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Forward The Leo Frank Story 21 Aug 2013
The Leo Frank story, revolving around the trial, conviction, and lynching of Leo Frank in 1915, is seen as a pivotal moment in American Jewish history, spark...
21 Aug 2013
Forward Gabby Giffords Astronaut Hubby Mark Kelly and Twin To Be NASA Guinea Pigs 10 Aug 2013
NASA's unprecedented research initiative involves astronaut twins, Mark and Scott Kelly, to study genetic impacts of spaceflight. While Scott spends a year a...
10 Aug 2013
Forward Chanel, Amanda, Joey and The Return of the Jewish American Princess 9 Aug 2013
The article discusses the resurgence of the Jewish American Princess (JAP) stereotype in the reality TV show "Princesses: Long Island" on Bravo. The show fol...
9 Aug 2013
Forward MIT Report Defends College But Raises Uneasy Questions on Aaron Swartz Case 31 Jul 2013
An internal MIT report on the Aaron Swartz case defends the university's actions while criticizing its lack of leadership in the face of the internet activis...
31 Jul 2013
Forward The Heroic Brit Who Saved 600 Jewish Children 17 Jul 2013
Sir Nicholas Winton, a British hero, saved nearly 700 Czech and Slovak Jewish children before World War II, a story captured in the documentary "Nickys Famil...
17 Jul 2013
Forward Vasily Grossman's Armenian Sketchbook Finally Debuts in English 1 May 2013
Vasily Grossman's "An Armenian Sketchbook," now available in English for the first time, showcases the renowned Russian writer's personal reflections during ...
1 May 2013
Forward A Very Syrian Passover with Cookbook Author Jennifer Abadi 28 Mar 2013
Jennifer Abadi, cookbook author and culinary instructor, delves into Syrian Passover traditions, offering insights into Syrian-Jewish cuisine and Passover fa...
28 Mar 2013
Forward Kippah Man Settles Spider-Man Lawsuit 19 Mar 2013
Avi Binyamin, the owner of the Kippa Man store in Jerusalem, settled out of court with Marvel Comics and Warner Brothers after being accused of selling unlic...
19 Mar 2013
Forward Rabbi Menachem Froman's Unique Legacy of Jewish-Muslim Coexistence 5 Mar 2013
Rabbi Menachem Froman's legacy is a unique testament to Jewish-Muslim coexistence, bringing together ideologies often seen as diametrically opposed. As a har...
5 Mar 2013
Forward Columbia Disaster, a Decade Later 1 Feb 2013
The article reflects on the Columbia space shuttle disaster a decade later, focusing on the personal impact on the family of Israel's first astronaut, Ilan R...
1 Feb 2013
Forward Learning To Love Chrismukkah 10 Dec 2012
Benjamin Resnick explores the intertwining of Hanukkah and Christmas traditions among American Jews, suggesting that Hanukkah has historical roots in adaptin...
10 Dec 2012
Forward After 75 Years, Stage Deli Serves Its Final Sandwich 30 Nov 2012
The closure of New York's iconic Stage Deli after 75 years, located near Carnegie Hall, marks the end of an era in Jewish deli history. The deli, founded by ...
30 Nov 2012
Forward NY Times' Jodi Rudoren on Covering War in Gaza 18 Nov 2012
Jodi Rudoren, the Jerusalem bureau chief for The New York Times, is currently reporting on Operation Pillar of Defense from inside Gaza, her first experience...
18 Nov 2012
Forward Exploring 'Chai' Culture 11 Nov 2012
"Bad Jews" a play by Joshua Harmon, explores the comedic scenario of three grandchildren vying for their late grandfather's cherished chai necklace, a symbol...
11 Nov 2012
Forward The New Testament Sounds Odd in Yiddish 14 Oct 2012
The article discusses the unique and sometimes comical effects that occur when translating the Christian New Testament into Yiddish. Examples include the con...
14 Oct 2012
Forward Paul Auster Humanizes Dread in New Book 22 Sep 2012
Paul Auster's latest book, "Winter Journal," delves into his personal history, covering themes of aging, death, and love, particularly focusing on his mother...
