Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish Action Voices from Campus: Columbia University 9 Mar
Jewish students at Columbia University have faced a surge in antisemitic incidents since October 7, including harassment, physical assault, and online attack...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Voices from Campus: Cornell University 9 Mar
Jewish students at Cornell University share their experiences in the aftermath of a conflict in Israel, detailing instances of antisemitism on campus. They r...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Voices from Campus: University of Chicago 9 Mar
Jewish students at the University of Chicago faced heightened antisemitism post-October 7, with Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) supporting Palestinia...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Voices from Campus: Harvard 9 Mar
Jewish students at Harvard University are experiencing challenges post-October 7, facing a mix of antisemitism and ignorance surrounding Israel and the Israe...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Chizuk on Campus 9 Mar
In response to increased pro-Palestinian activism and antisemitism on college campuses, Jewish students at the University of Pennsylvania and other schools r...
9 Mar
Jewish Action How Students are Responding to Antisemitism 9 Mar
In response to the recent surge of antisemitism on college campuses and in public high schools, many students are embracing their Jewish identity more openly...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Yefashpesh B’ma’asav: Post-Tragedy Introspection 9 Mar
The text reflects on the importance of introspection in response to tragedies, drawing parallels between historical events and contemporary challenges facing...
9 Mar
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . Rashi Script? 9 Mar
Rashi script, a cursive script used by early printers to distinguish Rashi's commentary from the Biblical text, has no connection to Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki h...
9 Mar
Jewish Action A No-Grainer: The Laws of Yoshon Simplified 9 Mar
Yoshon refers to the Jewish law that permits the consumption of grains planted before Pesach, while chodosh is grains planted after Pesach, subject to restri...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Pesach’s Forgotten Meal 9 Mar
The article discusses the often overlooked Pesach breakfasts and provides Pesach-friendly recipes to ensure a well-fed and happy family during the holiday. T...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Review of Kohelet: A Map to Eden—An Intertextual Journey 9 Mar
In "Kohelet: A Map to EdenAn Intertextual Journey" by David Curwin, the author presents an insightful analysis of the Book of Kohelet, known for its enigmati...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Spring 2024 9 Mar
Rabbi Menachem Genack's "Gan Shoshanim, vol. 1" offers Torah essays that blend insights from Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik with Brisker-style analysis, presen...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Until When 9 Mar
Nomi Gutenmacher reflects on her son's journey from being drafted into the Israeli army, highlighting the emotional and physical transformations she witnesse...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Letters – Spring 2024 9 Mar
A hakaras hatov letter expresses gratitude to Jewish Action for initiating a program that fostered meaningful learning relationships for Jewish individuals w...
9 Mar
Jewish Action My Yarmulke 9 Mar
The article discusses the evolving acceptance of wearing yarmulkes in professional settings, particularly in the author's experience working at law and accou...
9 Mar
Jewish Action In Praise of Israel’s Emunah 9 Mar
Israeli soldier Ori Megidish's rescue by the IDF from captivity in Gaza highlighted the role of emunah, or faith, in facing challenges, as her mother engaged...
9 Mar
Jewish Action How Do We Partner? The Benefits of Shared Leadership 9 Mar
The text delves into the concept of partnership and shared leadership, drawing from the personal loss of Sergeant First Class (res.) Yakir Hexter and discuss...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Torah United 9 Mar
In the wake of a tragic event, the theme of unity among the Jewish people emerges strongly, with acts of kindness and solidarity across different Jewish comm...
9 Mar
Jewish Action New From OU Press – Spring 2024 9 Mar
"Hasidus Meets America: The Life and Torah of the Monastryshcher Rebbe" by Professor Ora Wiskind sheds light on Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Rabinowitz, a Chassidi...
9 Mar
Jewish Action Remembering Rose Lubin 25 Dec 2023
Staff Sgt. Rose Lubin, a Border Police officer in Jerusalem's Old City precinct, was killed in a stabbing attack. In memory of her, a gathering was held wher...
25 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Best Kids Books to Gift This Chanukah 5 Dec 2023
This article highlights four children's books with Jewish themes. "A Kids Book About Perseverance" by Yonina Schnall Lermer teaches children about perseveran...
5 Dec 2023
Jewish Action The Unity of a Nation 3 Dec 2023
During Israel's 2023 war, an unprecedented display of chesed, ahavat Yisrael, and achdut was seen globally, with Jews from diverse backgrounds coming togethe...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action On the Frontlines of Chesed: A Diary 3 Dec 2023
In this diary, the author recounts her experience of mobilizing chesed (acts of kindness) during a time of war in Israel. She and her friend gather essential...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action On the Frontlines of Chesed: A Diary 3 Dec 2023
In this diary entry, the author describes their experience of mobilizing chesed (kindness) in response to the war between Israel and Hamas. They and their fr...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action A Shield for the Soldiers 3 Dec 2023
The demand for olive-green tzitzit for IDF soldiers has increased significantly since the start of the war. Soldiers see their tzitziyot as a tangible repres...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action This Is Unity 3 Dec 2023
In the wake of the war in Israel, individuals and communities across the Jewish diaspora unite to support soldiers and civilians in Israel. A young woman org...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action The Blessings of Zoom School 3 Dec 2023
Amidst the fear and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing conflict in Israel, a group of American and Israeli children have found solace and conne...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Women Bridging the Gap 3 Dec 2023
The article shares a story about the collaboration between women from a deeply religious community and a secular kibbutz in Israel during the war. The women ...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Delivering Chizuk 3 Dec 2023
This article shares the story of Bentzi Goldman, who owns a delivery company and decided to use his company to help Israeli soldiers during the war. He and h...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action From Toothbrushes to Tourniquets 3 Dec 2023
Shelley and Ariel Serber from West Hempstead, New York, have transformed their living room into a distribution center for the IDF during the Iron Swords War....
