Daily Podcasts Video search
Rationalist Judaism Is There A Different Genocide Facing Israel? 10 Mar
The article discusses the hyperbolic claims made by some members of the charedi community in Beit Shemesh about a potential "genocide" if a non-charedi candi...
10 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Israel and "Settler Colonialism" 7 Mar
The discussion delves into the accusation of Israel being a settler-colonial regime, often leveled in academic and global contexts. It refutes this claim by ...
7 Mar
Rationalist Judaism The Ultimate Wedding Experience 5 Mar
Celebrating the Ultimate Wedding Experience, the text describes a unique event where ten IDF combat soldier weddings were synchronized and held simultaneousl...
5 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Funny & Serious 2 Mar
The writer shares a mix of humorous and serious anecdotes, including a nerve-wracking experience at JFK Immigration, meeting Ben Shapiro, and giving a shiur ...
2 Mar
Rationalist Judaism Making an Impact 29 Feb
The 2023 Impact Report for the Biblical Museum of Natural History has been released, showcasing stories of individuals impacted, visitor statistics, upcoming...
29 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Goodbye God, It's Elections 28 Feb
The article discusses the contradiction within the Charedi community in Israel regarding their beliefs in divine providence and the importance of taking prac...
28 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Deception and Deflection 22 Feb
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military servic...
22 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Surprise IDF Discovery 19 Feb
An IDF commander stationed near Gaza found a book, "Man & Beast: Our Relationship with Animals in Jewish Law and Thought," written by the parent of another I...
19 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Justifying Israel 13 Feb
This recommendation suggests reading material to better understand and justify the existence of Israel. The first suggestion is an article by the late Ruth G...
13 Feb
Rationalist Judaism When Helping is Harming 11 Feb
The author reflects on the concept of helping others and its potential harm. They reference a situation in the Torah where it is a mitzvah to help someone st...
11 Feb
Rationalist Judaism The Growing Divide 8 Feb
This article discusses the growing divide between the charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the rest of Israel. While Israel has been facing losses and sacr...
8 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Guest Post: “My Sons’ Lives and Learning” 5 Feb
The author discusses her experience as a parent in Israel, where she and her husband had to choose a specific religious community for their children to be a ...
5 Feb
Rationalist Judaism Let THEM say no 3 Feb
The author discusses the perception that Palestinians want peace while Jews are against their political independence. They argue that this perception is fals...
3 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Daas Torah Surprise 1 Feb
In this article, the author explores the concept of seeking advice from a Gadol HaDor, the ultimate rabbinic authority in Judaism, versus consulting other pr...
1 Feb
Rationalist Judaism A Dangerous Fantasy 30 Jan
The author discusses a recent event held in Jerusalem advocating for the resettlement of Gaza, attended by right-wing Religious Zionist supporters and govern...
30 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Myth of Right-Wing Security 25 Jan
The article explores the misconception that right-wing politicians are inherently better at providing security. The author argues that this belief is flawed ...
25 Jan
Rationalist Judaism A Declaration 23 Jan
The author discusses the idea of a national emergency in Israel and its implications for charitable giving and support of Torah institutions. He mentions tha...
23 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Charedim are Forcing Yeshiva Students into the IDF 20 Jan
The charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community is currently facing a crisis due to the shortage of manpower in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). As a result, the IDF...
20 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Rav Zevin: "Is This Da'as Torah?" 18 Jan
Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, a prominent rabbinic authority, wrote a letter about whether yeshiva students should be drafted into the army. He questions the justi...
18 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Killer Whales and Zionism 16 Jan
The author discusses the message of the Biblical Museum of Natural History, which emphasizes how animals are a part of the cultural heritage of different nat...
16 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Yeshiva King 14 Jan
This article examines a common prooftext used to argue that full-time Torah learning in yeshivas justifies exempting charedi (ultra-Orthodox) students from m...
14 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Eviscerating Torah 11 Jan
The text discusses the issue of military service in the Israeli charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the moral and Torah-based arguments surrounding it. Th...
11 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Animals of Different Cultures 9 Jan
The Biblical Museum of Natural History emphasizes that every culture has animals that are significant in its heritage. These animals are often represented in...
9 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Letter of the Mothers 7 Jan
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yes...
7 Jan
Rationalist Judaism More Important Than Learning Torah 4 Jan
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism. The author quotes Rav Aharon Licht...
4 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Book News 2 Jan
The Hebrew edition of the first volume of The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom has been released and can be purchased at the museum or on the museum ...
