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Jewish Chronicle How Israel secured diplomatic relations with Indonesia 11 Apr
After initially rejecting the idea of diplomatic ties with Israel, Indonesia is now on the verge of establishing such relations, mainly driven by its self-in...
11 Apr
Jewish Chronicle This Pesach, have a Seder seat for a hostage 11 Apr
This Pesach, amidst the celebration of freedom and the retelling of the Exodus story, there is a call to remember those who are currently held captive, speci...
11 Apr
Jewish Chronicle The Iranian threat looms over Israel – but a full-scale war does not suit its agenda 11 Apr
The Israeli security establishment views Iran and its proxies as the biggest threat to Israel, aiming to encircle Israel with proxy militias while seeking to...
11 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Why are the Jews overlooking their natural allies? 10 Apr
The article discusses how individuals from non-Jewish backgrounds, like Hindus and Sikhs, have a different perspective on and understanding of antisemitism d...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle What’s happened to Zionism and Anglo-Jewry? 10 Apr
The late Rabbi Dr. Sidney Brichto, a strong advocate for Israel within Progressive Jewish circles, felt that the term Zionism had been so distorted by its op...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle What we talk about when we talk about Netanyahu 10 Apr
The discussion on Israel has evolved to become more about the individuals discussing it rather than the country itself, serving as a reflection of their poli...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Why Trump turning on Netanyahu is actually bad for Biden 10 Apr
Former President Donald Trump is leveraging his strained relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to criticize Netanyahu's handling of the...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Letters to the editor 12 April 2024 10 Apr
The letters to the editor cover various topics. The first letter discusses the legal basis for the establishment of Israel and how it relates to Jewish legal...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle I confess – I dread Pesach cleaning 10 Apr
The author expresses dread and humor about the laborious task of cleaning for Pesach, highlighting the challenges of ensuring the home is chametz-free for Pa...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle This Pesach, the big battles will be with our inner voices 10 Apr
This article discusses the internal struggles many Jews are facing this Pesach, with tensions around festivals like Purim and Simchat Torah in light of recen...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Israel is being forced into a position of defeat in Gaza 10 Apr
Israel's military operation in Gaza seems to be ending prematurely due to pressure from the US and other allies, despite not achieving its war aims of destro...
10 Apr
Jewish Chronicle How the war in Gaza ended without anyone even noticing 9 Apr
The war against Hamas in Gaza may have quietly ended when the IDF's 98th Division withdrew back to Israel. Although officially ongoing, the conflict is in a ...
9 Apr
Jewish Chronicle To protect human rights, governments must stop funding the NGO campaign against Israel 9 Apr
The article discusses a campaign led by Western government-funded NGOs under the guise of human rights that targets Israel and the Jewish people, using tacti...
9 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Curb Your Enthusiasm finale review: A rocky ending to a once great show – and era of Jewish comedy 8 Apr
The finale of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" marks the end of an era of Jewish comedy with Larry David bowing out after a long and influential career. While the show...
8 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Why I agreed to debate Owen Jones 5 Apr
The author recounts a recent debate with Owen Jones on Sky News, emphasizing the need to defend Israel and the Jewish people amidst conflicts with Hamas. Des...
5 Apr
Jewish Chronicle The day LBC let Putin’s ambassador say Israel had gone beyond the right to defend itself 5 Apr
Recently, amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, the article discusses how Hamas has been close to achieving its war aims, leading to a sense of insecurity in ...
5 Apr
Jewish Chronicle If civil servants can’t follow the policies of government, they shouldn’t be in their job 5 Apr
The text discusses the importance of civil servants adhering to government policies, referencing the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) members in th...
5 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Hamas cannot be defeated on the battlefield 5 Apr
Ami Ayalon, a former leader in Israel's intelligence service, emphasizes the complexity of defeating Hamas solely through military means, citing the necessit...
5 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Why Israel must now recognise the Armenian genocide 4 Apr
Israel has been supplying weapons to Azerbaijan, contributing to its military actions against the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite similarities ...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Questions that the Red Cross must urgently answer 4 Apr
The text discusses the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and its demands to visit Hamas prisoners in Israel, raising questions about the applic...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Letters to the editor, 6 April 2024 4 Apr
The letters to the editor cover various topics, with one expressing concern about the power of chants like "From the River to the Sea" to shape perceptions a...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Six months on, let’s not forget how this war started 4 Apr
Six months after the October 7 massacre where a significant loss of Jewish lives occurred, and six months of hostages being held, there is a call to remember...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Beware the perils of naive interfaith 4 Apr
The text warns against the dangers of naive interfaith engagement within the Jewish community, highlighting instances where individuals and organizations inv...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Why Israel must enter Rafah 4 Apr
Israel's campaign against Hamas in Gaza has seen significant progress, including capturing Hamas strongholds, neutralizing a large number of terror operative...
