhering to all school rules and signing the school handbook is discussed. The purpose of having a school handbook i...
26 Aug 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/20/22 – Shiur 384 – My child was not accepted into any school!!! School Acceptance Policies - Discrimination 19 Aug 2022
In this shiur (Jewish lesson), Rabbi Berach Steinfeld, Mr. Shuli Halpert, and Mr. Yosef Shidler discuss the issue of discriminatory school acceptance policie...
19 Aug 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/13/22 – Shiur 383 – DUI in Halacha 12 Aug 2022
This Shiur (lesson) discusses the implications of DUI incidents and the alcohol epidemic in the Jewish community. It explores questions such as whether there...
12 Aug 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 8/6/22 – Shiur 382 – Parenting - What makes “successful” children? What are common mistakes which should be avoided? 5 Aug 2022
This text is a summary of a shiur (lecture) on the topic of parenting. The main focus is on what makes successful children and common mistakes to avoid. The ...
5 Aug 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/30/22 – Shiur 381 – The Warsaw Ghetto - The Uprising: Was it Halachically sanctioned? 29 Jul 2022
In this Shiur (lesson), the panel discusses the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and whether it was halachically sanctioned. They delve into the history of the ghetto ...
29 Jul 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/23/22 – Shiur 380 – The Halachic Challenges of living at home with a non-religious child or spouse 22 Jul 2022
In this Shiur, the Halachic challenges of living at home with a non-religious child or spouse are discussed. Various scenarios are examined, including trusti...
22 Jul 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/16/22 – Shiur 379 – Beis Din in contemporary society 15 Jul 2022
In this shiur, Rabbi Yehoshua Wolfe hosts a discussion about the role of the Beit Din (Jewish court) in contemporary society. The participants discuss the ty...
15 Jul 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/9/22 – Shiur 378 – What should a wife do if she simply has had it with her husband? Plus, revisiting the “Surrendered Wife” and responding to those who complained about the earlier show 6 Jul 2022
This Shiur (lesson) explores various topics related to marital issues. The speakers discuss questions such as whether friends can replace therapists, what is...
6 Jul 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/2/22 – Shiur 377 – The Court’s ruling: LGBTQIA clubs at Yeshiva University: What comes next? 1 Jul 2022
This text discusses the implications of a court ruling regarding LGBTQIA clubs at Yeshiva University (YU). It raises questions about whether YU should shut d...
1 Jul 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/25/22 – Shiur 376 – Mechitzas - When do we need one? + Music Part III (a supplement to the previous Shiurim) 24 Jun 2022
This discussion explores the necessity of mechitzas (partitions) in various settings such as weddings, concerts, and synagogues. Rabbi Boruch Oberlander, the...
24 Jun 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/18/22 – Shiur 375 – “Off MY Derech” (but still “On THE Derech”) – When children turn out more observant - or less observant - than their parents had hoped 17 Jun 2022
In this Shiur, the discussion revolves around the tension that can arise between parents and children regarding religious observance. The panel of experts ex...
17 Jun 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/11/22 – Shiur 374 – The sound of Music Part II – Hear from the biggest names in Jewish Music 10 Jun 2022
In this Shiur, prominent Jewish music artists Yaakov Shwekey, Lipa Schmeltzer, and Shulem Lemmer discuss various aspects of their careers. They address the c...
10 Jun 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/4/22 – Shiur 373 – The sound of Music Part I – Hear from the biggest names in Jewish Music 3 Jun 2022
In this Shiur, or Jewish lecture, four prominent figures in Jewish music discuss various aspects of the genre. They talk about how revered Rabbi Aharon Leib ...
3 Jun 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/28/22 – Shiur 372 – Is tznius dressing all about insuring the men don’t look? Does overly strict enforcement in schools cause trauma for years to come? 27 May 2022
In this Shiur (lecture), the discussion revolves around the concept of tznius (modesty) in dressing and its implications. The topics covered include whether ...
27 May 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/21/22 Shiur – 371 – Roe v. Wade revisited - Should we be discussing it?| Impacts made by individuals – Recollections from the lives of Harav Nota Greenblatt Zt”l & Reb Zecharia Wallerstein Zt”l 20 May 2022
In this Shiur, various topics are discussed. Firstly, the history of debates with adversaries is examined by Dr. Rivka Schwartz, focusing on the impact of in...
20 May 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/14/22 Shiur – 370 – Roe v. Wade – What’s the Torah’s approach? It might be a lot different than you think 13 May 2022
In this Shiur, several Jewish scholars discuss the Torah's approach to the Roe v. Wade case, challenging the assumption that the Torah's stance on the matter...
13 May 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/7/22 Shiur – 369 – What makes a successful marriage? What are common mistakes that should be avoided? 6 May 2022
This discussion focuses on the topic of successful marriages and common mistakes to avoid. The participants explore the most important ingredient for a succe...
6 May 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/30/22 – Shiur 368 – What time can you count Sefiras Haomer? | Chametz after Pesach – What are the issues? | Can we rely on our Shabbos and hotel Hashgachos? 29 Apr 2022
In this shiur (lesson), Rabbi Chaim Jachter discusses the timing of counting the Omer and various scenarios related to it, such as davening Maariv after Plag...
29 Apr 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/16/22 – Shiur 367 – Should we be bringing a Korban Pesach these days? | A checklist for the Korban Pesach 14 Apr 2022
In this shiur (lesson) by Rabbi Shimshon Nadel and Rabbi Binyomin Feldman, the question of whether we should be bringing a Korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice)...
14 Apr 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/9/22 – Shiur 366 – Advertising by Tzedakah Organizations: Promises of health, nachas, shidduchim and parnassah – false advertising or needed yeshuos? 8 Apr 2022
In this discussion, the participants explore the question of whether the halachic and secular laws regarding false advertising apply to tzedakah organization...
8 Apr 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/2/22 – Shiur 365 – The State of World Orthodox Jewry 2022 Interviews with International Askanim 1 Apr 2022
This text is a summary of interviews conducted with various individuals involved in Orthodox Jewry around the world. The interviews cover different topics su...
1 Apr 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/26/22 – Shiur 364 – UKRAINE – NAZI GERMANY: Do we hold on to last generations atrocities, or do we let go? REB CHAIM KANIEVSKY ZT”L, Hear from the inside 25 Mar 2022
This text discusses the question of whether we should hold onto the atrocities committed against Jews in Ukraine and Germany in past generations, or if we sh...
25 Mar 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/12/22 – Shiur 363 – Tznius for men - skin-tight pants, bicycle clothing, blue shirts, colorful socks and more 12 Mar 2022
In this discussion, the panel explores the topic of modesty (tznius) for men. They address various issues such as men wearing tight shorts, tank tops, and sk...
12 Mar 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/5/22 – Shiur 362 – WAR in Russia and Ukraine: What is our obligation? 4 Mar 2022
This discussion explores the topic of the war in Russia and Ukraine and its significance in relation to Jewish obligations. The participants discuss various ...
4 Mar 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 3/1/22 – Shiur 361 – Do we sacrifice the few to save the many? – A Shiur at the Mir with Dovid Lichtenstein 1 Mar 2022
In this Shiur, delivered by Dovid Lichtenstein at the Mir, the question of sacrificing a few to save the many is examined in various contexts. One of the top...
1 Mar 2022
Halacha Headlines headphones 2/26/22 – Shiur 360 – An eye on Eretz Yisroel - Answer the call 25 Feb 2022
In this Shiur 360 episode, the guest hosts discuss various battles against the preservation of Judaism in Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi Dovid Lau, Chief Rabbi of Eret...
25 Feb 2022