22 Sep 2012
Forward Host Uses Nazi Slogan To Berate Assange's Mother 22 Aug 2012
Australian radio host John Michael Howson, who claims Jewish ancestry, was suspended for a month after shouting "Sieg Heil" three times at Julian Assange's m...
22 Aug 2012
Forward France's Jewish Archbishop 5 Aug 2012
Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, was a significant figure in France, known for his staunch defense of the Catholic church, crit...
5 Aug 2012
Forward Massive Crowd Gathers for Talmud Celebration 2 Aug 2012
The largest-ever Siyum HaShas celebration gathered 90,000 people at MetLife Stadium to mark the completion of the 7-and-1/2-year Talmud learning cycle, known...
2 Aug 2012
Forward No Straight Path From Dogma to Dissent 10 Jul 2012
Vassily Grossman, a Jewish writer recognized for his dissent against Stalin and Hitler's regimes, is portrayed in a new biography as someone who once adhered...
10 Jul 2012
Forward Memories From Israel Parade Founder 31 May 2012
Ted Comet, founder of the renowned Celebrate Israel Parade, initially overcame challenges such as the lack of Jewish marching bands by recruiting Catholic sc...
31 May 2012
Forward Haredi Draft Could Cause Gender Issue 20 May 2012
The Israeli government is considering ending the exemption of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) men from military service, sparking concerns about the impact on female...
20 May 2012
Forward Q&A: Richard Lewis on Comedy and Therapy 26 Apr 2012
Comedian Richard Lewis, known for his role on Curb Your Enthusiasm, is currently touring and unsure about the show's ninth season. His real-life friendship w...
26 Apr 2012
Forward Obama Pays Tribute to Late Rebbe Schneerson 3 Apr 2012
President Obama commemorated the late Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson in his Education and Sharing Day proclamation, lauding the Rebbe's humanitarian values and...
3 Apr 2012
Forward Park Slope Food Coop Rejects Israel Boycott 28 Mar 2012
The Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn voted against a proposed boycott of Israeli goods with a decisive 1,005 to 653 vote. The debate on the boycott had inten...
28 Mar 2012
Forward Park Slope Food Coop’s BDS Battle 23 Feb 2012
The Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn is embroiled in a heated debate over whether to hold a vote on banning Israeli goods, a local reflection of the larger g...
23 Feb 2012
Forward Making Foodie Resolutions for New Year 8 Jan 2012
Food columnist Leah Koenig reflects on making food resolutions for the new year, focusing on being more adventurous in the kitchen, baking bread, donating to...
8 Jan 2012
Forward Why Vasily Grossman Still Matters 15 Nov 2011
Vasily Grossman's work, especially his 900-page novel "Life and Fate," remains relevant due to its significance as both literature and a historical account o...
15 Nov 2011
Forward Hidden Treasures of Cairo Genizah 10 Nov 2011
Computer scientists at Tel Aviv University are utilizing artificial intelligence to reconstruct over 1,000 documents from the vast Cairo Genizah collection, ...
10 Nov 2011
Forward Pro-Palestinian Student Activists Plan First National Conference 11 Oct 2011
Pro-Palestinian student activists, particularly from the organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), are organizing their first national conference...
11 Oct 2011
Forward 'Customizing' Yom Kippur To Make Room for Football 7 Oct 2011
Joel Alperson, a dedicated Nebraska football fan and Jewish observer, has taken unique steps to accommodate both Yom Kippur and football games by bringing in...
7 Oct 2011
Forward Of Bees and Men: Fixing the Bee Problem 4 Oct 2011
Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants and are key to a healthy environment. The phenomenon of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in bees has been linked...
4 Oct 2011
Forward Did Moses Have a Speech Impediment? 9 Sep 2011
The question of whether Moses had a speech impediment has intrigued scholars and rabbis for centuries, particularly due to his self-description in the Torah ...
9 Sep 2011
Forward Mengele’s Diaries May Be Loaned To Yad Vashem 10 Aug 2011
The diaries of the infamous Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, purchased by an anonymous modern-Orthodox physician from the U.S. Midwest for $245,000, are being conside...
