Tikvah headphones Ilana Horwitz on Educational Performance and Religion 7 Apr 2022
Ilana Horwitz, a professor at Tulane University, discusses her recent book that highlights the role of religion in American children's educational performanc...
7 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones David Friedman on What He Learned as U.S. Ambassador to Israel 1 Apr 2022
Former U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, reflects on his time in the Trump administration and his new memoir in a podcast with Mosaic editor Jonatha...
1 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones David Friedman on What He Learned as U.S. Ambassador to Israel 1 Apr 2022
David Friedman, former U.S. ambassador to Israel, discusses his experiences during his tenure in a new memoir. He highlights some of the Trump administration...
1 Apr 2022
Tikvah headphones Andy Smarick on What the Government Can and Can’t Do to Help American Families 23 Mar 2022
In this podcast, policy researcher Andy Smarick discusses the government's role in strengthening American families. Smarick emphasizes the importance of the ...
23 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Andy Smarick on What the Government Can and Can’t Do to Help American Families 23 Mar 2022
In this podcast episode, policy researcher Andy Smarick discusses the government's role in strengthening American families. Smarick emphasizes the importance...
23 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Aaron MacLean on Deterrence and American Power 17 Mar 2022
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean examines the United States' credibility and deterrent power in various conflicts. He discusses the decisions m...
17 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Aaron MacLean on Deterrence and American Power 17 Mar 2022
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean explores the United States' credibility in the face of various conflicts. He examines the beliefs of America's...
17 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Ronna Burger on Reading Esther as a Philosopher 10 Mar 2022
Ronna Burger, a professor of philosophy at Tulane University, offers a philosophical interpretation of the book of Esther, which Jews study during the celebr...
10 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Ronna Burger on Reading Esther as a Philosopher 10 Mar 2022
In this article, Ronna Burger, a professor of philosophy at Tulane University, explores the book of Esther as a philosophical text. She examines the themes o...
10 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Dovid Margolin on Jewish Life in War-torn Ukraine 4 Mar 2022
In this podcast, Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at Chabad.org, discusses the impact of the war in Ukraine on Jewish life. He explores how being in the midst...
4 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Dovid Margolin on Jewish Life in War-torn Ukraine 4 Mar 2022
Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at Chabad.org, discusses the religious dimension of the war in Ukraine. He explores the impact of the war on prayer and synag...
4 Mar 2022
Tikvah headphones Vance Serchuk on the History and Politics Behind Russia's Invasion of Ukraine 25 Feb 2022
In this podcast episode, foreign-policy scholar Vance Serchuk discusses the history and politics that underlie Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The invasion mar...
25 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Vance Serchuk on the History and Politics Behind Russia's Invasion of Ukraine 25 Feb 2022
Russian airstrikes and tanks have commenced a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which marks a significant turning point in Russian-Western relations since the ...
25 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Ruth Wisse on the Stories Jews Tell 18 Feb 2022
Ruth Wisse, a professor emerita at Harvard and columnist for Mosaic, explores the role of modern Jewish literature and its impact on Jewish culture and ident...
18 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Ruth Wisse on the Stories Jews Tell 18 Feb 2022
Ruth Wisse, a professor emerita at Harvard, Mosaic columnist, and senior distinguished fellow at the Tikvah Fund, explores the role of fiction in modern Jewi...
18 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Yossi Shain on the Israeli Century 11 Feb 2022
In his book "The Israeli Century: How the Zionist Revolution Changed History and Reinvented Judaism," Yossi Shain discusses the impact of Jewish sovereignty ...
11 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Yossi Shain on the Israeli Century 11 Feb 2022
Yossi Shain, a professor of political science at Tel Aviv University and a member of Knesset, discusses the impact of Israel on the Jewish people in his book...
11 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Michael Doran on the Most Strategically Valuable Country You've Never Heard Of 4 Feb 2022
In this podcast episode, Michael Doran discusses the strategic importance of Azerbaijan, a country that often goes overlooked. Located at the crossroads of E...
4 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Michael Doran on the Most Strategically Valuable Country You've Never Heard Of 4 Feb 2022
In this podcast episode, Michael Doran discusses the strategic importance of Azerbaijan. He highlights that Azerbaijan is a unique country, bordering both Ir...
4 Feb 2022
Tikvah headphones Mitch Silber on Securing America’s Jewish Communities 28 Jan 2022
In this podcast episode, former NYPD Intelligence Director Mitch Silber discusses the rise of anti-Semitism in America and the need for increased vigilance a...
28 Jan 2022
Tikvah headphones Mitch Silber on Securing America’s Jewish Communities 28 Jan 2022
In this podcast episode, Mitch Silber, former director of intelligence analysis at the New York Police Department and current executive director of the Commu...
28 Jan 2022
Tikvah headphones Jesse Smith on Transmitting Religious Devotion 21 Jan 2022
In a recent study, Jesse Smith of Pennsylvania State University suggests that the family environment plays a significant role in transmitting religious devot...
