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Tablet How Many Shofars Does It Take … 7 Oct 2010
The podcast "How Many Shofars Does It Take" humorously explores the possibility of seven shofars destroying the walls of Jericho as described in the Book of ...
7 Oct 2010
Tablet Mind Games 7 Oct 2010
The text discusses how Israel, along with other nations, has struggled to grasp and adapt to the evolving landscape of global media warfare and information o...
7 Oct 2010
Tablet K’tonton Time 4 Oct 2010
Ktonton, the Jewish "thumbelina," remains beloved by children like Maxie for his daring adventures and humorous escapades, as detailed in Sadie Rose Weilerst...
4 Oct 2010
Tablet Ban My Book—Please! 29 Sep 2010
The American Library Association recently published a list of the ten most banned/challenged books, showing a shift in trends from the 1990s when Jewish auth...
29 Sep 2010
Tablet Print War 16 Sep 2010
In the late 19th century, the emergence of the Yiddish press shed light on the lives of average Jews, providing a contrast to the focus on elite intellectual...
16 Sep 2010
Tablet First Draft 16 Sep 2010
In this humorous dialogue, two individuals, likely a rabbi and a congregant, discuss the challenges of crafting a meaningful Yom Kippur sermon that stands ou...
16 Sep 2010
Tablet Contrition Edition 13 Sep 2010
"On the Bookshelf" expresses contrition for overlooking various Jewish books and seeks atonement by highlighting several notable works published in 2010. Thi...
13 Sep 2010
Tablet First Blood 1 Sep 2010
The article discusses revelations about key events in the FBI's early counterterrorism efforts and their connection to al-Qaida. It starts with the assassina...
1 Sep 2010
Tablet Today on Tablet 26 Aug 2010
In Tablet Magazine, Sarah Marcus discusses the Mountain Jews living in Azerbaijan who ensure they always have a minyan. Holly Lebowitz Rossi reviews a graphi...
26 Aug 2010
Tablet Mountain Jews 26 Aug 2010
The Mountain Jews, mainly residing in Azerbaijan and Dagestan, trace their history back to Israel, settling in the Caucasus mountains about 2,500 years ago. ...
26 Aug 2010
Tablet Sore 19 Aug 2010
In the late 19th century, the rise of the Yiddish press brought attention to the lives of average Jews, previously overlooked by intellectual writings. A spe...
19 Aug 2010
Tablet Convert’s Tale 10 Aug 2010
Schmitt's study delves into the Opusculum de conversione sua, a 12th-century text purportedly written by a converted Jew named Herman. Initially taken as a g...
10 Aug 2010
Tablet The Guns of August 6 Aug 2010
The text discusses the growing concern in Israel regarding the use of U.S.-supplied weapons by the Lebanese army against Israeli forces, following a deadly c...
6 Aug 2010
Tablet Up in Smoke 5 Aug 2010
In "Up in Smoke," Shalom Auslander humorously recounts a surreal encounter with an ultra-Orthodox rabbi who informs him that he is no longer considered Jewis...
5 Aug 2010
Tablet Of the People 3 Aug 2010
A recent Haaretz poll revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity in Israel surged by 11 percent after the botched Gaza flotilla raid, with ...
3 Aug 2010
Tablet Wiki Bleak 30 Jul 2010
The text discusses the concept of responsibility preceding redemption, highlighting the importance of acknowledging past mistakes before achieving a brighter...
30 Jul 2010
Tablet Making History 26 Jul 2010
Israeli President Shimon Peres, mentored by David Ben-Gurion, had a complex political career marked by distrust, frequent election losses, and a reputation a...
26 Jul 2010
Tablet Homeland Insecurity 22 Jul 2010
The 2010 U.S. Assembly of Jews hosted the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, attracting a younger demographic challenging traditional Jewish views on...
22 Jul 2010
Tablet The Hangover 16 Jul 2010
The author reflects on their experience of the World Cup in relation to the overwhelming fanaticism it brought to those around them, providing a temporary es...
16 Jul 2010
Tablet Silent Minority 15 Jul 2010
In the late 19th century, the Yiddish press began shedding light on the lives of average Jews, including stories often ignored by intellectuals. A 1936 artic...
15 Jul 2010
Tablet In Its Prime 15 Jul 2010
"In Its Prime" discusses the cultural and culinary significance of steak in Jewish immigrant communities, particularly focusing on the evolution of Jewish st...
15 Jul 2010
Tablet Question of Faith 8 Jul 2010
In Medellín, Colombia, a community of Sephardic converts to Judaism has established itself, tracing their ancestry to Marrano colonizers fleeing the Inquisit...
8 Jul 2010
Tablet Hearing Voices 1 Jul 2010
The text explores the internal voices and external influences that can impact a writer's creative process, as seen through various personas representing self...
1 Jul 2010
Tablet Fathers and Sons 18 Jun 2010
The text delves into the dynamics between Jewish fathers and sons, contrasting the prevailing stereotype of the Jewish mother with the elusive figure of the ...
18 Jun 2010
Tablet Tel Aviv Goalie Shines on World Stage 18 Jun 2010
The United States' World Cup match against Slovenia ended in a controversial 2-2 draw due to a disputed call by the referee. Jewish player Benny Feilhaber fe...
