The Habura headphones Talmud Study: Masekhet Sanhedrin (7) - R Abe Faur 28 Dec 2021
This text appears to be a promotion for a series of Talmud study sessions focused on Masekhet Sanhedrin (Tractate Sanhedrin) using the Geonic-Sepharadi metho...
28 Dec 2021
The Habura headphones Life & Approach of R. Samson Raphael Hirsch - R Dr Alan Kimche 23 Dec 2021
In this discussion by R. Dr Alan Kimche, the life and approach of R. Samson Raphael Hirsch is explored. R. Hirsch, a prominent Orthodox rabbi in the 19th cen...
23 Dec 2021
The Habura headphones What Hanukka Teaches us About the Hebrew Biblical Canon - R Yosef Zarnighian 2 Dec 2021
In this text, Rabbi Yosef Zarnighian discusses the connection between Hanukkah and the Hebrew Biblical Canon. He highlights the significance of the lighting ...
2 Dec 2021
The Habura headphones Talmud Study: Masekhet Sanhedrin (4) - R Abe Faur 23 Nov 2021
This is a description for a Talmud study session focused on the fourth part of Masekhet Sanhedrin. The study is conducted using the Geonic-Sepharadi methodol...
23 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones The (Unknown) Intro of Mesilat Yesharim: Dialogue Version (Part 4) - R Joseph Dweck 18 Nov 2021
In this fourth part of Rabbi Joseph Dweck's series, he focuses on the unknown dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim. Rabbi Dweck, who is the Senior Rabbi...
18 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones Talmud Study: Masekhet Sanhedrin (3) - R Abe Faur 16 Nov 2021
This text is a brief advertisement for a Talmud study series focusing on Masekhet Sanhedrin. It mentions that the series follows the Geonic-Sepharadi methodo...
16 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones The (Unknown) Intro of Mesilat Yesharim: Dialogue Version (Part 3) - R Joseph Dweck 10 Nov 2021
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the (unknown) dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim, a Jewish ethical text. Rabbi Dweck, who serves as the Se...
10 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones Talmud Study: Masekhet Sanhedrin (2) - R Abe Faur 9 Nov 2021
This text is an advertisement for a Talmud study series on Masekhet Sanhedrin. It promotes signing up at a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura...
9 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones The (Unknown) Intro of Mesilat Yesharim: Dialogue Version (Part 2) - R Joseph Dweck 7 Nov 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the unknown dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim in the second part of this series. He is the Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephar...
7 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones Talmud Study: Masekhet Sanhedrin (1) - R Abe Faur 3 Nov 2021
This text appears to be a promotional message for a Talmud study series called "Masekhet Sanhedrin (1) - R Abe Faur." The study follows the Geonic-Sepharadi ...
3 Nov 2021
The Habura headphones The (Unknown) Intro of Mesilat Yesharim: Dialogue Version (Part 1) - R Joseph Dweck 28 Oct 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, explores the unknown dialogue introduction of Mesilat Yesharim in t...
28 Oct 2021
The Habura headphones ?שכר מצוות: צבירת נקודות זכות, או משהו אחר - R Joseph Dweck 20 Oct 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck gave a special shiur (lesson) in Hebrew, addressing various topics. The shiur is available on the website TheHabura, and a source sheet ca...
20 Oct 2021
The Habura headphones The Role of Rambam's Teachings in Tora, Halakha, and Mahshaba [Hebrew] - R Dr Ratzon Arusi 4 Oct 2021
In this Hebrew lecture, R. Dr. Ratzon Arusi, a City Rabbi and member of Israel's Chief Rabbinate Council, discusses the role of Rambam's teachings in Torah, ...
4 Oct 2021
The Habura headphones Sukkot: Developments - R Joseph Dweck 24 Sep 2021
This text is not relevant to Sukkot or the topic of Abarbanel. It appears to be a description of Rabbi Steven Dansky and his background.
24 Sep 2021
The Habura headphones Speaking Your Sins: Yom Kippur - R Joseph Dweck 15 Sep 2021
This is a promotional announcement for a Yom Kippur shiur (lecture) by Rabbi Joseph Dweck. The announcement provides links to join a virtual and physical Bet...
15 Sep 2021
The Habura headphones The Relationship Between Yisrael & God (Part 4): Judgement/Din - R Joseph Dweck 19 Aug 2021
In this fourth part of a four-part episode, Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the topic of Judgment/Din in the relationship between Yisrael and God. Rabbi Dweck is...
