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Jewish Action Lamentations: Faith in a Turbulent World 20 May 2022
Dr. Yael Ziegler's book, "Lamentations: Faith in a Turbulent World," offers a unique and accessible exploration of the Book of Lamentations. The book present...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures 20 May 2022
In the book "Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures" by Moshe Koppel, the author explores the enduring nature of traditional Judaism and defends Orth...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Summer 2022 20 May 2022
"Ephraim Meth's book, Bedtime Reading for Briskers, explores the detailed laws and rituals of the sacrificial order in the Torah. Meth addresses these laws f...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Of Hospitability And Wine 20 May 2022
The author describes the Jewish tradition of hospitality, particularly the practice of inviting guests into one's home for Shabbat or yom tov meals. They men...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Of Hospitability And Wine 20 May 2022
This article discusses the tradition of hospitality in Jewish culture, particularly the custom of bringing gifts when invited to someone's home. The author h...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Letters – Summer 2022 20 May 2022
The first letter discusses the growth of Torah communities in various cities, including Cincinnati. The author points out that Cincinnati's growth cannot be ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Don’t Squander The Benefits Of Orthodox Fragmentation 20 May 2022
Orthodox Judaism is characterized by diversity and fragmentation, with various subgroups and traditions within the community. While some people may be uncomf...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Lehagdil Torah Uleha’adirah: Making the Torah Great, Glorious and Accessible 20 May 2022
The article discusses the importance of making Torah study accessible and the positive impact it has on Jewish engagement. It refers to various programs, suc...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action The Trust of the Team 20 May 2022
This text discusses the importance of trust in various aspects of life, with a focus on its significance in Jewish life. The author shares three examples of ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Is Moving Out of Town the Answer? 20 May 2022
The financial stress of living an Orthodox lifestyle has led many Orthodox Jews to consider moving to more affordable regions. The costs of living in the New...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Inside the OU – Summer 2022 20 May 2022
The article highlights several activities and achievements of the Orthodox Union (OU) in the summer of 2022. One of the main events was the Hate Ends Now tra...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Going Crypto: The Future Of Philanthropy Arrives At The OU 20 May 2022
The Orthodox Union (OU) has embraced cryptocurrency donations through a partnership with Crypto for Charity, becoming one of many organizations in the US to ...
20 May 2022
Jewish Action Volunteering in Moldova 14 Mar 2022
Jill Baker Shames, a social worker and member of United Hatzalah in Israel, volunteered in Moldova and Ukraine to assist refugees fleeing from the war in Ukr...
14 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Vintage Pesach Ads 10 Mar 2022
This collection features vintage Passover advertisements from Jewish Life, the predecessor of Jewish Action. The ads date back to January-February 1963 and S...
10 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Unplugging the Digital Generation 1 Mar 2022
The article explores how technology, specifically social media, is affecting the social skills and well-being of Jewish teenagers. Many teens spend excessive...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action A View from Middle School 1 Mar 2022
In this article, a middle school student named Sarah expresses her desire for a smartphone, as many of her friends already have one. While Sarah's mother is ...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action What Can Parents Do? 1 Mar 2022
Experts provide suggestions for parents concerned about technology's impact on their children's social-emotional development. Key recommendations include: co...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Habits of Emotionally Strong Families 1 Mar 2022
The article discusses the importance of raising resilient children and provides insights from parenting experts. It highlights the need for parents to cultiv...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action What You Can Do To Raise Resilient Children 1 Mar 2022
The pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of children, and it is important for parents to create a positive and resilient environment at...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Teaching Children Gratitude 1 Mar 2022
Gratitude is an important skill that can be nurtured in children. Studies show that grateful children tend to be happier and more optimistic. Parents can cre...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Resilience 1 Mar 2022
Children are often more resilient than adults give them credit for. They have the ability to quickly move on from upsetting experiences and forget about them...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Empowering Parents 1 Mar 2022
The Orthodox Union (OU) has launched the Empowered Parenting Initiative (EPI) to address the need for emotional development in children. EPI is a parenting p...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Rabbi Leib Kelemen on Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe: Advice from a Master Educator 1 Mar 2022
Rabbi Leib Kelemen summarizes the advice of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe, a master educator, on raising confident and emotionally strong children. The first principle ...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Q&A with Dr. David Pelcovitz 1 Mar 2022
Dr. David Pelcovitz, an expert in parenting and child psychology, discusses the traits of mentally healthy children, emphasizing the importance of emotional ...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Q&A with Dr. David Pelcovitz 1 Mar 2022
Dr. David Pelcovitz, a well-known psychologist, discussed the traits of mentally healthy children, emphasizing their ability to regulate emotions and form st...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action The View from Pew, Part II: How Can We Do Better? 1 Mar 2022