4 Apr
Jewish Chronicle What happens if Israel does not go into Rafah? Look at Afghanistan 3 Apr
Colonel Richard Justin Kemp, a retired British Army officer and expert on military operations, discusses the importance of Israel conducting a major offensiv...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle As Charedi exemption ends, politicians prepare for election that has no date 3 Apr
The Charedi exemption from military service ended after 76 years due to the government's failure to pass a law regulating it. This change affects the 66,000 ...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Threat in the north is the real reason the IDF hasn’t gone into Rafah...yet 3 Apr
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have recently completed an operation against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad members in Gaza City's al-Shifa hospital, f...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Shul music has given me a taste for melancholia 3 Apr
The author, a music journalist, reflects on how parenthood has shifted their music choices to upbeat pop rather than the melancholic tunes of their youth, in...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Counter-extremism experts need more protection 3 Apr
Counter-extremism professionals, like Dame Sara Khan, face backlash and lack support in their crucial work to combat extremism targeting individuals like wom...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Only science fiction explains the UN’s parallel universe 3 Apr
The author reflects on the parallel universes portrayed in science fiction like the series "3 Body Problem" and how it relates to the perception of events in...
3 Apr
Jewish Chronicle If the law has any meaning, the police must ban this year’s Quds Day protest 29 Mar
In a discussion of the upcoming Quds Day protest in London, the article argues that the police should ban the event due to the history of incitement and viol...
29 Mar
Jewish Chronicle How October 7 exposed Irish feminists as hypocrites 28 Mar
The text discusses the author's disappointment and heartbreak over Irish feminists' failure to support Jewish victims of gender-based violence, highlighting ...
28 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Israel? Feisty, brash – yep, same as ever 27 Mar
Despite the ongoing conflicts and signs of war, a recent visit to Israel revealed to the writer that the country remains vibrant and resilient. Despite the t...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Why Reform and Liberal Judaism are stronger together 27 Mar
Reform and Liberal Judaism are considering joining forces to create a unified Progressive entity, rooted in the desire to modernize and adapt Jewish practice...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle The NHS must act now to stamp out bigotry 27 Mar
Since the Hamas terror attacks on October 7, there has been a notable surge in antisemitism within British medicine, as evidenced by increased reports to the...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle NHS staff should not be wearing Palestine badges 27 Mar
The article discusses incidents of mistreatment towards Jewish individuals in the NHS, particularly a nine-year-old Jewish boy allegedly forced to receive tr...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Letters to the editor, March 29 2024 27 Mar
Various letters to the editor discuss different aspects of Jewish communal leadership and events. One writer raises concerns about the Board of Deputies' eff...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle October 7 destroyed the myth that settlers are the cause of all Israel’s problems 27 Mar
The author discusses how the attack on Israel on October 7 debunked the myth that Israeli settlers are the root cause of all problems in the region. The narr...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Sorry, Charlotte Church. I’m a fan. But thing is, I’m also Jewish 27 Mar
The text discusses a disagreement between the author, a Jewish individual, and Charlotte Church regarding a podcast episode where the author made light of a ...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Stopping arms sales to Israel would harm the UK 27 Mar
Amid calls to suspend arms sales to Israel following recent events, such as the October 7 atrocities, concerns have been raised about the practical implicati...
27 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Netanyahu throws a tantrum over US ceasefire vote abstention and plays into the hands of Hamas 26 Mar
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted strongly to the US abstaining from a UN Security Council resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza, blaming the Bid...
26 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Biden and Harris throw Israel under the Gaza bus 25 Mar
The US administration's recent actions regarding Israel and the Gaza conflict are causing controversy. While the US abstained from a UN resolution calling fo...
25 Mar
Jewish Chronicle So how did a Hamas apologist get an invitation to Parliament? 22 Mar
Imam Asim Hafiz, the chief Muslim chaplain to Britains armed forces, was involved in controversy after hosting a reception in Parliament where guests with in...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle It would be wonderful if Muslims remembered Jerusalem’s significance to Jews 22 Mar
The text explores the evolving significance of Jerusalem in Islam, highlighting its transition from apparent insignificance to utmost importance and its conn...
22 Mar
Jewish Chronicle I’m exhausted by the tsunami of anti-Jewish hate 20 Mar
A British Jewish individual expresses exhaustion and fear due to a surge in anti-Jewish hate since October 7, with incidents escalating to over 4,000, includ...
20 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Letters to the editor, March 22 2024 20 Mar
The letters to the editor discuss the relevance of the Board of Deputies in 2024 and its role in representing the British Jewish community. While some argue ...
20 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Excluding extremists from public life: crucial but hard 20 Mar
The text discusses the challenges of excluding extremists from public life despite efforts to define and combat extremism. It mentions recent initiatives by ...
20 Mar
Jewish Chronicle My brilliant pal – dismissed as simply a Zionist 20 Mar
A humorous and poignant account is given of a friendship between the writer and a former army paratrooper who is struggling with alcoholism and health issues...
20 Mar
Jewish Chronicle Israel’s critics aren’t interested in dialogue or compromise, they just want to hate 19 Mar
Daniel Finkelstein, an Associate Editor of The Times, highlights the challenges of engaging in dialogue and compromise when it comes to discussions surroundi...
19 Mar
Jewish Chronicle The war goes on but already minds are turning to who will pay for rebuilding Gaza 19 Mar
Israeli forces entered Shifa Hospital in Gaza City amidst a gun battle with Hamas fighters, resulting in casualties and arrests, although the incident receiv...
19 Mar