19 Aug 2021
The Habura headphones The Relationship Between Yisrael & God (Part 3): Prayer/Tefila - R Joseph Dweck 16 Aug 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the topic of prayer (tefila) in the third part of a four-part episode on the relationship between Yisrael and God. He emphasizes ...
16 Aug 2021
The Habura headphones The Relationship Between Yisrael & God (Part 2): Providence/Hashgaḥa - R Joseph Dweck 5 Aug 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, discusses the concept of Providence/Hashgaa in the second part of a fou...
5 Aug 2021
The Habura headphones The Relationship Between Yisrael & God (Part 1): Covenant/Berit - R Joseph Dweck 29 Jul 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the relationship between God and the Jewish people in a four-part episode. In this first part, he focuses on the concept of the ...
29 Jul 2021
The Habura headphones Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World (Part 3): R. Haim David HaLevi - Mord Maman 26 Jul 2021
The article discusses the third part of the Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World series, focusing on Rabbi Haim David HaLevi. The Habura and the Sephardic...
26 Jul 2021
The Habura headphones Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World (Part 2): R. Matloub Abadi - R. Jack Cohen 26 Jul 2021
This text is an introduction and invitation to a series of shiurim (Jewish classes) called "Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World," which are being conduct...
26 Jul 2021
The Habura headphones Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World (Part I): R. Benṣion Uziel - Matthew Miller 23 Jul 2021
This article discusses the relevance of Sephardic Responsa, specifically focusing on the teachings of Rabbi Benion Uziel. The author emphasizes the importanc...
23 Jul 2021
The Habura headphones To Know God: Unpacking Our Mission Statement - R. Joseph Dweck 7 Jul 2021
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the mission statement of The Habura, a virtual and physical Bet Midrash with international membership. The aim of The Habura is ...
7 Jul 2021
The Habura headphones Insights from HaRav Kook (Part 2) - R. Joseph Dweck 5 Jul 2021
The text is advertising a new membership program for a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura. The program aims to know God by embracing the worl...
5 Jul 2021
The Habura headphones Halakhic Philosophy of Classical Sepharadi Poseqim - R. Elie Abadie 27 Jun 2021
In this text, R. Elie Abadie discusses the halakhic philosophy of classical Sepharadi poseqim (Jewish legal authorities). He explores the unique approach and...
27 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Talmud in the Geonic Andalusian Tradition - R. Aharon Haleva 22 Jun 2021
The text is promoting a membership program for a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura. The Bet Midrash aims to understand God by using Torah as...
22 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Insights from HaRav Kook (Part 1) - R. Joseph Dweck 18 Jun 2021
In his discussion of HaRav Kook's insights, R. Joseph Dweck focuses on the concept of "perishut," which refers to asceticism or separation. He explains that ...
18 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Tosafists & their Meta-Halakhic Agenda - R. Chaim Rapoport 15 Jun 2021
In "Tosafists & their Meta-Halakhic Agenda" by R. Chaim Rapoport, the author explores the intellectual agenda of the Tosafists, a group of medieval Jewish co...
15 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Sepharadi vs Ashkenazi approaches to Minhag, Halakha, Mahshaba - R. Yamin Levy 11 Jun 2021
In this article, R. Yamin Levy discusses the differences between Sephardi and Ashkenazi approaches to Minhag (customs), Halakha (Jewish law), and Mahshaba (J...
11 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Mental Health & Halakha - R. Yoni Rosensweig 2 Jun 2021
In this text, Rabbi Steven Dansky, the Rabbi of Cranbrook Synagogue, discusses the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories an...
2 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Eternal vs Temporal Misvot - Dayan Ofer Livnat 2 Jun 2021
In this discussion, Dayan Ofer Livnat explores the distinction between eternal and temporal commandments or misvot in Jewish tradition. He highlights the dif...
2 Jun 2021
The Habura headphones Sepharadi / Ashkenazi Approaches to Torah Commentary: Rashi - Professor Eric Lawee 20 May 2021
This text appears to be an advertisement for a talk by Rabbi Steven Dansky, who focuses on the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological...
20 May 2021
The Habura headphones Judaism & Non-Jewish Culture (Part 2) - Professor Zvi Zohar 19 May 2021
In this episode of Judaism & Non-Jewish Culture, Professor Zvi Zohar explores the topic of Abarbanel, a Jewish thinker, with Rabbi Steven Dansky. Rabbi Dansk...
19 May 2021
The Habura headphones HaRav Yosef Messas: Halakha & Modernity - R. Yitzhak Berdugo 11 May 2021
The video titled "Exploring Abarbanel" features Rabbi Steven Dansky discussing the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories an...
