Tikvah headphones Shay Khatiri on the Protests Riling Iran 30 Sep 2022
This text discusses the recent protests in Iran that were sparked by the death of a young woman named Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by Iranian police for not...
30 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Shay Khatiri on the Protests Riling Iran 30 Sep 2022
In this article, Shay Khatiri discusses the recent protests in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who was arrested for improperly wearing...
30 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Gil Student on the Journey into Orthodoxy (Rebroadcast) 22 Sep 2022
In this rebroadcasted podcast episode, Gil Student engages in a conversation about personal change and repentance, or teshuvah, as the Jewish calendar prompt...
22 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Gil Student on the Journey into Orthodoxy (Rebroadcast) 22 Sep 2022
In this podcast episode, Gil Student explores the concept of tshuvah (repentance) and personal change in the Jewish tradition. He discusses an essay called "...
22 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Eli Spitzer on the New York Times's Controversial Yeshiva Report 15 Sep 2022
Eli Spitzer, a columnist and hasidic educator, discusses the New York Times' controversial article on hasidic schools in greater New York. The article claime...
15 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Eli Spitzer on the New York Times's Controversial Yeshiva Report 15 Sep 2022
The New York Times published an article called "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money," which claimed that hasidic Jewish reli...
15 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Meir Soloveichik on Jerusalem’s Enduring Symbols 9 Sep 2022
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik discusses the enduring symbols of Jerusalem in a podcast conversation with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver. Jerusalem holds immense spir...
9 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Meir Soloveichik on Jerusalem’s Enduring Symbols 9 Sep 2022
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, in a recent podcast discussion with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver, explores the enduring symbols of Jerusalem. Jerusalem holds immens...
9 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Daniel Polisar on the First Zionist Congress, 125 Years Later 2 Sep 2022
The World Zionist Organization recently commemorated the 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress, which was initiated by Theodor Herzl. Herzl believe...
2 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Daniel Polisar on the First Zionist Congress, 125 Years Later 2 Sep 2022
The 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress, led by Theodor Herzl, was commemorated by the World Zionist Organization in Basel. Herzl believed that a...
2 Sep 2022
Tikvah headphones Hussein Aboubakr on the Holocaust in the Arab Moral Imagination 25 Aug 2022
In this podcast, the Egyptian writer Hussein Aboubakr discusses why Palestinians, including President Mahmoud Abbas, often reference the Holocaust when discu...
25 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Hussein Aboubakr on the Holocaust in the Arab Moral Imagination 25 Aug 2022
In this podcast episode, Egyptian writer Hussein Aboubakr discusses why Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas refused to apologize for the Munich Oly...
25 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Jonathan Schanzer on Israel's Weekend War against Islamic Jihad 19 Aug 2022
Israeli forces captured the head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in the West Bank and in response, PIJ threatened to attack Israel from Gaza. The IDF stru...
19 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Jonathan Schanzer on Israel's Weekend War against Islamic Jihad 19 Aug 2022
This article discusses the recent conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza. It started after Israeli forces captured the head of P...
19 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Yair Harel on Haim Louk’s Masterful Jewish Music 11 Aug 2022
Yair Harel discusses Haim Louk, a Moroccan-born rabbi and musical virtuoso who has played a significant role in bridging the gap between Israeli society and ...
11 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Yair Harel on Haim Louk’s Masterful Jewish Music 11 Aug 2022
In this podcast, Israeli vocalist and musical director Yair Harel discusses the significant influence of Haim Louk, a Moroccan-born rabbi and musical virtuos...
11 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Micah Goodman on Deuteronomy—Moses's Final Speech (Rebroadcast) 4 Aug 2022
Renowned Israeli thinker and scholar Micah Goodman provides a thought-provoking interpretation of the Book of Deuteronomy, also known as Sefer Devarim, which...
4 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Micah Goodman on Deuteronomy—Moses's Final Speech (Rebroadcast) 4 Aug 2022
The Book of Deuteronomy, also known as Sefer Devarim in Hebrew, consists primarily of Moses's final speech to the Israelites before his death. Micah Goodman,...
4 Aug 2022
Tikvah headphones Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter on Why So Many Jewish Soldiers Are Buried Under Crosses, and What Can Be Done About It 29 Jul 2022
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter discusses the issue of Jewish soldiers in World War II being buried under Christian gravestones in military cemeteries. He highlights...
29 Jul 2022
Tikvah headphones Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter on Why So Many Jewish Soldiers Are Buried Under Crosses, and What Can Be Done About It 29 Jul 2022
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, a historian at Yeshiva University, discusses the issue of many Jewish soldiers being buried under Christian gravestones shaped like ...
29 Jul 2022
Tikvah headphones Robert Nicholson on the Changing Face of Evangelical Zionism 21 Jul 2022
In this discussion, Robert Nicholson highlights the changing landscape of evangelical Zionism. He previously wrote about the strong support that millions of ...
21 Jul 2022
Tikvah headphones Robert Nicholson on the Changing Face of Evangelical Zionism 21 Jul 2022
Robert Nicholson discusses the changing landscape of evangelical Zionism in a podcast. He notes that while Christian evangelicals who support Israel have dec...
21 Jul 2022
Tikvah headphones Daniel Gordis and Asael Abelman on the Personality of the New Jew 15 Jul 2022
This article discusses the concept of the "New Jew" and its relevance in modern-day Israel. Some early Zionists advocated for a new type of Jew, free from th...
15 Jul 2022
Tikvah headphones Daniel Gordis and Asael Abelman on the Personality of the New Jew 15 Jul 2022
This article discusses the concept of the "New Jew" in Israel, which emerged before the state's founding, with the idea that the new Jewish state would bring...