In the winter 2021 issue of Jewish Action, there is a continuation of the discussion around two key issues highlighted in the 2020 Pew study of American Jews...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Conversations on Inreach 1 Mar 2022
The discussion revolves around the importance of instilling a lifelong passion for Yiddishkeit (Judaism) in children. The conversation emphasizes the need fo...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Conversations on Inreach 1 Mar 2022
The author of the first text emphasizes the importance of making Torah Judaism relatable and inspiring in order to keep students engaged and prevent them fro...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Conversations on Outreach 1 Mar 2022
In this article, three Jewish leaders discuss the importance of outreach and combating assimilation within the Jewish community. Rabbi Zvi Teitelbaum emphasi...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Conversations on Outreach 1 Mar 2022
In this article, three individuals discuss the topic of outreach and combating assimilation in the Jewish community. Rabbi Zvi Teitelbaum emphasizes the impo...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Shemitah Up Close: The Heroism of Israeli Farmers 1 Mar 2022
This article features interviews with four Israeli farmers who observe the shemitah year, a Sabbatical year when farming is prohibited in accordance with Jew...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Shemitah Up Close: The Heroism of Israeli Farmers 1 Mar 2022
This article discusses the observance of shemitah, the seventh year in the agricultural cycle when Jewish farmers are expected to let their land lie fallow. ...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Hard Truths about Soft Matzah 1 Mar 2022
Soft matzah, although not new, has become more commercially available in recent years. While traditional hard matzah has the appearance of chametz flatbreads...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Bolder and Brighter Flavors of Pesach 1 Mar 2022
The author reflects on the traditional Ashkenazi Passover meal being dull in color and flavor compared to other cuisines. To enhance the Pesach menu and crea...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action What’s the Truth About . . . Chai Nosei et Atzmo? 1 Mar 2022
The halachic principle of "chai nosei et atzmo" states that a living being carries itself, exempting the carrier from certain Biblical prohibitions of carryi...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Faith at Work: Elevating Our Work Day Parashah by Parashah 1 Mar 2022
In his book "Faith at Work: Elevating Our Work Day Parashah by Parashah," Jeff Weinberg explores the connection between our work lives and our spiritual purs...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action The Koren Yachad Siddur 1 Mar 2022
The Koren Yachad Siddur, edited by Rabbi Dr. Benjy Leibowitz and Michael Adler, is designed to make communal prayer more accessible for people with intellect...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief – Spring 2022 1 Mar 2022
The reviews cover a range of Jewish publications. The first review discusses "The 4 Sons Haggadah" by Rabbi Allen Schwartz, which offers four different comme...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Two Nights, Two People, Four Solo Seders 1 Mar 2022
The author reflects on his experiences leading Passover Seders for his family, both before and after becoming religiously observant. His mother later asks hi...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Letters: Spring 2022 1 Mar 2022
In this collection of letters from the Spring 2022 issue of Jewish Action, various topics are discussed. One writer reflects on the rewards of making aliyah,...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Early-Childhood Parenting and Lifelong Religious Growth 1 Mar 2022
The fear of Orthodox parents is that their child will reject Torah and leave the community. There is a lack of data on the percentage of Orthodox graduates w...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Achrayut, the Ultimate Passion 1 Mar 2022
The article discusses the need for passionate engagement in Judaism and Jewish life, noting the challenges of assimilation and disinterest among young Jews. ...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action In Focus: Under the Influence 1 Mar 2022
The concept of influencers, popularized in recent years, is not new. In Jewish thought, the importance of surrounding oneself with righteous people is emphas...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Can I Hear You Now? The Art of Becoming a Better Listener 1 Mar 2022
In this article, Rabbi Josh Joseph discusses the importance of becoming better listeners, especially in the current digital age where distractions are abunda...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action Newly Dedicated Nach Yomi Enters Second Cycle 1 Mar 2022
The OU Womens Initiative (WI) celebrated the culmination of its first two-year Nach Yomi cycle, with community events and siyumim in the US and Israel. The p...
1 Mar 2022
Jewish Action OU Kosher Presents Shabbos Keeper for Ovens 1 Feb 2022
OU Kosher, in collaboration with GE Appliances (GEA) and ZMAN Technologies, has introduced a device called the Shabbos Keeper for Ovens, which enables Shabbo...
1 Feb 2022
Jewish Action Inside the Mind of the Gabbai 11 Nov 2021
A gabbai's role in a synagogue is multifaceted and requires a range of skills. They are responsible for managing the various aspects of the service, includin...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action The Gabbai’s Klap 11 Nov 2021
The gabbais klap is a traditional practice in Jewish synagogues, where the gabbai, or synagogue official, slams his hand on the bimah to remind the congregat...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action Shtadlanim of the 20th Century 11 Nov 2021
This text discusses the role of the shtadlan in Jewish history and pays tribute to modern-day shtadlanim of the 20th century who played important roles in ad...
11 Nov 2021
Jewish Action The Shtadlan in Jewish History: A Conversation with Dr. Henry Abramson 11 Nov 2021
Shtadlanut, meaning intercession, is a historical Jewish practice of influential individuals advocating for the Jewish community to influence public policy. ...
11 Nov 2021