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Tablet The Halakha of Deep-Frying Turkey 19 Nov 2013
Tablet HQ recently held a Thanksgivukkah haiku contest garnering over 170 entries, with recurring themes of dreidels, latkes, oil, candles, family, turkeys, ...
19 Nov 2013
Tablet Turkey Donuts vs. Latke Taquitos 18 Nov 2013
In preparation for the rare event of Thanksgivukkah, which marks the confluence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, various hybrid food items have emerged. Joan Na...
18 Nov 2013
Tablet Watch the Surreal Trailer for ‘Noah’ 14 Nov 2013
The article discusses the surreal trailer for Darren Aronofsky's film "Noah," featuring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, and Anthony Hopkins. A...
14 Nov 2013
Tablet Sweet Potato Recipes for Thanksgivukkah 13 Nov 2013
With Thanksgivukkah approaching, the article presents four sweet potato recipes perfect for the occasion: a classic sweet potato casserole with marshmallows ...
13 Nov 2013
Tablet New Analysis of Pew Data: Children of Intermarriage Increasingly Identify as Jews 11 Nov 2013
A new analysis of Pew data on the American Jewish population highlights an increase in those identifying as atheist, agnostic, or having no particular religi...
11 Nov 2013
Tablet Finding My Grandfather, and Myself, on the Battlefields of the Spanish Civil War 11 Nov 2013
The author embarks on a journey to discover why his grandfather, a Jewish teenager named David Dombroff, fought in the Spanish Civil War as part of the Abrah...
11 Nov 2013
Tablet Brad Ausmus Named Manager of Detroit Tigers 4 Nov 2013
Brad Ausmus, a former catcher and coach of the Israeli national team in the World Baseball Classic, has been named the manager of the Detroit Tigers, becomin...
4 Nov 2013
Tablet Holocaust-ed: How the Defining Event of American Jewish Identity Plays Off-Broadway 29 Oct 2013
The article discusses how the Holocaust has become a fundamental aspect of American Jewish identity, serving as a unifying force within the community. It men...
29 Oct 2013
Tablet Aspiring Basketball Stars Head to Suburban Westchester, Where the ‘Shot Doctor’ Is In 29 Oct 2013
The article discusses the influence of John Goldman, known as the Shot Doctor, on aspiring basketball players who seek to improve their shooting skills by pr...
29 Oct 2013
Tablet At a Jewish Senior Center in Brooklyn, Anxiety Looms a Year After Hurricane Sandy 25 Oct 2013
A Jewish Senior Center in Brooklyn's Manhattan Beach experienced a significant shift in atmosphere and routine due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. ...
25 Oct 2013
Tablet My Favorite Anti-Semite: Frank Norris and the Most Horrifying Jew in American Literature 24 Oct 2013
The article focuses on the character Zerkow from Frank Norris' novel and its film adaptation, "Greed." Zerkow, a Jewish character, is depicted in a stereotyp...
24 Oct 2013
Tablet Jews From Cochin Bring Their Unique Indian Cuisine to Israeli Diners 23 Oct 2013
The article discusses the rich culinary tradition of the Cochin Jews of South India who have brought their unique Indian cuisine to Israel, particularly in t...
23 Oct 2013
Tablet ‘Mantle, Shmantle—Long as We Got Abrams’ 23 Oct 2013
Thomas Friedman's book "From Beirut to Jerusalem" recounts an encounter between Friedman and Rabbi Nota Schiller, who co-founded the Ohr Somayach Yeshiva. Sc...
23 Oct 2013
Tablet In Slovakia, a Citizen’s Effort To Build a Holocaust Memorial to His City’s Missing Jews 16 Oct 2013
In Slovakia's city of Koice, once home to a significant Jewish community before the Holocaust, efforts are underway to build a memorial honoring the city's l...
16 Oct 2013
Tablet The $1 Million Plan to Attract Jews to Alabama 14 Oct 2013
Larry Blumberg initiated a unique plan to attract Jewish families to Dothan, Alabama, by offering $50,000 in relocation assistance and encouraging them to st...
14 Oct 2013
Tablet When the Detroit Tigers Play the Boston Red Sox 11 Oct 2013
Steve Calechman, a Boston-raised sports fan, shares his unique story of being a devout Detroit team supporter due to his father's admiration for Jewish sport...