15 Jul 2022
Tikvah headphones Douglas Murray on the War on the West 29 Jun 2022
In his 2022 book "The War on the West," journalist Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized, ignoring its positive contribution...
29 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Douglas Murray on the War on the West 29 Jun 2022
In his book "The War on the West," Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized for its sins, ignoring its positive contributions a...
29 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Podcast: Jeffrey Woolf on the Political and Religious Significance of the Temple Mount 23 Jun 2022
In this podcast, Rabbi and professor Jeffrey Woolf discusses the significance of the Temple Mount in Judaism and the political challenges surrounding it. The...
23 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Podcast: Jeffrey Woolf on the Political and Religious Significance of the Temple Mount 23 Jun 2022
In this podcast, Rabbi Jeffrey Woolf discusses the religious and political significance of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He explains that the Temple Mount i...
23 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Zohar Atkins on the Contested Idea of Equality 17 Jun 2022
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher, rabbi, and writer, discusses the concept of equality in Western intellectual tradition. He explores the ideas of thinkers such a...
17 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Zohar Atkins on the Contested Idea of Equality 17 Jun 2022
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher, rabbi, and writer, discusses the concept of equality in this podcast episode. He explores the historical development of the idea...
17 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Steven Smith on Persecution and the Art of Writing 9 Jun 2022
Yale professor Steven Smith discusses the essay "Persecution and the Art of Writing" by Leo Strauss, a German Jewish philosopher. Smith explains how writers ...
9 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Steven Smith on Persecution and the Art of Writing 9 Jun 2022
In this podcast episode, Yale professor Steven Smith discusses the essay "Persecution and the Art of Writing" by German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss. Smith...
9 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Jon Levenson on the Moral Force of the Book of Ruth 3 Jun 2022
In this podcast episode, Harvard professor Jon Levenson discusses the significance of the book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied during the holiday of ...
3 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Jon Levenson on the Moral Force of the Book of Ruth 3 Jun 2022
In this podcast episode, Jon Levenson, a Harvard professor, discusses the moral force of the biblical Book of Ruth, which is traditionally studied by Jews du...
3 Jun 2022
Tikvah headphones Tony Badran on How Hizballah Wins, Even When It Loses 26 May 2022
In this podcast episode, Tony Badran, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, argues against the idea that Hizballah is weakening in ...
26 May 2022
Tikvah headphones Tony Badran on How Hizballah Wins, Even When It Loses 26 May 2022
In this podcast, Tony Badran, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, discusses the misconception that Hezbollah is weakening in Leba...
26 May 2022
Tikvah headphones John Podhoretz on Midge Decter’s Life in Ideas 19 May 2022
In this podcast episode, John Podhoretz reflects on the life and ideas of his mother, Midge Decter, who recently passed away. Decter was a cultural commentat...
19 May 2022
Tikvah headphones John Podhoretz on Midge Decter’s Life in Ideas 19 May 2022
Midge Decter, a prominent cultural commentator, recently passed away. Despite being a lifelong Democrat, she was known for her anti-Communist liberal views a...
19 May 2022
Tikvah headphones Motti Inbari on the Yemenite Children Affair 12 May 2022
Motti Inbari, a professor of religion and expert on Israeli social and religious movements, addresses the myth of the Yemenite Children Affair in a recent es...
12 May 2022
Tikvah headphones Motti Inbari on the Yemenite Children Affair 12 May 2022
In a recent podcast, Motti Inbari, a professor of religion specializing in Israeli social and religious movements, discusses the myth surrounding the Yemenit...
12 May 2022
Tikvah headphones Christine Emba on Rethinking Sex 6 May 2022
In her book "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba explores the idea of consent in modern sexual ethics. While consent is important and necessary, Emba argues that...
6 May 2022
Tikvah headphones Christine Emba on Rethinking Sex 6 May 2022
In her book "Rethinking Sex," Christine Emba explores the idea that consent alone is not enough for modern sexual ethics. While consent is important, Emba ar...
6 May 2022
Tikvah headphones Shany Mor on How To Understand the Recent Terror Attacks in Israel 27 Apr 2022
In a recent podcast episode, Israeli analyst Shany Mor discusses the recent surge in terrorist attacks in Israel, which had previously experienced a period o...
27 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Shany Mor on How To Understand the Recent Terror Attacks in Israel 27 Apr 2022
In this podcast episode, Shany Mor discusses the recent surge of terrorist attacks in Israel after a period of relative calm since the Second Intifada. Mor p...
27 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Abraham Socher on His Life in Jewish Letters and the Liberal Arts 21 Apr 2022
Abraham Socher, the founding editor of the Jewish Review of Books, discusses his new book of essays titled "Liberal and Illiberal Arts: Essays (Mostly Jewish...
21 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Abraham Socher on His Life in Jewish Letters and the Liberal Arts 21 Apr 2022
In this podcast episode, Abraham Socher, the founding editor of the Jewish Review of Books and an emeritus professor of Jewish studies, discusses his educati...
21 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Yuval Levin on the Exodus and Freedom 14 Apr 2022
Yuval Levin discusses the concept of freedom in relation to the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative. He notes that while freedom is central to the holi...
14 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Yuval Levin on the Exodus and Freedom 14 Apr 2022
Yuval Levin, editor of National Affairs, explores the concept of freedom in the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative. While freedom is central to the ho...
14 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Ilana Horwitz on Educational Performance and Religion 7 Apr 2022
Ilana Horwitz, a professor at Tulane University, recently published a new book that explores the relationship between religious beliefs and educational perfo...
7 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Ilana Horwitz on Educational Performance and Religion 7 Apr 2022
Ilana Horwitz, a professor at Tulane University, discusses her recent book that highlights the role of religion in American children's educational performanc...
7 Apr 2022