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Lehrhaus Streamlining Services: What Can we Learn from High Holidays 5781? 9 Nov 2020
The author discusses the idea of streamlining High Holidays services in American Modern Orthodox congregations. He suggests that there is a need for a health...
9 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus A Pediatric Akeidah 5 Nov 2020
In this article, the author explores the story of the Akeidah (the Binding of Isaac) from a new perspective. They discuss Aaron Koller's book, "Unbinding Isa...
5 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Lot’s Wife Was Never Salt (And Why That Highlights the Greatness of Abraham) 4 Nov 2020
The story of Lot's wife turning into salt is often seen as a punishment for disobeying the angels' command, but this interpretation raises questions about th...
4 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Pandemic, Partnership, and Progress: A Vision for a post-Covid Modern Orthodoxy 2 Nov 2020
In this article, Alan Jotkowitz discusses the theological response needed in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, racial unrest, and environmental crises. He s...
2 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Aleinu and Genesis: Against the Twin Idolatries of Universalism & Ethnonationalism 29 Oct 2020
The author explores the question of whether the Torah endorses ethnonationalism or universalism. While some argue that the Torah supports ethnonationalism, c...
29 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus A Time To Keep Silence, and A Time To Speak 26 Oct 2020
This article explores the perspectives of prominent Rabbinic authorities on the topic of public protests, focusing on two contexts: the United States and Isr...
26 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus A Biblical Defense of Cities 23 Oct 2020
The article explores the biblical narrative's view of cities and their founders. It notes that cities and their founders are often looked down upon in the Bi...
23 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus Like Deborah and Esther of Old: American Jewish Women and the Suffrage Movement 21 Oct 2020
In this article, Melissa R. Klapper explores the involvement of Jewish women in the suffrage movement in America. She highlights the diversity of the suffrag...
21 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus When the Beggar Knocks 19 Oct 2020
The article discusses the conflicting views and emotions that arise in the Upper West Side community due to the conversion of hotels into homeless shelters. ...
19 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus Backyard Prayer (Covid-19) 15 Oct 2020
In this poem titled "Backyard Prayer (Covid-19)" by Akiva Shapiro, the author describes a scene of prayer during the pandemic. The masked faces of worshipper...
15 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus Aveirah li-shmah in the Thought of R. Nachum Rabinovitch zt”l 12 Oct 2020
The author explores the concept of "aveirah li-shmah," which refers to a sin performed in the name of God. While traditional scholars generally maintain that...
12 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus Stay One More Day 9 Oct 2020
Shemini Atzeret is a holiday that follows Sukkot, but its specific nature is not clearly defined in the Torah. One interpretation, found in a well-known midr...
9 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus Wisdom and Human Pretention: The Riddle of Shlomo and its Resolution 8 Oct 2020
This text explores the complex personality of King Solomon (Shlomo) as depicted in the book of Kings and Chronicles. While Chronicles portrays Shlomo as the ...
8 Oct 2020
Lehrhaus Get Rid of the Manels – and Panels Too 25 Sep 2020
The author reflects on the issue of "manels" (all-male panels) in Jewish institutions and argues that the problem goes beyond gender representation. She poin...
25 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Why Wasn’t Jonah Punished? Reading Jonah during COVID 24 Sep 2020
The article discusses the story of Jonah and the reasons for his desire to run away from his mission. The author suggests that Jonah's fear of punishment and...
24 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Teshuvah, From the (Dis)comfort of Your Own Home 24 Sep 2020
The author explores the concept of teshuvah (repentance) and its relationship to physical journeys and escape from one's surroundings. They discuss the idea ...
24 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus This is not a poem 18 Sep 2020
Yehiel Poupko's upcoming collection of poems, titled "What Is Lost," explores themes of sin, repentance, and forgiveness in Jewish tradition. The first poem ...
18 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Return… Again? Theories of Twice-Baked Teshuvah 17 Sep 2020
The article discusses a Talmudic passage that presents a debate about whether one should confess and atone for sins that have already been confessed and aton...
17 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Erev Rosh Hashana  17 Sep 2020
The poem "Erev Rosh Hashana" by Hillel Broder explores themes of fear and hope as the world approaches its end. The poem suggests that amidst the chaos and u...
17 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus The Birthplace of Infertility 16 Sep 2020
The author reflects on her own experiences with childbirth and infertility, connecting them to the stories of barren women in the Bible. She highlights the i...
16 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus The Iniquity of Inequity 16 Sep 2020
As we reflect on the past year during Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday that focuses on our shared humanity, we must also consider the iniquity of inequity in ...
16 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Human Words: Rav Elhanan Nir’s “Intentions for Rosh Hashanah” 15 Sep 2020
This article discusses the intentions of Rav Elhanan Nir for Rosh Hashanah, focusing on his series of four poems entitled "Intentions" (Kavvanot). The first ...
15 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Response to “Manels” in Modern Orthodoxy 14 Sep 2020
In this article, Mali Brofsky responds to a paper by Dr. Shana Strauch Shick and Dr. Yoel Finkelman on women's participation in public discourse within Moder...
14 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Why Are There So Many “Manels” in Modern Orthodoxy? 14 Sep 2020
The "manel phenomenon," in which all-male panels dominate public discussions in the Modern Orthodox community, is a concerning issue. The absence of women's ...
