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Tablet Mass Appeal 13 Apr 2010
The text discusses the significant success and influence of Jews in Hollywood, finance, politics, and academia in the United States, while also highlighting ...
13 Apr 2010
Tablet Great Escape 9 Apr 2010
The text recounts the story of Sonya Oshman's escape from a work camp in Poland in 1943 through a tunnel dug by Jews to evade the Germans, who had invaded No...
9 Apr 2010
Tablet Remembering the Triangle Fire 25 Mar 2010
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a tragic event that claimed the lives of 146 garment workers, mostly Jews and Italians, occurred 99 years ago due to locked doo...
25 Mar 2010
Tablet Passover Pancake 24 Mar 2010
Chef Daniel Boulud, known for his Michelin-starred restaurant Daniel, offers a Passover recipe inspired by Hanukkah traditions: potato latkes topped with smo...
24 Mar 2010
Tablet Turkish Leader’s Selective Memory 19 Mar 2010
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan faces controversy over his response to the recognition of the Armenian genocide by the U.S. House of Representati...
19 Mar 2010
Tablet Politics and Poesy 18 Mar 2010
The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a shift in Jewish literary circles, particularly in Yiddish poetry, as it gained popularity and began to be featur...
18 Mar 2010
Tablet Up in Arms 10 Mar 2010
In "Up in Arms," the discussion revolves around the history of Jewish terrorism in Israel, spanning from the Mandate period to contemporary times. The text d...
10 Mar 2010
Tablet Reforming Reform Judaism in Israel 5 Mar 2010
Dr. David Ellenson, President of Hebrew Union College, spoke at a Columbia University event about the potential for Reform Judaism to grow in Israel despite ...
5 Mar 2010
Tablet Sisters in Arms 26 Feb 2010
The text explores a fifth-and sixth-grade Purim musical revue at a Jewish school, where the narrator played Vashti, a character overshadowed by Esther, leadi...
26 Feb 2010
Tablet Purim FAQ 25 Feb 2010
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia. It starts on Monday, March 6, 2023, and end...
25 Feb 2010
Tablet Divorce Court 18 Feb 2010
In late 19th and early 20th-century Warsaw, the Yiddish press provided a window into the lives of average Jews through sensationalized coverage of divorce co...
18 Feb 2010
Tablet High on the Hog 5 Feb 2010
The article discusses the increasing trend of Jewish chefs and foodies incorporating pork, a non-kosher meat, into traditional Jewish cuisine in a post-moder...
5 Feb 2010
Tablet Tu B’Shevat FAQ 29 Jan 2010
Tu B'Shevat is a Jewish holiday known as the new year for trees, falling on the 15th of Shevat on the Hebrew calendar, around February. It signifies the begi...
29 Jan 2010
Tablet Fine Young Criminal 21 Jan 2010
In the late 19th century, the rise of the Yiddish press shed light on the lives of ordinary Jews, challenging the traditional focus on intellectual elites. A...
21 Jan 2010
Tablet Is Yoga Kosher? 5 Jan 2010
The author grapples with the question of whether practicing yoga as a Modern Orthodox Jew conflicts with Jewish beliefs. Some view yoga as a spiritual practi...
5 Jan 2010
Tablet How To Prevent Plane Bombings? Ask Israel 4 Jan 2010
The text discusses the issue of preventing plane bombings by examining Israel's stringent security measures at airports, contrasting them with American pract...
4 Jan 2010
Tablet Uproar Over Holocaust Pope’s Road to Sainthood 21 Dec 2009
Jewish groups are expressing outrage over Pope Benedict XVI advancing Pope Pius XII towards sainthood, with concerns that Pius did not do enough to prevent t...
21 Dec 2009
Tablet Big Man 17 Dec 2009
Martin "Blimp" Levy, a morbidly obese Jewish wrestler in the mid-20th century, was discovered working in a sideshow and became known for his massive size, un...
17 Dec 2009
Tablet Tablet’s Guide to Hanukkah 10 Dec 2009
Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in the 2nd century BCE after the Maccabees' successful upr...
10 Dec 2009
Tablet A New ‘Theory’ of the Armenian Genocide 7 Dec 2009
A new theory surrounding the Armenian genocide suggests that Jews, particularly the Ottoman Empire's Jewish bourgeoisie known as Sabbateans or Dönme, were re...
7 Dec 2009
Tablet A Fine Romance 1 Nov 2009
David Lehman, a renowned poet and editor, has contributed significantly to the appreciation of Jewish songwriters and American music through his book 'A Fine...
1 Nov 2009
Tablet Word Play 29 Oct 2009
The text discusses the practice in Jewish tradition where prayers for the sick are recited using verses from Psalms that correspond to the letters of the per...
29 Oct 2009
Tablet Easy Reading 28 Oct 2009
In a discussion of Jewish poetry, two prominent poets, Philip Levine and Hank Lazer, are compared. Levine, known for his clarity, tells real-life stories in ...
28 Oct 2009
Tablet The Children Are the Future 23 Oct 2009
The article from Tablet Magazine delves into the theme of children in Jewish tradition, drawing parallels between the barren woman seeking fertility and the ...
23 Oct 2009
Tablet A Cold Case 22 Oct 2009
The author reflects on their father's secret struggle with AIDS and the impact it had on their family and personal life. Despite their father's dedication to...
