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Jewish Action The Holiday Cooking Marathon 14 Sep 2022
This article provides do-ahead recipes for the Jewish holiday season, specifically for Rosh Hashanah. The recipes include Maple-Glazed Mini Squash, Quick-Pic...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about . . . “Walking Four Amot in the Land of Israel”? 14 Sep 2022
The misconception that every four cubits one walks in the Land of Israel is a mitzvah is incorrect. The Gemara praises the Land of Israel and states that wal...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action What Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear in Decision Making at Life’s Crossroads and in Everyday Living 14 Sep 2022
Shayna Goldberg's book "What Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear in Decision Making at Lifes Crossroads and in Everyday Living" analyzes the difficulties peop...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Song of Riddles: Deciphering the Song of Songs 14 Sep 2022
Geula Twersky's "Song of Riddles: Deciphering the Song of Songs" is an attempt to unravel the mysteries of the Song of Songs. Twersky proposes that the lover...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Fall 2022 14 Sep 2022
Rabbi Gidon Rothstein's book, "Judaism of the Poskim," analyzes responsa literature to determine the main topics of importance in Orthodox Judaism. He finds ...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action A Different Kind of Simchas Torah 14 Sep 2022
Five years ago, the author and their siblings were grieving the recent loss of their mother and were not emotionally ready to celebrate Simchas Torah, a holi...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Letters – Fall 2022 14 Sep 2022
In the article "Moving Out of Town," Rabbi Simon Taylor discusses the correlation between both parents working outside the home and parents being less involv...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Are We Aspiring For A More Religious Tomorrow? 14 Sep 2022
The American Orthodox Jewish community has faced numerous challenges throughout its history, including economic struggles, dislocation, religious illiteracy,...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Orthodox Governmental Advocacy, Circa 5783 14 Sep 2022
This text discusses the importance of government advocacy in the Orthodox Jewish community. It highlights the historical precedent set by figures like Joseph...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Thank . . . Me? The Underrated Value of Feeling Appreciated 14 Sep 2022
The article discusses the value of feeling appreciated and the impact it can have on individuals. It highlights the importance of self-gratitude and self-awa...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action The Rewards of Engaging in Chesed 14 Sep 2022
The article discusses the importance of engaging in acts of chesed (kindness) as a central component of Jewish life. It notes that while chesed is often emph...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Inside the OU – Fall 2022 14 Sep 2022
The OU Fall 2022 edition discusses various happenings within the Orthodox Union (OU). The Women's Initiatives Challenge Grant awarded grants to ten communiti...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action When Giving is a Family Affair 14 Sep 2022
The article highlights the importance of multi-generational involvement in the Teach Coalition, a Jewish advocacy organization focused on education and schoo...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Making a Difference—One Dollar at a Time 14 Sep 2022
Daily Giving is a website that allows people to donate one dollar each day, with the funds going to different charitable organizations on a rotating basis. T...
14 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Everyday Kindness – Sept. 2022 13 Sep 2022
In this column on Everyday Kindness, two stories are highlighted that reflect acts of compassion and selflessness. The first story recounts how the author's ...
13 Sep 2022
Jewish Action Rosh Hashanah and the Exodus: The Missing Link 10 Aug 2022
This article explores the connection between Rosh Hashanah and the Exodus. The author argues against the idea that Jewish holidays were originally agricultur...
10 Aug 2022
Jewish Action Sukkot: A Time For Our Rejoicing 10 Aug 2022
Sukkot is a time of rejoicing, but why is it specifically designated as such? One reason is the connection between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, with Sukkot being a...
10 Aug 2022
Jewish Action Our Next 100 Years 3 Aug 2022
In this text, the author discusses the future of American Orthodoxy and identifies two main areas of focus: internal issues within the community and interact...
3 Aug 2022
Jewish Action Letters to the Editor: Rav Aharon Lichtenstein Remembers Rav Hunter 3 Aug 2022
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein shares additional insights about Rav Yitzchak Hutner, their mutual teacher. He emphasizes Hutner's sensitivity to language and his se...
3 Aug 2022
Jewish Action Everyday Kindness – Summer 2022 14 Jul 2022
The "Everyday Kindness" column highlights acts of kindness that happen daily, with the hope of inspiring more acts of love and kindness in the community. The...
14 Jul 2022
Jewish Action Jewish Action Wins Four Rockower Awards 29 Jun 2022
Jewish Action, a publication serving the Jewish community, has won four Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism for work published in 2021....
29 Jun 2022
Jewish Action Time for a Rosh Hashanah Overhaul 16 Jun 2022
In this article, Rabbi Dr. Twerski discusses the concept of teshuvah (repentance) in relation to his experience treating alcoholism. He draws a parallel betw...
16 Jun 2022
Jewish Action Echoes of Majesty 16 Jun 2022
The significance of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah goes beyond a simple sound; it serves as a vehicle for transmitting the messages of Kingship and Remembrance,...
16 Jun 2022
Jewish Action Yom Kippur Rx: A Dose of Healthy Guilt 16 Jun 2022
In this article, Dr. Abraham J. Twerski explores the concept of guilt in psychology and Judaism. He argues that guilt is an essential and healthy emotion, si...