11 Oct 2013
Tablet We Gave Iran an Antique as a Token of Goodwill. Only Problem? It’s Fake. 10 Oct 2013
The incident involving the fake silver griffin artifact returned by the U.S. to Iran underscores the complex intersection of art, economics, and diplomacy. O...
10 Oct 2013
Tablet Soccer Has a Distinctive Voice, and It Belongs to Andrés Cantor 10 Oct 2013
Andrés Cantor, known for his iconic "GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL" call in soccer, gained fame during the 1994 World Cup. Beyond his signature call, Cantor has become a ...
10 Oct 2013
Tablet Revisiting The Yom Kippur War 40 Years Later 7 Oct 2013
The event marking the 40th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War brought together Major General (ret.) Eli Zeira and Major General (ret.) Zvi Zamir, key figures ...
7 Oct 2013
Tablet On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, Israel’s Top Spymasters Face Off 4 Oct 2013
On the 40th Anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a debate arises over the actions of Israel's top spymasters regarding the conflict. Ashraf Marwan, a key Egypt...
4 Oct 2013
Tablet The Love Affair Between American Presidents and Jewish Artists, and Why It May Be Over 2 Oct 2013
American presidents have had a long history of interacting with Jewish artists, from President Monroe attending a play by Jewish playwright Isaac Harby in 18...
2 Oct 2013
Tablet Israel Gutman, Holocaust Survivor and Scholar 2 Oct 2013
Israel Gutman, a Holocaust survivor and scholar, played a pivotal role in Holocaust research and commemoration. Born in Warsaw, Gutman was a member of the Ha...
2 Oct 2013
Tablet Israeli Chefs Go Back to Their Roots To Find Inspiration in the Kitchen 30 Sep 2013
Israeli chefs are rediscovering their culinary roots as a source of inspiration, reclaiming traditional dishes influenced by their familial pasts. Avi Biton ...
30 Sep 2013
Tablet Putin Refuses To Let the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Library Leave Moscow 30 Sep 2013
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad represe...
30 Sep 2013
Tablet Remember the Often Invisible Non-Jews Who Help the Jewish World Function 25 Sep 2013
The article discusses the often overlooked contributions of non-Jewish individuals within the Jewish community, focusing on the stories of Mr. Roetta, a Hisp...
25 Sep 2013
Tablet A Simchat Torah Story From 1663 London 25 Sep 2013
In 1663 London, during Simchat Torah, renowned diarist Samuel Pepys unexpectedly entered Congregation Shaar Hashamayim, a Spanish & Portuguese synagogue, and...
25 Sep 2013
Tablet On Photography, Susan Sontag (1977) 17 Sep 2013
Susan Sontag's 1977 essay collection "On Photography" remains eerily prescient, especially in today's world where everything seems to culminate in a photogra...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein (1953) 17 Sep 2013
Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations," published in 1953, challenges traditional views of language and truth by asserting that words do not si...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Auto-da-Fé, Elias Canetti (1935) 17 Sep 2013
"Auto-da-F" by Elias Canetti is a novel depicting the downfall of a sheltered intellectual who marries his cruel and uneducated housekeeper, leading to the d...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Dolly City, Orly Castel-Bloom (1992) 17 Sep 2013
Orly Castel-Bloom's novel "Dolly City" presents a shocking and imaginative tale where madness is likened to a ripe orange being sent to Europe in Jaffa crate...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Commentary, Rashi (11th c.) 17 Sep 2013
Rashi, a prominent Jewish commentator who lived in the 11th century, is widely regarded as the greatest Jewish commentator of all time. He provided interpret...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Joe Biden to Headline J Street Conference 17 Sep 2013
Joe Biden is set to headline the upcoming J Street Conference, a liberal pro-Israel event. In the past, the conference lacked high-level officials due to pol...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Without Feathers, Woody Allen (1975) 17 Sep 2013
"Without Feathers" by Woody Allen (1975) features stories that resemble Saturday Night Live sketches with one-joke concepts like "The Whore of Mensa" that ar...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Man Is Not Alone, Abraham Joshua Heschel (1951) 17 Sep 2013
"Man Is Not Alone" by Abraham Joshua Heschel, published in 1951, presents faith as a profound connection akin to the intimacy between lovers, where one repla...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Birnbaum Siddur, Philip Birnbaum (1977) 17 Sep 2013
Philip Birnbaum, known for his Siddur published in 1977, is a Polish-born translator and editor who aimed to make Jewish liturgy more accessible for an Ameri...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Ulysses, James Joyce (1922) 17 Sep 2013
In James Joyce's "Ulysses," the protagonist Leopold Bloom, a Jew, embodies a modern-day Odysseus on a wandering journey. Bloom's Jewishness is subtly woven i...