11 May 2021
The Habura headphones Judaism & Non-Jewish Culture (Part 1) - Professor Zvi Zohar 30 Apr 2021
In this discussion, Rabbi Steven Danksy explores the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts. Inspired by the te...
30 Apr 2021
The Habura headphones How to Approach Aggadata/Midrashim in Talmud - R. Isaac Tawil 21 Apr 2021
In this discussion, Rabbi Isaac Tawil explores the approach to Aggadah and Midrashim in the Talmud. The discussion revolves around how to interpret and under...
21 Apr 2021
The Habura headphones Evolution of Sepharadi Prayer Liturgy - R. Hanan Benayahu 15 Apr 2021
The video titled "Evolution of Sepharadi Prayer Liturgy" by R. Hanan Benayahu explores the historical development of Sephardic prayer liturgy. R. Benayahu di...
15 Apr 2021
The Habura headphones Principles in Rambam’s Writings (3) - Midrashim & Rationality - R. Joseph Dweck 7 Apr 2021
In this video by R. Joseph Dweck, the principles in Rambam's writings are discussed, specifically focusing on the balance between Midrashim (interpretive and...
7 Apr 2021
The Habura headphones Torah Min HaShamayim - R. Joseph Dweck & R. Dr. Joshua Berman 6 Apr 2021
The text provided does not contain any specific information or discussion points about "Torah Min HaShamayim - R. Joseph Dweck & R. Dr. Joshua Berman." Conse...
6 Apr 2021
The Habura headphones Principles in Rambam’s Writings (2) - Mitzvot as a Means to an End - R. Joseph Dweck 1 Apr 2021
In this video lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he discusses the principles found in the writings of Maimonides (Rambam). Rabbi Dweck emphasizes that according ...
1 Apr 2021
The Habura headphones How To Study Talmud (2) - R. Abe H. Faur 18 Mar 2021
Rabbi Abe H. Faur discusses the importance of studying Talmud and provides tips on how to approach it. He emphasizes that Talmud study is a spiritual practic...
18 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones Principles in Rambam’s Writings (1) - R. Joseph Dweck 15 Mar 2021
In this video by R. Joseph Dweck, he discusses the principles found in the writings of Rambam (also known as Maimonides). Rambam was a renowned Jewish schola...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones How To Study Talmud (1) - R. Abe H. Faur 15 Mar 2021
There seems to be an error in the provided information. The text you shared appears to be a list of links to a virtual and physical Bet Midrash (house of stu...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones Hashkafic & Halakhic Differences of Sepharad & Ashkenaz - Sina Kahen & R. Daniel Kada 15 Mar 2021
In this episode, Sina Kahen and R. Daniel Kada discuss the hashkafic (philosophical) and halakhic (legal) differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish ...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones Were Amalek the First Existentialists? - Purim - R. Joseph Dweck 15 Mar 2021
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the idea of whether the Amalekites, who are associated with the biblical story of Purim, can be considered the fir...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones The Role of Science and Philosophy in Torah - The Meiri’s Teshuba - R. Daniel Kada 15 Mar 2021
In this video by Rabbi Daniel Kada, the discussion revolves around the role of science and philosophy in Torah. The speaker introduces the concept of the Me'...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones Not In God's Name by R. Sacks - Conversation - R. Joseph Dweck & R. Daniel Kada 15 Mar 2021
In this conversation between Rabbis Joseph Dweck and Daniel Kada, they discuss Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not In God's Name." The book explores the roots an...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones On God, Prayer, and Rambam (Hosted by SP Sephardi Community) - R. Joseph Dweck & R. Dr. Sam Lebens 15 Mar 2021
The video hosted by the SP Sephardi Community discusses the topics of God, prayer, and the Jewish scholar Rambam. R. Joseph Dweck and R. Dr. Sam Lebens engag...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones The Authority of the Midrash Halakha of Hakhamim - Dayan Ofer Livnat 15 Mar 2021
In this video lecture by Dayan Ofer Livnat, the authority of the Midrash Halakha (interpretive teachings of the sages) is discussed. Livnat emphasizes the im...
15 Mar 2021
The Habura headphones Iyyun Sephardi Sephardi and Ashkenazi Approaches to Talmud Study - R. Harold Sutton 15 Mar 2021
In this video, Rabbi Harold Sutton explores the differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi approaches to Talmud study. He highlights how Sephardic tradition...
15 Mar 2021