14 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus My Teacher, Professor Yaakov Blidstein ztz”l 13 Sep 2020
Professor Yaakov Blidstein, a highly respected scholar, recently passed away. He was known for his deep understanding of Jewish texts and his ability to inte...
13 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus When Things Go Back to Normal 10 Sep 2020
As discussions about returning to pre-pandemic synagogue experiences take place, it is important to shift focus from simply going back to "normal" to reimagi...
10 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Written and Sealed (and Stamped) in the Book of Life 9 Sep 2020
The article discusses the significance of greetings on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and proposes reviving the tradition of sending physical Rosh Hashanah car...
9 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus From Graduation to Contagion: Jewish Physicians Confront Plague in 1631 8 Sep 2020
In this article, the author explores the experiences of Jewish physicians during the Bubonic Plague in 1631 in Padua, Italy. The author discusses the histori...
8 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Rabbi Steinsaltz: An Open Secret 7 Sep 2020
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz played a pivotal role in the opening of a Yeshiva in Soviet Russia in 1989. He recognized that the Soviet Ministry of Cults had no inte...
7 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Also the Diseases 3 Sep 2020
In this article, Elli Fischer discusses the presence of diseases and plagues in the Tokhehah, a section of Deuteronomy that outlines the curses that will bef...
3 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Parshat Ki Tavo: The Curse of the Law 3 Sep 2020
In this article, the author recounts a conversation he had with a missionary who argued that the curse of the law in Judaism prevents salvation. The missiona...
3 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Configurations of Worship 2 Sep 2020
In this poem, the poet reflects on the nature of worship and the concept of God. She sees God as a metaphor and questions what God represents. She argues tha...
2 Sep 2020
Lehrhaus Traditional Revolutionaries 31 Aug 2020
Naomi Seidman's book, "Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition," fills a gap in the study of modern Jewish histor...
31 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Holistic Repentance: Life as a Story 24 Aug 2020
Repentance is a powerful concept in Judaism, but it can be difficult to understand how it brings about change. Two statements from Jewish sages shed light on...
24 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Prophecy is a Mitzvah 20 Aug 2020
In this article, the author argues that prophecy is a mitzvah, a religious obligation, for all Jews. They discuss the views of Rabbi Soloveitchik, who believ...
20 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Signing Up for a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial 18 Aug 2020
The article discusses the ethical implications of participating in a COVID-19 human vaccine challenge trial from a Jewish perspective. It explains that tradi...
18 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Rabbi Steinsaltz: My Mentor, Teacher, and Guide 17 Aug 2020
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who recently passed away, was a mentor and guide to the author. He inspired a deep sense of devotion to the Jewish people and the impo...
17 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus My Rebbe 17 Aug 2020
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, known for his monumental translation of the Talmud and his work in education, was born into a secular family but became religious as a...
17 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Boardwalk Closed (April 2020) 13 Aug 2020
This poem by Hillel Broder reflects on the experience of walking along a closed boardwalk during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker and their companion take ...
13 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Did Rashi Draw the Diagrams in his Commentary to Eruvin? 10 Aug 2020
Rashi's commentary on Masekhet Eruvin in the Talmud contains numerous diagrams, representing about half of the total diagrams found in his commentary. While ...
10 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus The Tefillin Strap Mark: In Search of an Obscure Minhag 6 Aug 2020
This article explores an obscure minhag (custom) related to wearing tefillin, specifically the practice of not eating or drinking until the impressions of th...
6 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Koller’s Unbinding Isaac 3 Aug 2020
In "Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Kollers Unbinding Isaac," Zvi Grumet discusses Aaron Koller's book, "Unbinding Isaac: The Signifi...
3 Aug 2020
Lehrhaus Confronting God on Tishah Be-Av in Yehudah ha-Levi’s Yom Akhpi Hikhbadti 27 Jul 2020
In the kinnah "Yom Akhpi Hikhbadti," Rabbi Yehudah ha-Levi retells the story of Zechariah's murder and the subsequent massacre by Nebuzaradan, but with a uni...
27 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus The Chosen Ones 23 Jul 2020
This poem by Jennie Mintz explores the horrors of the Holocaust, particularly the dehumanizing and indiscriminate nature of the Nazi atrocities. The poem des...
23 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus A Yahrzeit & A Pandemic: Thoughts On R. Amital In The Age of Covid 20 Jul 2020
In this article, the author reflects on the legacy of Rabbi Yehuda Amital, the founding rosh yeshiva of Har Etzion, as he navigates his role as a rabbi durin...
20 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus My Last Conversation with Rav Amital 16 Jul 2020
This text is a personal reflection on the author's last conversation with Rav Amital, a prominent Jewish religious leader. During their conversation, Rav Ami...
16 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus Psalm 121: Of Pilgrims, Perils, and a Personal God 13 Jul 2020
Psalm 121 is a popular psalm that has been recited and studied throughout history. It is a song of ascent, likely sung by pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem....
13 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus The Baptism 8 Jul 2020
The author recounts a childhood memory of visiting the Baltic Coast in the Soviet Union with his father. They stayed in a house built by a man named Vigor an...
8 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus The Loneliest Communal Prayer 2 Jul 2020
The author describes their experience returning to synagogue for a prayer service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service was different from what they were...
2 Jul 2020
Lehrhaus The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: A Review of Alexander Kaye’s New Book 30 Jun 2020
Alexander Kaye's book, "The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel," explores the history of religious Zionism's dr...
30 Jun 2020