18 Jun 2010
Tablet Death Toll 17 Jun 2010
The text explores the topic of suicide among Jews, shedding light on historical accounts of suicides in Jewish communities, particularly in Warsaw during the...
17 Jun 2010
Tablet Tune in Tomorrow To See Jewish Soccer 17 Jun 2010
The United States soccer team, featuring three Jewish players, is set to play Slovenia, whose defensive strategy resembles the U.S.'s approach. The suggestio...
17 Jun 2010
Tablet Israelis Corner the Vuvuzela Market 16 Jun 2010
Israeli entrepreneurs have found success by capitalizing on the global demand for vuvuzelas, the loud plastic horns used by South African fans during World C...
16 Jun 2010
Tablet Extreme Makeover 16 Jun 2010
John Brennan, President Obama's counterterrorism advisor, has suggested reaching out to "moderate elements" within Hezbollah, a move consistent with the admi...
16 Jun 2010
Tablet Goal Posts 11 Jun 2010
The author reflects on the religious experience he feels while watching sports, particularly soccer, drawing parallels between sports events and miracles in ...
11 Jun 2010
Tablet U.S.A.! U.S.A.! 11 Jun 2010
Ron Kaplan highlights the presence of three Jewish players, Jonathan Bornstein, Benny Feilhaber, and Jonathan Spector, on the U.S. squad for the 2010 World C...
11 Jun 2010
Tablet Rubashkin Cleared of Child Labor Charges 8 Jun 2010
Sholom Rubashkin, the ultra-Orthodox owner of the Agriprocessors kosher meat-packing plant, was acquitted of 67 counts of child labor violations in Iowa, con...
8 Jun 2010
Tablet Teachable Moment 4 Jun 2010
The Jim Joseph Foundation has granted $11 million each to the Reform movements Hebrew Union College, Conservative movements Jewish Theological Seminary, and ...
4 Jun 2010
Tablet In the Past 1 Jun 2010
The text discusses Israel's failed military raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla in the context of changing warfare tactics and public opinion dynamics. It highligh...
1 Jun 2010
Tablet Wrong Numbers 28 May 2010
The debate surrounding Israel among American Jews has intensified, with criticism directed at advocacy groups like AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League for t...
28 May 2010
Tablet Obama Fêtes the Jews 28 May 2010
President Obama hosted a reception for Jewish American Heritage Month where Jewish figures like Sandy Koufax and Elena Kagan attended. The event featured kos...
28 May 2010
Tablet Ten Years After 26 May 2010
The article discusses Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon after a 22-year presence in 2000, highlighting the chaotic and abrupt nature of the retreat. The decis...
26 May 2010
Tablet Nosing Around 21 May 2010
Phrenology, a pseudo-science popular in the past, claimed that personality traits could be determined by the bumps on a person's head. Nasology, a new concep...
21 May 2010
Tablet Drowning in Numbers 14 May 2010
The author reflects on significant numbers that have shaped his Jewish identity, ranging from experiencing a divine connection at 10 to grappling with manhoo...
14 May 2010
Tablet On Shavuot, Finding Myself at Sinai. Again. 13 May 2010
The author shares their preference for Shavuot over Passover, particularly due to their affinity for mystical aspects of Judaism, influenced by the writings ...
13 May 2010
Tablet Shavuot FAQ 12 May 2010
Shavuot is a Jewish holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah to the Israelites, marked by eating dairy products, staying up to study, and maintaining fe...
12 May 2010
Tablet Little Tunisia 6 May 2010
Alain Cohen, a Tunisian Jewish transplant in Los Angeles, initially pursued filmmaking in Hollywood but returned to his culinary roots by opening Got Kosher?...
6 May 2010
Tablet Today on Tablet 6 May 2010
Tablet Magazine's recent articles cover the funding challenges facing the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival due to financial shortages, as well as the debat...
6 May 2010
Tablet Kent State, Forty Years Later 4 May 2010
Forty years after the tragic events at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, where four unarmed students were killed by National Guardsmen during Vietnam War...
4 May 2010
Tablet Meet Your New Jew Hall of Famers 28 Apr 2010
Seven new inductees have been welcomed into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, including wrestler Bill Goldberg, Olympic swimmer Jason Lezak, basketbal...
28 Apr 2010
Tablet Stations of the Fork 22 Apr 2010
Israeli cuisine is explored through a culinary journey in Israel, showcasing the country's transition from humble, traditional dishes to high-end, globally i...
22 Apr 2010
Tablet Jerusalem Daze 20 Apr 2010
In "Crossing Mandelbaum Gate," Kai Bird reflects on his childhood spent in the Middle East, mainly in Jerusalem, Beirut, and Saudi Arabia, due to his father'...
20 Apr 2010
Tablet The Unwelcome Mat 16 Apr 2010
The discussion delves into the historical and contemporary complexities surrounding conversions to Judaism, highlighting the ambivalence within rabbinic cult...
16 Apr 2010
Tablet Enforcers 15 Apr 2010
The text explores the role of Sabbath Enforcers, known as Shomrei Shabbos, who historically aimed to protect Shabbat observance, particularly during times wh...
15 Apr 2010
Tablet Oh, Canada 13 Apr 2010
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in Canada has highlighted a growing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiment on Canadian campuses, despite the Canadian government...
13 Apr 2010