Sapir Zionism’s Next Great Task 1 Feb 2022
The author discusses the achievements of Israel in fulfilling the vision of David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, which includes the ingather...
1 Feb 2022
Sapir Make Zionism Sexy Again 1 Feb 2022
The article discusses the need to rebrand and revitalize Zionism for the younger generation in order to combat rising anti-Israel sentiment and antisemitism....
1 Feb 2022
Sapir What Will Stop the Islamic Republic of Iran 1 Feb 2022
This article discusses the possibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran experiencing collapse or regime change by the year 2030. The author explores scenarios...
1 Feb 2022
Sapir Surfing the Tsunami: Demography and Education in Israel 1 Feb 2022
This article discusses the importance of education in Israel and argues that the country's focus on education has declined over the years, leading to negativ...
1 Feb 2022
Sapir The Media are Broken. Here’s What Could Be Next 1 Feb 2022
The article asserts that the current general-interest media landscape is irreparable, and that major outlets like The New York Times do not care about the co...
1 Feb 2022
Sapir Visionary Leadership for a Jewish Future 1 Feb 2022
The article highlights the importance of visionary leadership in Judaism. It references great Jewish leaders like Moses, Esther, and Herzl who had a clear mi...
1 Feb 2022
Sapir Muslim-Jewish Reconciliation 1 Jan 2022
The article discusses the need for Muslim-Jewish reconciliation and the challenges in achieving this. It highlights the success of the Christian-Jewish dialo...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Enchantment and the Black-Jewish Divide 1 Jan 2022
The author reflects on their dual identity as both black and Jewish and the complex relationship between the two communities. They highlight the contribution...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Jewish Study for Non-Jewish Clergy 1 Jan 2022
The article proposes a program called the Jethro Project, which aims to provide non-Jewish clergy with the opportunity to engage in focused Jewish study. The...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Can a Year in Israel Transform Your Teen? 1 Jan 2022
The article proposes the idea of a "Prep Year in Israel" program for American Jewish high school graduates, similar to the gap year programs in Israel for Or...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Universal Jewish Literacy 1 Jan 2022
The author argues for the need to achieve universal basic Jewish literacy among North American Jews within 20 years, in order to address the current Jewish i...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir The Case for Secular American Yeshivas 1 Jan 2022
The author argues that the American educational system is failing students by not teaching them how to read deeply and engage with texts. They suggest that m...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Dreams for Living Jews 1 Jan 2022
The article discusses the revival of the Wampanoag language by drawing a parallel to the revival of Hebrew. The author recalls attending a conference where r...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Publisher’s Note 1 Jan 2022
In this publisher's note, the author reflects on the mission and goals of Sapir, a publication focused on Jewish communal leaders and the future of the Jewis...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Israel Wins the War of Ideas 1 Jan 2022
The author argues that Israel's usual defenders are trying to win over the wrong kinds of people with the wrong kinds of arguments in the wrong kinds of plac...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Invest in Democracy 1 Jan 2022
The article discusses the challenges facing the Jewish people, such as the impact of the Enlightenment, the struggles of assimilation, the rise of nationalis...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir Invest in Philanthropy 1 Jan 2022
The article discusses the need for a moonshot in Jewish philanthropy, aiming for universal Jewish giving. It highlights that giving is incumbent on all Jews,...
1 Jan 2022
Sapir A Wider Door: Reimagining Conversion 1 Nov 2021
The article discusses the need for the Jewish community to embrace and improve the conversion process in order to sustain vibrant Jewish communities. It sugg...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Advice to a Jewish Freshman 1 Nov 2021
The advice given to a Jewish freshman includes tips for handling anti-Semitic remarks and misconceptions at university. It emphasizes not assuming ill will a...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Two Weddings and a Sorrowful Wife 1 Nov 2021
The author reflects on the current state of antisemitism in Europe, discussing the increasing violence and harassment faced by Jews and the feeling of fear a...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Deep Diversity, the Common Good, and the Israeli Future 1 Nov 2021
This article explores the concept of "deep diversity" in Israeli society and its implications for politics and the common good. It argues that Israel is a so...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir More Unites Us Than Divides Us: A Haredi Perspective 1 Nov 2021
This article discusses the challenges facing non-Orthodox American Jewry and the importance of Jewish literacy and Torah learning for Jewish communities to f...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Saving Jewish Organizations from Themselves 1 Nov 2021
This article discusses the need for reform and adaptation within American Jewish organizations. It draws parallels between the struggles of the Amtrak railwa...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Summing Up 1 Nov 2021
The main points of this text can be summarized as follows: The threats to Jewish continuity include assimilation, antisemitism, intermarriage, apathy, and ig...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Seven Pillars of Wisdom for 21st Century Jews 1 Nov 2021
This article discusses the challenges faced by Jewish communities in the 21st century and offers seven pillars for navigating these challenges. The author em...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Russian Lessons for American Jews 1 Nov 2021
Russian-speaking Jews (RSJs) in America have struggled to reconcile their Jewish identity with that of their American-born peers. While they may not have had...