21 Jan 2022
Tikvah headphones Matti Friedman on China’s New Haifa Port 14 Jan 2022
The Haifa port in Israel recently completed renovations and is now operational, serving as the busiest port in the country. The port is crucial for Israeli t...
14 Jan 2022
Tikvah headphones Jay Greene on Anti-Semitic Leanings Among College Diversity Administrators 7 Jan 2022
A recent report by Jay Greene reveals that many university administrators hired to foster a welcoming environment for students of diverse backgrounds hold an...
7 Jan 2022
Tikvah headphones Our Favorite Broadcasts of 2021 31 Dec 2021
The podcast in question features 49 different guests who appeared in 44 episodes throughout 2021. The conversations covered a range of topics related to Jewi...
31 Dec 2021
Tikvah headphones Three Young Jews on Discovering Their Jewish Purposes 24 Dec 2021
In this podcast episode, three young Jewish individuals, Tamara Berens, Talia Katz, and Dovid Schwartz, discuss their experiences in the Beren Summer Fellows...
24 Dec 2021
Tikvah headphones Podcast: Annie Fixler on Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century 16 Dec 2021
In this podcast, Annie Fixler discusses the growing threat of cyber warfare in the 21st century. In 2020, numerous U.S.-based institutions fell victim to ran...
16 Dec 2021
Tikvah headphones Victoria Coates on the Confusion in Natanz 10 Dec 2021
On December 4, 2021, an explosion occurred near Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz, causing the evacuation of two nearby villages. The cause of the explosion ...
10 Dec 2021
Tikvah headphones Judah Ari Gross on Why Israel and Morocco Came to a New Defense Agreement 3 Dec 2021
Israeli defense minister Benny Gantz recently visited Morocco, accompanied by Israeli military personnel, marking a significant milestone in the two countrie...
3 Dec 2021
Tikvah headphones Avi Helfand on Jewish Life and Law at the Supreme Court 18 Nov 2021
Legal academic Avi Helfand joins Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court case of Carson v. Makin, which deals with the funding of...
18 Nov 2021
Tikvah headphones Nicholas Eberstadt on What Declining Birthrates Mean for the Future of the West 10 Nov 2021
In this article, political economist and demographer Nicholas Eberstadt discusses the declining birthrate in the United States. He notes that America was onc...
10 Nov 2021
Tikvah headphones Suzy Weiss on the Childless Lives of Young American Women 4 Nov 2021
In this podcast episode, writer Suzy Weiss discusses the growing trend among young American women to embrace a childless future as a mark of their identity. ...
4 Nov 2021
Tikvah headphones Michael Eisenberg on Economics in the Book of Genesis 28 Oct 2021
In a discussion with Jonathan Silver, Michael Eisenberg, an Israeli venture capitalist and author, challenges the notion that the Hebrew Bible separates the ...
28 Oct 2021
Tikvah headphones Elisha Wiesel on His Father's Jewish and Zionist Legacy 22 Oct 2021
In a recent op-ed for the Washington Post, Elisha Wiesel, son of the late Elie Wiesel, discusses the honoring of his father through a sculpture of his likene...
22 Oct 2021
Tikvah headphones Antonio Garcia Martinez on Choosing Judaism as an Antidote to Secular Modernity 14 Oct 2021
Tech entrepreneur Antonio Garcia Martinez wrote a two-part essay titled "Why Judaism," in which he explores how Judaism served as an antidote to the issues h...
14 Oct 2021
Tikvah headphones Haviv Rettig Gur on the Jewish Agency in 2021 7 Oct 2021
The Jewish Agency for Israel, founded in 1929, played a crucial role in incubating Israel's proto-government, and its officers became ministers upon Israel's...
7 Oct 2021
Tikvah headphones Yedidya Sinclair on Israel's Shmitah Year 30 Sep 2021
In this discussion, Rabbi Yedidya Sinclair joins Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to explore the importance and practice of the biblical ordinance of shmitah in...
30 Sep 2021
Tikvah headphones Peter Kreeft on the Philosophy of Ecclesiastes 24 Sep 2021
Peter Kreeft, a Catholic philosopher, discusses the philosophical themes in the book of Ecclesiastes during an interview with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver. ...
24 Sep 2021
Tikvah headphones Dara Horn on Why People Love Dead Jews 2 Sep 2021
In her book "People Love Dead Jews," author Dara Horn explores the strange fascination Western society has with Jews, particularly when they are dead. Horn a...
2 Sep 2021
Tikvah headphones Elliot Kaufman on the Crown Heights Riot, 30 Years Later 26 Aug 2021
In this podcast episode, Elliot Kaufman discusses the Crown Heights riot that occurred in August 1991 in Brooklyn. The riot was sparked by a car accident tha...
26 Aug 2021
Tikvah headphones Allan Arkush on Ahad Ha'am and "The Jewish State and Jewish Problem" (Rebroadcast) 19 Aug 2021
In an 1897 essay called "The Jewish State and the Jewish Problem," Ahad Ha'am, a Zionist writer, argued that Judaism does not need an independent state but r...
19 Aug 2021