Daily Podcasts Video search
18forty headphones Larry and Tzipora Rothwachs: Here Without You - A Child's Eating Disorder [Divergence 3/5] 5 Apr 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs and his daughter Tzipora discuss their experience navigating Tzipora's eating disorder, which c...
5 Apr 2022
18forty headphones Bruce Feiler: The Stories That Bind Us [Divergence 2/5] 29 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, author Bruce Feiler discusses the importance of family narratives in building resilience in families. He argues that ...
29 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Bruce Feiler: The Stories That Bind Us [Divergence 2/5] 29 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, author Bruce Feiler discusses the importance of developing a strong family narrative for building resilience in famil...
29 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Intergenerational Divergence: Recap, Reflections, and Response [Divergence 1/5] 22 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts follow up with families from their previous series on intergenerational divergence. They discuss the experi...
22 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Intergenerational Divergence: Recap, Reflections, and Response [Divergence 1/5] 22 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the host follows up with the families from a previous series on intergenerational divergence. The guests reflect on t...
22 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Alex Edelman: Taking Comedy Seriously: Purim 15 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, comedian Alex Edelman discusses the role of humor and levity in a world that often demands seriousness, specifically ...
15 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Alex Edelman: Taking Comedy Seriously: Purim 15 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, comedian Alex Edelman discusses the role of humor and levity in a world that often demands seriousness. As a Modern O...
15 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: A Healthy Relationship with Halacha [Halacha 4/4] 1 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, a prominent rabbi and director of semicha at RIETS, discusses the development of halacha. The c...
1 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: A Healthy Relationship with Halacha [Halacha 4/4] 1 Mar 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, the director of semicha at RIETS, discusses the development of halacha. He explores the role of...
1 Mar 2022
18forty headphones Dr. Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg: Discovering Your Halachic Story [Halacha 3/4] 22 Feb 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dr. Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg, a historian and Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, discusses the history o...
22 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Dr. Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg: Discovering Your Halachic Story [Halacha 3/4] 22 Feb 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dr. Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg, a historian and Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows, discusses the history o...
22 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Dr. Moshe Koppel: Halacha as a Language [Halacha 2/4] 15 Feb 2022
In this episode of Halacha, Dr. Moshe Koppel, a professor of computer science at Bar-Ilan University, discusses his books Judaism Straight Up and Meta-Halakh...
15 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Dr. Moshe Koppel: Halacha as a Language [Halacha 2/4] 15 Feb 2022
In this episode, Dr. Moshe Koppel discusses the concept of Halacha as a language. He explores how the halachic system can be understood through the framework...
15 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik: The Rupture and Reconstruction of Halacha [Halacha 1/4] 8 Feb 2022
In this episode of the 18FortyPodcast, Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik, a renowned scholar in Jewish studies, discusses the development of Halacha (Jewish law) f...
8 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik: The Rupture and Reconstruction of Halacha [Halacha 1/4] 8 Feb 2022
Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik, a renowned scholar of Jewish studies, discusses the development of halacha (Jewish law) in this episode of the 18FortyPodcast. H...
8 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Listener Questions and Behind the Scenes with the 18Forty Team 1 Feb 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts address listener questions and provide a behind-the-scenes look at the production of 18Forty. They highligh...
1 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Listener Questions and Behind the Scenes with the 18Forty Team 1 Feb 2022
This episode of the 18Forty Podcast features listener questions and a conversation with two editors, Denah Emerson and Yehuda Fogel. The podcast and media co...
1 Feb 2022
18forty headphones Marika Feuerstein: The Mentsch of Malden Mills: A Granddaughter Reflects on the Life and Legacy of Aaron Feuerstein [Wealth 4/4] 11 Jan 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Marika Feuerstein discusses the life and legacy of her grandfather, Aaron Feuerstein. Aaron Feuerstein was the head o...
11 Jan 2022
18forty headphones Marika Feuerstein: The Mentsch of Malden Mills: A Granddaughter Reflects on the Life and Legacy of Aaron Feuerstein [Wealth 4/4] 11 Jan 2022
In this 18Forty Podcast episode, Marika Feuerstein discusses her grandfather, Aaron Feuerstein. Aaron Feuerstein gained fame for his commitment to his employ...
11 Jan 2022
18forty headphones Ari Bergmann: Giving Wealth a Rest: The Economics of Shemittah [Wealth 3/4] 4 Jan 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Ari Bergmann, a PhD and financier, discusses the economic benefits of shemittah, which is the year when the land is a...
4 Jan 2022
18forty headphones Ari Bergmann: Giving Wealth a Rest: The Economics of Shemittah [Wealth 3/4] 4 Jan 2022
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Ari Bergmann, a PhD and financier, discusses the benefits of the shemittah year, a year in which the land in Israel i...
4 Jan 2022
18forty headphones Eli Langer & Zevy Wolman: How We Keep Our Finances Kosher [Wealth 2/4] 28 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, hosts Eli Langer and Zevy Wolman discuss financial literacy in the Orthodox Jewish community. They highlight the chal...
28 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Eli Langer & Zevy Wolman: How We Keep Our Finances Kosher [Wealth 2/4] 28 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Eli Langer and Zevy Wolman, hosts of the Kosher Money podcast, discuss the issue of the high cost of living in Orthod...
28 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Mark Trencher: Orthonomics: The Cost of Frum Life [Wealth 1/4] 20 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Mark Trencher, founder of Nishma Research, discusses the financial challenges faced by Orthodox Jewish individuals an...
20 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Mark Trencher: Orthonomics: The Cost of Frum Life [Wealth 1/4] 20 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the founder of Nishma Research, Mark Trencher, discusses the financial aspects of Orthodox Jewish life. Trencher's re...
