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Lehrhaus Holidays Reimagined: From Pesah To Purim To Post-Hurban Pesah 16 Mar 2021
The article discusses the unique position of Purim and Hanukkah as two of the only Rabbinic-created holidays that have become permanently established in Jewi...
16 Mar 2021
Lehrhaus Apres Moi: Religious Jews after Trump 15 Mar 2021
The author reflects on the impact of Donald Trump's presidency on religious conservatives and Orthodox Jews. While acknowledging that Trump pursued policies ...
15 Mar 2021
Lehrhaus The Mikveh Never Closed: What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Mikveh 11 Mar 2021
The article discusses the experiences of women who observe the laws of family purity (taharat hamishpahah) and their use of the mikveh during the COVID-19 pa...
11 Mar 2021
Lehrhaus Is Remix Judaism for Everyone? 8 Mar 2021
Roberta Rosenthal Kwall's book, "Remix Judaism: Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World," explores the phenomenon of remixing Judaism, where individuals and ...
8 Mar 2021
Lehrhaus The Sacrifice of Moses 4 Mar 2021
In this article, David Fried examines the contradictory statements in Parashat Ki Tissa about Moses seeing the face of God. Fried suggests that Moses did see...
4 Mar 2021
Lehrhaus Beyond the Mussar Schmooze: A Proposal for Modern Orthodox Moral Education 1 Mar 2021
In "Beyond the Mussar Schmooze: A Proposal for Modern Orthodox Moral Education," author Anthony Knopf explores the need for enhanced moral education in the M...
1 Mar 2021
Lehrhaus Queen Aster and Queen Esther 25 Feb 2021
The article discusses the similarities between Queen Esther and the character Queen Aster in Louisa May Alcott's short tale. Both Queen Aster and Queen Esthe...
25 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Humor: The Refuge of the Wise 25 Feb 2021
The passage discussed in this article, found in the Talmud in Bava Batra (149a), revolves around a legal problem concerning the inheritance of a convert and ...
25 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus A Journey Across the Ages: Esther in America 22 Feb 2021
Esther in America, edited by Stuart W. Halpern, explores the unique and resonant presence of the biblical book of Esther in the United States. The book highl...
22 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Three Ideas for Reimagining High School and its Importance for Jewish Education 18 Feb 2021
The author discusses the need to reimagine high school education, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that the traditional model of hi...
18 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus The Feminist Case for Home Economics 15 Feb 2021
The author argues for the reintroduction of home economics classes in Modern Orthodox day schools, emphasizing that it would be a pioneering feminist project...
15 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Theory of Education 11 Feb 2021
This book review discusses Aryeh Solomon's "Spiritual Education: The Educational Theory and Practice of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson." ...
11 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Theologies of Prayer: Dov Singer and Arthur Green in “Conversation” 8 Feb 2021
This article explores the challenges of prayer in a postmodern, doubt-filled world, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and social injustices. The...
8 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Torat Hesed: My Rabbi, Rav Yehuda Kelemer 7 Feb 2021
The author remembers Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer, who recently passed away, as a shining example of spiritual greatness. Rabbi Kelemer was known for his extreme act...
7 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Between Berlin 1936 and Beijing 2022 4 Feb 2021
The article discusses the parallels between the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. It highlights how no countries boycotted ...
4 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus Malbim’s Paean to (Ben Azzai’s) Kantian Ethics 2 Feb 2021
Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel Wisser, also known as Malbim, was a traditionalist in the 19th century who engaged with Western culture. One example of ...
2 Feb 2021
Lehrhaus When Shabbat first provided a Taste of the World to Come 28 Jan 2021
The article explores the idea of Shabbat as a taste of the world to come, focusing on the first Shabbat observed by the Israelites. The author discusses the ...
28 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus What role should young children play in the post-COVID synagogue? 27 Jan 2021
The author discusses the role of young children in the Orthodox synagogue in the post-COVID era. They note that many children have not attended regular servi...
27 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus Manna as a “Detox Diet”: On Rav Mendel of Rymanov’s Segulah for Parnassah 26 Jan 2021
The article discusses the significance of the manna in Jewish tradition and its association with the concept of sustenance. Recitation of Parashat ha-Man, th...
26 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus Reimagining Our Shuls Starts Now: An Open Letter to Shul Boards and Fellow Rabbis 25 Jan 2021
In this open letter addressed to shul boards and fellow rabbis, Rabbi Yisrael Motzen highlights the challenges faced by clergy during the pandemic, including...
25 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus The Unique Obligation of Healthcare Workers to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine 24 Jan 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers, with a significant percentage expressing reluctance to receive the vaccine due t...
24 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus Rashashian Kavanot as Concrete Poetry 21 Jan 2021
This article discusses the concept of Rashashian Kavanot as concrete poetry. It explores the use of words and symbols in Jewish tradition, particularly in pr...
21 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus Modern Orthodoxy is a Swing State 18 Jan 2021
The term "Modern Orthodoxy" has been debated within the Orthodox Jewish community, with some arguing that the label is unnecessary and that the disagreements...
18 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus Explaining Orthodoxy’s many Responses to Coronavirus 14 Jan 2021
This article explores the various responses of Orthodox Jewish communities to COVID-19 restrictions and analyzes them from social, cultural, and theological ...
14 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus After COVID, Reimagine Synagogue Life, Don’t Just Tweak it: A Response to Judah Kerbel 12 Jan 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many industries, including commercial real estate (CRE), to reassess and evolve their practices. Yechiel Shaffer argues that...