16 Jun 2022
Jewish Action What’s the Truth about …“A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey”? 14 Jun 2022
The phrase "a land flowing with milk and honey" in reference to the Land of Israel has often been interpreted as referring to cows' milk and bees' honey. How...
14 Jun 2022
Jewish Action Do You Work for the Jewish People?  10 Jun 2022
As an AI, I don't have a personal affiliation or professional career related to supporting the Jewish people. My purpose is to provide information and summar...
10 Jun 2022
Jewish Action At the Forefront of the Baal Teshuvah Movement: The Beginnings of NCSY 26 May 2022
The article discusses the beginnings of the Baal Teshuvah movement and the development of NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth) as a youth movement i...
26 May 2022
Jewish Action At the Forefront of the Baal Teshuvah Movement: The Beginnings of NCSY 26 May 2022
The Baal Teshuvah movement, specifically the beginnings of NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth), is discussed in this text. In the late 1950s, the O...
26 May 2022
Jewish Action Divorced Parents: A Rapidly Growing and Underserved Population 20 May 2022
This text discusses the growing population of divorced parents and the lack of adequate support and attention it receives. It includes articles on the topic ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Divorced Parents: A Rapidly Growing and Underserved Population 20 May 2022
This text discusses the growing population of divorced parents and their children, highlighting the need for support and services within the Jewish community...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action The Divorced Family 20 May 2022
Divorcees, especially those with children, often find Shabbos to be a painful reminder of their lost families. Single mothers, in particular, face unique cha...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action The Divorced Family 20 May 2022
Orthodox Jews often look forward to Shabbos, but for divorced families, it can be a painful reminder of their lost marriages and families. Divorced women, es...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action In Their Own Words: Life as a Divorced Parent 20 May 2022
This article features interviews with three divorced parents, sharing their experiences and challenges. Tamar emphasizes the importance of finding a supporti...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action In Their Own Words: Life as a Divorced Parent 20 May 2022
The individuals interviewed share their experiences as divorced parents within the Jewish community. They discuss various challenges they face, such as lack ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Supporting the Divorced Parent: What Every Community Can Do to Help 20 May 2022
Orthodox divorcees in North American communities face unique challenges, but there are resources available to support them. Ish Chayil is a nonprofit organiz...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Supporting the Divorced Parent: What Every Community Can Do to Help 20 May 2022
This article discusses the importance of community support for Orthodox divorcees and highlights two organizations that provide resources and assistance for ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Children: The Victims of Divorce 20 May 2022
The article explores the impact of divorce on children, drawing from a personal account and observations from an Orthodox mental health professional. The aut...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Children: The Victims of Divorce 20 May 2022
The article discusses the challenges and experiences of children whose parents have divorced. The author, Michael, shares his own memories and feelings as a ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action What Every Oleh Should Know 20 May 2022
In this article, Rabbi Aaron Rothkoff gives advice to new immigrants (olim) to Israel. He emphasizes the importance of having the right mindset, trusting in ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Remembering “Mendy” Ganchrow: A Klal Mensch 20 May 2022
Dr. Mandell "Mendy" Ganchrow, former president of the OU from 1994 to 2000, was a highly influential and accomplished leader. He played a significant role in...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Remembering “Mendy” Ganchrow: A Klal Mensch 20 May 2022
Dr. Mandell "Mendy" Ganchrow, former president of the Orthodox Union (OU), passed away in 2022. Known for his energetic leadership, Ganchrow led the OU from ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action What Did the Beit Hamikdash Look Like? 20 May 2022
The Beit Hamikdash, or Temple in Jerusalem, was destroyed by the Romans nearly 2,000 years ago, leaving little physical evidence of its appearance. The most ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action The Great Teacher Shortage 20 May 2022
The Jewish community is facing a shortage of teachers in both general studies and Judaic studies. Many experienced teachers are leaving the profession due to...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Teachers to Remember 20 May 2022
This article is a collection of personal stories about significant teachers in the authors' lives. Lillie Mermelstein Epner recalls a teacher named Mrs. Ruth...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action In Search of Solutions: Teach Coalition’s Answer to the Teacher Shortage 20 May 2022
Teach Coalitions' STEM programs in New York and New Jersey are helping Jewish day schools and yeshivot address the teacher shortage by funding STEM teachers ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action A Mother of Autism 20 May 2022
In this personal poem, the author, Chaya Rochel Leyton, describes the challenges and daily routine of being a mother to a child with autism. She shares momen...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action A Mother of Autism 20 May 2022
In this heartfelt poem, a mother shares her experiences and challenges of raising a child with autism. She expresses the daily struggles of routines, sensory...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Top 25 Ideas: Summer Cooking 20 May 2022
This article provides 25 ideas for summer cooking that are quick and don't require much time in the kitchen. The ideas include salad recipes, sandwich and to...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action What’s The Truth About . . . David Hamelech Being Unable To Build The Beit Hamikdash? 20 May 2022
King David desired to build the Beit Hamikdash, but God communicated through the prophet Natan that it was not meant for David to build it, but rather for hi...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action The Koren Tanakh Maalot—Magerman Edition 20 May 2022
The Koren Tanakh MaalotMagerman Edition is a new translation of the Jewish Bible that aims to capture the original text for a broad contemporary audience. Th...
20 May 2022