2 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Two Different Universes 31 Dec 2023
This article discusses a Facebook exchange between individuals representing the charedi and dati-leumi (Zionist-religious) perspectives on Torah and avodas H...
31 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Tzaddik or Mazzik? 26 Dec 2023
Rabbi Shai Graucher, known for his close association with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his works on his teachings, has garnered praise for his tremendous acts of ...
26 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism A Bris Amidst the War 24 Dec 2023
This article describes the author's experience attending a bris (circumcision ceremony) amidst the ongoing war in Israel. The new father, Avi Kahn, is an Ame...
24 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Who is Providing Zechusim for Whom? 19 Dec 2023
The author discusses the concept of providing zechusim, or spiritual merits, for soldiers during war. They argue that there is no traditional mechanism in Ju...
19 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Responding to Trauma 17 Dec 2023
The article discusses the impact of trauma on children during war in Israel. Many children are experiencing emotional distress and fear due to the ongoing co...
17 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Firing for Failure 14 Dec 2023
The article discusses several reasons why Harvard University President Claudine Gay should resign, including her refusal to address calls for genocide agains...
14 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Mighty Maccabees? 12 Dec 2023
This text discusses different perspectives on the significance of the military victory and the miracle of the oil during Chanukah. It mentions that some argu...
12 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Cities of Torah Warriors 10 Dec 2023
In this article, the author discusses the concept of charedi cities, which are communities in Israel filled with yeshivas and kollels. These cities continue ...
10 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism The New Importance of Chanukah 7 Dec 2023
The author argues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is not about the West Bank or the establishment of a Palestinian state, but rather about Pal...
7 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Our Indigenous Beginnings 6 Dec 2023
The map from Martin Gilbert's book "The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Its History in Maps" shows that Jews were the main settled population in the land that eventua...
6 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism "The Haredi Needle Isn't Moving" 5 Dec 2023
A survey conducted by the Jewish People Policy Institute reveals that the recent war in Israel had little impact on the desire of the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox)...
5 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Am Yisrael Chai! 4 Dec 2023
The text discusses a Midrash about the significance of animals in relation to the Jewish people. It states that while the Jewish people are compared to a dov...
4 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Commander Slifkin's Barbeque 3 Dec 2023
The author discusses the strain that the war has put on relationships with neighbors in the community. While some of the frustration stems from the fact that...
3 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Israel Isrealistic 1 Dec 2023
In this article, the author discusses the relevance of the weekly Torah portion to current events. While skeptical of people claiming direct connections betw...
1 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism A Painful Deal 28 Nov 2023
The author discusses the pain caused by a recent hostage deal and aims to alleviate some of the concerns surrounding it. They argue that the deal received br...
28 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Complex Reality 27 Nov 2023
In this article, Rav Dovid Leibel discusses the issue of charedim (ultra-Orthodox) and their participation in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He argues tha...
27 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism "Every Tehillim is a Bullet" 26 Nov 2023
In the charedi world, there is a belief that yeshiva students play a crucial role in winning the war, either by providing merit or by actually fighting again...
26 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism He's Not An Aberration 25 Nov 2023
In this article, the author discusses the response of the charedi Jewish community to controversial statements made by one of their rabbinic figures, Rav Bun...
25 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism "What's it got to do with us?" 24 Nov 2023
Rav Yisroel Bunim Schreiber, a prominent figure in the Israeli charedi community, recently sparked controversy with his remarks about soldiers in the IDF. He...
24 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Pushback 23 Nov 2023
The American charedi Gedolei Torah's response to the March for Israel rally led to controversy, with no rabbis attending and ranging from weak endorsement to...
23 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Charedi approach to the war 22 Nov 2023
The author addresses criticisms of their posts on the lack of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) involvement in the war efforts. They argue that revealing the issue do...
22 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism Straight From The Top 21 Nov 2023
Rav Aharon Feldman, a highly respected rabbi and member of Agudas Yisraels Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, released a letter explaining his decision to withdraw sup...
21 Nov 2023
Rationalist Judaism The Rosh HaShana Spirit 14 Sep 2023
The author shares a creative way to get into the spirit of Rosh HaShana by creating a YouTube playlist of the tunes used in their shul, which has a significa...
14 Sep 2023
Rationalist Judaism Controversial Kashrut 12 Sep 2023
The author discusses the controversy surrounding the kashrut of a particular species, which is commonly assumed to be not kosher. However, after researching ...
12 Sep 2023