10 Aug 2011
Forward Q&A: Michael Levy on Jews and Chinese Food 8 Aug 2011
Michael Levy discusses his experiences living in rural China as a Jewish Peace Corps volunteer, highlighting the challenges of balancing his Jewish identity ...
8 Aug 2011
Forward Naomi Wolf: Trapped by Her Own 'Beauty Myth' 16 Jun 2011
In a critical piece, author Elana Sztokman reflects on Naomi Wolf's trajectory from her groundbreaking feminist work in "The Beauty Myth" to her more recent ...
16 Jun 2011
Forward Solving the Mystery of Washington’s Famous Letter 15 Jun 2011
The article discusses the significance and mystery surrounding George Washington's famous letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, where W...
15 Jun 2011
Forward The Kosher Traveler: Chowing Down in Mexico City 1 Jun 2011
Mexico City is a vibrant hub for kosher food with a mix of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews. The city offers a variety of kosher dining options, from authentic Me...
1 Jun 2011
Forward Shylock in Yiddish: New Yiddish Rep Presents Jacob Adler’s Historic “Shylock” at Center for Jewish History 19 Jan 2011
The New Yiddish Repertory presented Jacob Adler's historic Yiddish adaptation of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" at the Center for Jewish History, wit...
19 Jan 2011
Forward Mixing Bowl: Sam Sifton's Treyf Recommendations; Cooking Mag for Kids; Israel's Beer Expo 14 Jan 2011
The article discusses various topics in Jewish food and culture, including a new cooking magazine for kids called Ingredients, a recommendation by New York T...
14 Jan 2011
Forward Jews and Chinese Food: A Christmas Story 22 Dec 2010
The article discusses the deep connection between American Jews and Chinese food, noting that Chinese cuisine is highly popular among American Jews, even mor...
22 Dec 2010
Forward Quintessential British Actor’s Jewishness Not ‘Gone With the Wind’ 17 Nov 2010
Leslie Howard, renowned for his quintessentially British roles, was in fact of Hungarian Jewish descent. Born Leslie Howard Steiner, Howard's life trajectory...
17 Nov 2010
Forward Israeli Scholar Translates Talmud Into Hebrew, Completing 45-Year Project 10 Nov 2010
Israeli Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has completed a 45-year project by releasing a new Hebrew translation of the Talmud, starting in 1965 and working to make the a...
10 Nov 2010
Forward Bidding on a Bacon Statue of Kevin Bacon 1 Oct 2010
Bizarre yet intriguing, a Seattle-based company known for its kosher and vegetarian bacon-flavored products commissioned a statue of actor Kevin Bacon made f...
1 Oct 2010
Forward Writing Jewish Recipes for Today's Jewish Cooks with Leah Koenig 31 Aug 2010
Leah Koenig, a popular Jewish cookbook author, is interviewed about her process of creating and testing recipes for her upcoming cookbook, "The Hadassah Ever...
31 Aug 2010
Forward Hedy Lamarr, Queen of Hollywood Chutzpah 22 Jul 2010
Hedy Lamarr, a famous Hollywood actress, concealed her Jewish background during her lifetime. New biographies by Stephen Michael Shearer and Ruth Barton reve...
22 Jul 2010
Forward My Friends Who Want To Host Me Have Bedbugs! 18 May 2010
Steve Almond responds to a question in the Bintel Brief about visiting friends with a potential bedbug infestation. He advises getting clear information abou...
18 May 2010
Forward Tweeting Anne Frank 7 Apr 2010
The Anne Frank Center USA, in collaboration with the U.N. Holocaust Program, has initiated a Twitter campaign in which students visiting the center are encou...
7 Apr 2010
Forward Dance of the Veil: French Jewish Feminist Enters the Académie française 19 Mar 2010
Simone Veil, a French Jewish feminist and Auschwitz survivor, was elected to the prestigious Académie française in 2008 and formally inducted in 2010. At the...
19 Mar 2010
Forward The Rhyme and Reason of Israeli Hip-Hop 4 Mar 2010
Hadag Nahash, a renowned Israeli hip-hop group, continues to lead the charts with their latest release, an album titled "6," which creatively explores genres...
4 Mar 2010