17 Sep 2013
Tablet Sukkot and the Single Woman: A Holiday of Thankfulness and Self-Invention 16 Sep 2013
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest. Feeling out...
16 Sep 2013
Tablet Visiting My Grandmother’s Yahrzeit Plaque 13 Sep 2013
The author recounts visiting the yahrzeit plaque of their paternal grandmother, Eva Katz, at Congregation Beth Jacob of Beverly Hills, reflecting on their fa...
13 Sep 2013
Tablet After Hurricane Katrina, A Solemn Yom Kippur 13 Sep 2013
After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, the Beth Israel congregation faced immense challenges with their synagogue heavily damaged. Despite the loss ...
13 Sep 2013
Tablet Kol Nidre Showed Me What It Means To Truly Belong in the Jewish Community 12 Sep 2013
The author reflects on their deep emotional connection to Yom Kippur, particularly through the Kol Nidre prayer, which symbolizes a sense of belonging in the...
12 Sep 2013
Tablet In the Story of Jonah, an Urgent Lesson About the Dangers of Solitary Confinement 11 Sep 2013
The discussion explores the Story of Jonah as a lesson on solitary confinement and redemption in modern times. Drawing parallels between Jonah's solitude in ...
11 Sep 2013
Tablet Learning Judaism as a Native Language Requires More Than Synagogue Once a Year 11 Sep 2013
The text delves into the complexity of Jewish identity and practice, emphasizing that for many Jews today, Judaism no longer feels like a native language due...
11 Sep 2013
Tablet My Abortion, My Miscarriage, and My Right To Have My Own Feelings 10 Sep 2013
The author reflects on her personal experiences with both abortion and miscarriage, asserting her right to have her own feelings about these events. She high...
10 Sep 2013
Tablet In New York City Mayoral Primary, a Referendum on Repentance 9 Sep 2013
In the upcoming New York City mayoral primary, voters will be deciding on the return of disgraced politicians Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer to public offi...
9 Sep 2013
Tablet Prepent 5774: Day 25, A Ritual Outfitting 1 Sep 2013
Amichai Lau-Lavie, the spiritual leader of Lab/Shul, explores the tradition of acquiring new items for Rosh Hashanah in Prepent 5774. He suggests reflecting ...
1 Sep 2013
Tablet Learning About the Birds and the Bees—and the Jews—on Rosh Hashanah 29 Aug 2013
The text explores the connection between bees, sexual energy, and Jewish sexual laws, particularly around abstinence and intention in sexual engagement. Draw...
29 Aug 2013
Tablet How To Bake the Ultimate Challah—for Rosh Hashanah or Anytime 28 Aug 2013
The article discusses the significance of challah and its variations for different Jewish communities. Originally a symbol of an offering, challah now repres...
28 Aug 2013
Tablet Portrait of the Author as a Young Man—Serving in the Israeli Army 26 Aug 2013
When the author, Etgar Keret, was 19 and serving in the Israeli army, he wrote his first story during a long shift in a remote computer room. Feeling uncerta...
26 Aug 2013
Tablet For a Brief Moment This Year, Chassidic House Party Blew Their Observant Fans’ Minds 23 Aug 2013
The Chassidic House Party, a brief yet impactful music ensemble, captivated the Hasidic community in Crown Heights with their fusion of traditional Jewish me...
23 Aug 2013
Tablet More Nixon Tapes, More Anti-Jewish Sentiment 22 Aug 2013
The release of the final set of Nixon tapes by the Nixon Presidential Library continues to reveal the extent of President Nixon's anti-Jewish sentiment, with...
22 Aug 2013