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Making Aliyah in a Time of War 3 Dec 2023
Despite the ongoing war in Gaza, Ben Katz and his wife, Michele, proceeded with their plans to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) from Cleveland. They filled ...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Beyond the Frontlines: OU Uniting to Help Our Community in Crisis 3 Dec 2023
The Orthodox Union (OU) has been actively supporting and assisting the Jewish community in Israel during the recent crisis. They have raised over $2 million ...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Beyond the Frontlines: OU Uniting to Help Our Community in Crisis 3 Dec 2023
The Orthodox Union (OU) has been actively working to provide aid to individuals and families impacted by the recent conflict in Israel. They have raised over...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Speaking with IDF Colonel Golan Vach 3 Dec 2023
Colonel Golan Vach, the commander of the IDF's National Rescue Unit of the Home Front Command, has had extensive experience in disaster rescues and humanitar...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Speaking with IDF Colonel Golan Vach 3 Dec 2023
Colonel Golan Vach, the head of the IDF's National Rescue Unit, discusses his experiences in disaster relief efforts, including his recent deployment to Surf...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action In Pursuit of a Dream: The North American Youth Aliyah Movement 3 Dec 2023
The North American Youth Aliyah Movement, which involves young North American Jews making aliyah (immigrating) to Israel to pursue higher education and build...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action In Pursuit of a Dream: The North American Youth Aliyah Movement 3 Dec 2023
The article discusses the growing trend of young North American Jews pursuing higher education and settling in Israel. Many of these young olim are choosing ...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Aviva Lakser’s Story 3 Dec 2023
Aviva Lakser, a young Jewish woman from Skokie, Illinois, shares her story of making aliyah (immigrating) to Israel. Raised in a Zionist household and active...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Israel at War: How Young Olim Are Making a Difference 3 Dec 2023
This article discusses the response of young olim (immigrants) living in Israel during times of war. Despite the challenges of being far from family and deal...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Israel at War: How Young Olim Are Making a Difference 3 Dec 2023
The article discusses how young olim (Jews who have immigrated to Israel) are volunteering and supporting Israel during times of war. Many of these young oli...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action The Sound of Sirens 3 Dec 2023
The author describes waking up to the sound of sirens on Shabbat/Simchat Torah morning in Herzliya. People were being called up for reserve duty, indicating ...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Mobilizing for Chesed 3 Dec 2023
During the recent war in Israel, Rabbi Noam and Shifra Friedman, educators at Reichman University, mobilized their community to support soldiers who were bei...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Up Close with Rivka Ravitz 3 Dec 2023
Rivka Ravitz, former chief of staff to the tenth president of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, discusses her career in politics and the challenges she faced as a Chare...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action A World Gone Mad 3 Dec 2023
In this personal account, the author shares her experience during a period of conflict in Israel. She describes the fear and anxiety she felt as explosions w...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Hamadrikh: The New Handbook of Jewish Life 3 Dec 2023
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) has released a new edition of Hamadrikh, a handbook for the American rabbinate. The original Hamadrikh was compiled b...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about… Asarah B’Tevet Falling on Shabbat? 3 Dec 2023
Asarah BTevet, also known as the tenth of Tevet, is a fast day on the Jewish calendar that commemorates the beginning of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem. W...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action The Kashrut of Bread: All You Knead to Know 3 Dec 2023
The article discusses the kashrut of bread in Jewish dietary laws. It explains that according to the Gemara, bread must be pareve and should not be kneaded w...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Those Were the Nights of Chanukah 3 Dec 2023
This article discusses the joy and casual nature of Chanukah parties, highlighting the opportunity to cook and enjoy special dairy recipes. It provides recip...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Medical Halachah Annual, Volume 1: The Pandemic and Its Implications 3 Dec 2023
The Medical Halachah Annual, Volume 1: The Pandemic and Its Implications presents a halachic approach to the ethical questions raised by the Covid-19 pandemi...
3 Dec 2023
Jewish Action Insights and Attitudes: Torah Essays on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues 3 Dec 2023
"Insights and Attitudes: Torah Essays on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues" is a compilation of essays by Rabbi Hershel Schachter and Rabbi Mayer Twe...
3 Dec 2023