12 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus Rabbi Sacks: From Anglo-Jewry to Chief Rabbi of the World 11 Jan 2021
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, was a highly influential figure in Anglo-Jewry and the g...
11 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus A Response to Moshe Krakowski on YAFFED and Haredi Jewish Education 6 Jan 2021
In response to a recent article by Moshe Krakowski, Yoel Finkelman and Hannah Lebovits argue that Krakowski's defense of the Hasidic educational system and a...
6 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus A New Coffee-Table Humash is a Gateway to Academic Biblical Scholarship 5 Jan 2021
The new coffee-table Humash, titled the Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel, combines the Masoretic text and a new English translation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks...
5 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus The Synagogue after Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity 4 Jan 2021
In his article "The Synagogue after Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity," Judah Kerbel explores the impact of COVID-19 on synagogue life and the potential cha...
4 Jan 2021
Lehrhaus The Myth of Jewish Male Menstruation 31 Dec 2020
This article discusses the historical myth that Jewish men menstruate. The belief was prevalent during the Middle Ages and was used as a means of degrading a...
31 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Re-reading Bereishit: A Review of David Fohrman’s New Book 28 Dec 2020
Rabbi David Fohrman's new book, "Genesis: A Parsha Companion," offers a pathway to Tanakh study that puts the text at the center and allows readers to reach ...
28 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Hesped for Ha-Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin, Ztz”l 27 Dec 2020
The hesped (funeral eulogy) for Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin highlights his greatness as a rabbi and posek (halakhic decisor) in the Jewish world. He was recogniz...
27 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Should the Davening of the Tenth of Tevet Take Sides in a Talmudic Debate? 25 Dec 2020
The author explores the implications of Jewish liturgy, particularly in relation to the fast of the tenth of Tevet. He argues that the liturgy conveys histor...
25 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus The Torah of the Kishkes 24 Dec 2020
In "The Torah of the Kishkes," Elli Fischer discusses Moshe Koppel's book "Judaism Straight Up" and his argument in favor of a non-ideological form of Judais...
24 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Privilege and Power in the Torah 20 Dec 2020
The Torah presents a complex view of power, highlighting both its potential for good and the dangers it poses. While power is seen as a blessing in the creat...
20 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Masculinity and the Hanukkah Hero: Toward a New Interpretation of Biblical Gevurah 17 Dec 2020
The author examines the concept of masculinity and heroism in the context of Hanukkah, specifically focusing on the biblical term "gevurah" and its associati...
17 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Moses and Joseph’s bones 14 Dec 2020
In Exodus 13, it is mentioned that Moses took Joseph's bones with him as the Hebrews left Egypt. Commentators explain that Joseph charged the entire nation w...
14 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus A Eulogy for Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz zt”l 13 Dec 2020
Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, a respected and influential figure in the Jewish community, has passed away. Rabbi Leonard Matanky delivered a eulogy, reflecting...
13 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Up to Hashem and Down to the World: Making Sense of Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel 10 Dec 2020
The disagreement between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel regarding the order of lighting Hanukkah candles can be understood in terms of their different interpre...
10 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus “Do Not Summarize Me on Wikipedia.” The Thought of Hanan Ben Ari 7 Dec 2020
Israeli singer-songwriter Hanan Ben Ari implores not to be confined or summarized through stereotypes. As a self-described Torah observant Jew, Ben Ari embod...
7 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus From London To Manhattan – Remembering Rabbi Sacks 5 Dec 2020
This article reflects on two different stages of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' life and the impact he had. In London, Rabbi Sacks was known for his powerful oratory ...
5 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus Isaac, the Eternal Optimist 3 Dec 2020
Isaac, one of the revered patriarchs of the Jewish people, often appears passive, drab, and gullible in the biblical narrative. His passive nature is evident...
3 Dec 2020
Lehrhaus A Cosmic Puzzle Best Left Unsolved: A Review of Harold Gans’s New Book 30 Nov 2020
Harold Gans's book, The Cosmic Puzzle, uses scientific evidence to argue for the existence of God. Gans explores the fine-tuned nature of the universe and ho...
30 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Modern Technology Meets Tehum Shabbat 23 Nov 2020
The author discusses the concept of tehum shabbat, which determines the range of permitted walking for Jews on Shabbat. The tehum shabbat restricts Jews from...
23 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus “Everyman’s Gadol”: An Appreciation of Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l 19 Nov 2020
Rav Dovid Feinstein, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem (MTJ), was a beloved figure in the Lower East Side Orthodox community. Known for his lov...
19 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus A Eulogy for Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: Teaching us how to take on the world 17 Nov 2020
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a beloved teacher and mentor, had a profound impact on many people, including the author Nathan J. Diament. Diament first encountered S...
17 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus (Mis)Quoting Scripture in American Politics 16 Nov 2020
This article discusses the phenomenon of (mis)quoting Scripture in American politics, highlighting examples from Abraham Lincoln, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, an...
16 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Abraham’s “Diminished” Weeping: An Orthographic Note Inspired by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Zt”l 13 Nov 2020
The author explores the significance of a minuscule letter, kaf, in the word "to weep" in the description of Abraham mourning Sarah's death in this week's To...
13 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus A Eulogy for Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l 12 Nov 2020
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was known for his prophetic voice and ability to speak in a way that captured the hearts and souls of his audience. While not a pro...
12 Nov 2020
Lehrhaus Rav Nachum Rabinovitch and the Art of Ancient Dyeing 12 Nov 2020
The article discusses the rediscovery of the process of manufacturing tekhelet, the sky-blue wool mentioned in the Bible, by Israeli researchers. The dye was...
12 Nov 2020