22 Oct 2009
Tablet Ortho Kids Like Ritual, Summer-Camp Study Shows 22 Oct 2009
An Israeli sociologist conducted a study at Jewish summer camps in the United States with over 700 children, revealing insights into how different Jewish den...
22 Oct 2009
Tablet Shemini Atzeret-Simchat Torah FAQ 9 Oct 2009
Shemini Atzeret, following Sukkot, marks the beginning of praying for rain, while Simchat Torah celebrates the conclusion and restarting of the Torah reading...
9 Oct 2009
Tablet A Fine Romance 8 Oct 2009
David Lehman's book, "A Fine Romance: Jewish Songwriters, American Songs," celebrates the significant contributions of Jewish composers and lyricists to the ...
8 Oct 2009
Tablet Sukkot FAQ 1 Oct 2009
Sukkot, a holiday marking the pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem, is celebrated by building temporary dwellings called sukkahs where meals are eaten and s...
1 Oct 2009
Tablet Bomb the Ban! 29 Sep 2009
The article discusses Banned Books Week, focusing on Jewish children's book authors whose works have faced censorship. It mentions Shel Silverstein's books b...
29 Sep 2009
Tablet The Festive Meal 24 Sep 2009
In the past, a century ago, some Jews rebelled against the traditional solemnity of Yom Kippur by organizing public festivals of eating, dancing, and perform...
24 Sep 2009
Tablet Yom Kippur FAQ 21 Sep 2009
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, occurring on September 27-28 in 2020, where Jews fast, repent, and seek forgiveness for sins. It is the most significant ...
21 Sep 2009
Tablet My Education 15 Sep 2009
A woman reflects on her journey to becoming a cantor while grappling with her family's religious traditions and gender expectations. She shares her deep conn...
15 Sep 2009
Tablet Taking the Plunge 14 Sep 2009
The author shares their journey of conversion to Judaism, which was sparked by a desire since their early teens but was suppressed due to societal expectatio...
14 Sep 2009
Tablet Why Are Jews Liberals? 10 Sep 2009
The discussion on why American Jews tend to lean towards liberalism touches on various perspectives. Ruth R. Wisse suggests that the liberal alignment might ...
10 Sep 2009
Tablet Oh, Honey! 10 Sep 2009
Honey holds a special place in Jewish culinary tradition and symbolism, commonly used during Rosh Hashanah for its sweet connotations of a good year ahead. R...
10 Sep 2009
Tablet Rosh Hashanah FAQ 10 Sep 2009
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the first day of the seventh month Tishrei but is significant as a day for reflection, repentance, and judgment ...
10 Sep 2009
Tablet The End of the Affair 4 Sep 2009
The Dreyfus Affair, a late 19th-century scandal in France where a Jewish artillery officer, Alfred Dreyfus, was wrongly convicted of treason, exposed widespr...
4 Sep 2009
Tablet Beware Imported Shofars! 3 Sep 2009
Tel Aviv's Religious Council is cautioning against buying shofars made in China or Morocco due to concerns about the use of pig fat in Chinese shofars and po...
3 Sep 2009
Tablet Teen Shpilkes 28 Aug 2009
Norma Klein's novels, particularly "Beginners Love," delve into themes of Jewishness, sexuality, and identity among secular Jews in New York City. Klein's ch...
28 Aug 2009
Tablet Building Bust 20 Aug 2009
In the late 1920s, there was a surge in ambitious building projects for Jewish institutions in America, including grand synagogues and university campuses. H...
20 Aug 2009
Tablet What Happened in Hebron? 19 Aug 2009
The article revisits the tragic events of the Hebron massacre that took place 80 years ago, where Jewish residents were brutally attacked by Arabs, resulting...
19 Aug 2009
Tablet Plane Song 11 Aug 2009
Jewish leaders in Israel, including rabbis and kabbalists, took to the skies on a plane to bless the land and prevent further deaths from the H1N1 virus, als...
11 Aug 2009
Tablet The Boiling Point 30 Jul 2009
The text explores the cultural significance of coffee in Israeli society, highlighting the division between those who prefer the traditional method of brewin...
30 Jul 2009
Tablet Tisha B’Av FAQ 29 Jul 2009
Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, marks a time of mourning for Jewish tragedies such as the destruction of the First and Second Temples. O...
29 Jul 2009
Tablet Role Reversal 27 Jul 2009
Paula Span discusses her book "When the Time Comes" based on her experience caring for her aging parents. Her father, formerly uninterested in religion, beca...
27 Jul 2009
Tablet Earthbound 20 Jul 2009
Samuel G. Freedman reflects on a pivotal summer in 1969 spent with his mother, visiting his sister at a Jewish summer camp where she was being bullied. The t...
20 Jul 2009
Tablet Sweet Old World 14 Jul 2009
The article discusses the significant presence of Jewish immigrants in the candy trade in the United States during the early 20th century, with many establis...
14 Jul 2009
Tablet Blacks are Cursed, Obama Is Evil 7 Jul 2009
Some Russian-language media in Israel have been making racist remarks about Barack Obama, drawing on biblical references to suggest that black people are cur...
7 Jul 2009
Tablet Their Magic Moment 2 Jul 2009
Rock and roll, with its roots entrenched in vernacular art and the culture of America's marginalized people, emerged as a powerful force in the early 1950s, ...
2 Jul 2009