20 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Zohar Atkins: Between Philosophy and Torah [Rationality 5/5] 14 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Zohar Atkins, a Rabbi and philosopher, discusses the relationship between philosophy and Judaism. He explores the ide...
14 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Zohar Atkins: Between Philosophy and Torah [Rationality 5/5] 14 Dec 2021
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher and rabbi, discusses the relationship between philosophy and Torah in Judaism in this episode of the 18Forty Podcast. He emphasiz...
14 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Simi Peters: Building New Faith Foundations [Rationality 4/5] 7 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Simi Peters, an author and teacher, discusses the intersection of Jewish faith and postmodernism. She explores how to...
7 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Simi Peters: Building New Faith Foundations [Rationality 4/5] 7 Dec 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Simi Peters, an author and teacher, discusses the intersection of Jewish faith and postmodernism. She suggests that w...
7 Dec 2021
18forty headphones Samuel Lebens: The Line Between Rationality and Mysticism [Rationality 3/5] 30 Nov 2021
Samuel Lebens is a philosophy professor and author who explores the intersection of Judaism, analytic philosophy, and mysticism. In his book, "The Principles...
30 Nov 2021
18forty headphones Samuel Lebens: The Line Between Rationality and Mysticism [Rationality 3/5] 30 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, philosophy professor and author Samuel Lebens discusses the intersection of Judaism, analytic philosophy, and mystici...
30 Nov 2021
18forty headphones Shmuel Phillips: Reclaiming Judaism [Rationality 2/5] 23 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, author Shmuel Phillips discusses the importance of approaching Judaism rationally. He grew up questioning why he prac...
23 Nov 2021
18forty headphones Shmuel Phillips: Reclaiming Judaism [Rationality 2/5] 23 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Shmuel Phillips discusses the benefits and drawbacks of approaching Judaism rationally. He emphasizes the importance ...
23 Nov 2021
18forty headphones Anxiety and Rationality: A Personal Anonymous Account [Rationality 1/5] 16 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous guest shares their experience of anxiety and rationality in their approach to Judaism. The guest, who id...
16 Nov 2021
18forty headphones Anxiety and Rationality: A Personal Anonymous Account [Rationality 1/5] 16 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous guest shares their experiences with anxiety and a hyper-rational approach to Judaism. The guest, who ide...
16 Nov 2021
18forty headphones The Books of Shabbos [Shabbos 3/3] 1 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the hosts discuss two important books about Shabbos and their authors. "Shemiras Shabbos KHilchasa" by Rabbi Yehoshua...
1 Nov 2021
18forty headphones The Books of Shabbos [Shabbos 3/3] 1 Nov 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the books Shemiras Shabbos KHilchasa by Rabbi Yehoshua Neuwirth and The Sabbath by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel are d...
1 Nov 2021
18forty headphones The Legacy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks 26 Oct 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses the legacy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on the occasion of his yahrzeit. Rabbi Sac...
26 Oct 2021
18forty headphones The Legacy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks 26 Oct 2021
In this 18Forty Podcast episode honoring the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses the impact and legacy of the late Rabbi. R...
26 Oct 2021
18forty headphones Judith Shulevitz: The World of Shabbos [Shabbos 2/3] 19 Oct 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, author and journalist Judith Shulevitz discusses the world of Shabbos, drawing from her book "The Sabbath World: Glim...
19 Oct 2021
18forty headphones Judith Shulevitz: The World of Shabbos [Shabbos 2/3] 19 Oct 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, journalist Judith Shulevitz discusses the world of Shabbos (the Sabbath). Shulevitz's book, "The Sabbath World: Glimp...
19 Oct 2021
18forty headphones Senator Joe Lieberman: The Gift of Shabbos [Shabbos 1/3] 12 Oct 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Senator Joe Lieberman discusses the gift of Shabbos. As an observant Jew and a politician, Lieberman shares his persp...
12 Oct 2021
18forty headphones Senator Joe Lieberman: The Gift of Shabbos [Shabbos 1/3] 12 Oct 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Senator Joe Lieberman discusses the gift of Shabbos. As an observant Jew and prominent politician, Lieberman offers a...
12 Oct 2021
18forty headphones Yabloner Rebbe: The Rebbe of Change [Teshuva 5/5] 12 Sep 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Pini Dunner and Rav Moshe Weinberger discuss the Yabloner Rebbe and his remarkable journey of teshuva. The Yabl...
12 Sep 2021
18forty headphones Yabloner Rebbe: The Rebbe of Change [Teshuva 5/5] 12 Sep 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Pini Dunner and Rav Moshe Weinberger discuss the Yabloner Rebbe and his remarkable story of teshuva (return to ...
12 Sep 2021
18forty headphones Miriam Gisser: Recovery as Change [Teshuva 4/5] 3 Sep 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Miriam Gisser discusses her experience of rebuilding her life after her husband's death from a drug overdose. She off...
3 Sep 2021
18forty headphones Miriam Gisser: Recovery as Change [Teshuva 4/5] 3 Sep 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Miriam Gisser shares her experience of rebuilding her life after her husband's drug overdose. She discusses the chall...
3 Sep 2021
18forty headphones Agnes Callard: A Philosophy of Change [Teshuva 3/5] 31 Aug 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, philosopher Agnes Callard discusses the philosophy of change. She explores how we make decisions in relation to our v...
31 Aug 2021
18forty headphones Agnes Callard: A Philosophy of Change [Teshuva 3/5] 31 Aug 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Agnes Callard, a professor of philosophy, discusses the philosophy of change. She explores how we make decisions in r...
31 Aug 2021
18forty headphones Alex Clare: Changing in Public [Teshuva 2/5] 23 Aug 2021
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, they speak with Alex Clare, a singer and baal teshuva, about navigating change and the role of "what if" questions. A...
23 Aug 2021