1 Nov 2021
Sapir Continuity Requires Content 1 Oct 2021
American Jewish leaders have neglected to provide meaningful content in Jewish education and engagement, resulting in a disconnect between American Jews and ...
1 Oct 2021
Sapir Publisher's Note 1 Oct 2021
The text discusses the concept of Jewish continuity and its decline in popularity in recent years. While some have argued for focusing on engagement and brin...
1 Oct 2021
Sapir Continuity Requires Religion 1 Oct 2021
This article discusses the importance of religion in Jewish continuity. While there are many organizations and institutions dedicated to preserving Jewish cu...
1 Oct 2021
Sapir Is There a Future for American Jews? 1 Oct 2021
The future of American Jews is uncertain due to various challenges. While the number of Jewish adults in the country has increased, there is a significant po...
1 Oct 2021
Sapir Summing Up 1 Aug 2021
This text explores the complexities and ambiguities of Jewish power in contemporary society. It discusses the binary thinking that categorizes the powerful a...
1 Aug 2021
Sapir The Use and Abuse of Jewish Power 1 Aug 2021
The article explores the concept of Jewish power and its use and abuse in the context of Israel. It argues that Jewish power in Israel is not normal, as it i...
1 Aug 2021
Sapir King David and the Messiness of Power 1 Aug 2021
The article explores the ambivalence that Jews have towards power, particularly in the context of Israel and the recent conflict with Hamas. The author refle...
1 Aug 2021
Sapir The Allure of Powerlessness 1 Aug 2021
This article discusses the concept of Jewish powerlessness and its historical context. It explores the tension between Jewish values that promote nonviolence...
1 Aug 2021
Sapir Military Might and Demographic Destiny 1 Aug 2021
The article discusses the importance of military power in the Zionist project and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It highlights how David Ben-Gurion, the f...
1 Aug 2021
Sapir Between Hostile and Crazy: Jews and the Two Parties 1 Aug 2021
This article discusses the challenges faced by Jewish Americans in navigating the increasingly polarized political landscape in the United States. It highlig...
1 Aug 2021
Sapir Publisher’s Note 1 Jul 2021
The publisher notes that the concept of power in Jewish communal life has shifted from being aspirational to being viewed with suspicion or hostility. The pu...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir The Eclipse of Jewish Cultural Power 1 Jul 2021
The author argues that American culture is currently experiencing a crisis, with the aesthetic impulse and intellectual engagement being overshadowed by a ri...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir The Power of the Mob in an Unforgiving Age 1 Jul 2021
The article discusses the rise of cancel culture and the power of online mobs to shut down debate and destroy lives. The author suggests that we can find mor...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir Trial and Triage in Washington 1 Jul 2021
The author, who served as Israel's ambassador to the United States, reflects on his experiences in Washington during the Obama administration. He discusses t...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir The Misuse of Expertise 1 Jul 2021
The power of scholarly experts has traditionally come from their objective, informed, and incisive analysis. However, the standard of academic objectivity ha...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir Israel Enters the Arab World 1 Jul 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu's controversial speech to the U.S. Congress in 2015 criticizing the Iran nuclear deal unintentionally accelerated the rapprochement betwee...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir How to Use Antisemitism Against Antisemites 1 Jul 2021
In this article, the author reflects on the perceived Jewish power in America, particularly through the distorted lens of antisemitism. They discuss their pe...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir Philanthropy Is Not Enough 1 Jul 2021
The article argues that the Jewish concept of tzedakah, meaning justice, should be prioritized over philanthropy. While philanthropy is seen as charity drive...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir The Necessity of Jewish Power 1 Jul 2021
The article explores the complicated relationship that Jewish people have with power. Historically, Jews have had limited power, and even now, there is a fea...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir The Power of Ethical Philanthropy 1 Jul 2021
Elisa Spungen Bildner and Rob Bildner, influential philanthropists in the Jewish community, discuss the role of power and collaboration in philanthropy. They...
1 Jul 2021
Sapir The Past and Future of Black–Jewish Relations 1 May 2021
The article discusses the past and future of Black-Jewish relations. It highlights the historical alliance between Black and Jewish communities during the ci...
1 May 2021
Sapir Critical Race Theory and the ‘Hyper-White’ Jew 1 May 2021
This article discusses the intersection of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its impact on Jewish individuals. It highlights how CRT promotes the idea that only...
1 May 2021
Sapir Liberalism and the Common Calling of Blacks and Jews 1 May 2021
This article discusses the complex relationship between Jews and Blacks, particularly in the context of liberalism and social justice. It highlights the impo...
1 May 2021
Sapir Summing Up 1 May 2021
The Sapir Journal explores the challenges faced by Jews in contemporary social justice movements, particularly addressing issues of antisemitism on the left....
1 May 2021