Daily Podcasts Video Research
18forty American Judaism is Falling Apart. We Have Ourselves to Blame 16 Oct
Rabbi Ammi Hirsch's recent Yom Kippur sermon has sparked a debate within Jewish communities, criticizing younger generations for disconnecting from Israel an...
16 Oct
18forty On Jewish Peoplehood in the American Orthodox Community 1 Oct
Sruli Fruchter examines the state of Jewish identity in the American Orthodox community, questioning why there hasn't been a unified outreach effort akin to ...
1 Oct
18forty Why Developing a Healthy Body Image is Part of Teshuva 18 Sep
Sruli Fruchter explores the intersection of body image and the Jewish spiritual practice of teshuva, arguing that developing a healthy self-image is an impor...
18 Sep
18forty How and Why I Became a Hasidic Feminist 11 Sep
Sruli Fruchter shares her transformative journey from mainstream feminist ideals to becoming a Hasidic feminist, inspired by Chabad philosophy and the teachi...
11 Sep
18forty What a Summer with Israelis Taught Me About the War’s Trauma 11 Sep
Michael Schlank reflects on his summer experience at NJY Camps, where he interacted with 500 Israeli campers and 100 staff members amidst the backdrop of pos...
11 Sep
18forty Rachelle Fraenkel on Religious Trauma, Torah Study, and Redemption 29 Aug
Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel is recognized globally for her profound faith and scholarship in Jewish law and thought. After the tragic loss of her son Naftali ...
29 Aug
18forty Is Judaism Fundamentally Zionist? 25 Aug
Rabbi Steven Gotlib's essay in 18Forty's Faith in Reason series explores whether Zionism is inherently fundamental to Judaism. It argues that numerous passag...
25 Aug
18forty Gadi Taub on Israel’s Left, Iran, and the Two-State Solution 22 Aug
In this 18Forty interview series, right-wing Israeli commentator Gadi Taub discusses his views on several contentious political issues, including judicial re...
22 Aug
18forty How Your Faith Can Survive a Crisis 10 Aug
In this article, the fragility of faith during times of crisis is explored, specifically referencing the impact of severe existential crises on Jewish faith,...
10 Aug
18forty Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits’ Complicated Portrait of Faith 10 Aug
Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits (1908-1992) was a traditional rabbi known for his prolific writings on varied subjects such as halacha, faith, and Jewish ethics. He ...
10 Aug
18forty With God in the Picture, Death Is Not a Lonely Experience 9 Aug
Contrary to other cultures, Judaism does not personify Death as a figure; rather, it is viewed as a tool of God, sometimes personified as Satan, controlling ...
9 Aug
18forty After My Daughter Died By Suicide, I Vowed To Help Save Lives 7 Aug
Rabbi Shalom Hammer shares his personal story of losing his daughter, Gila, to suicide and how it led him to establish Gilas Way, an organization dedicated t...
7 Aug
18forty A Eulogy for a Man I Did Not Know 4 Aug
The writer recalls being called by a rabbi to participate in a burial service for a man who passed away with no known family or friends. Despite not knowing ...
4 Aug
18forty Should Judaism Be Orthodox, Post-Denominational, or Something Else? 26 Jul
The discussion surrounding the divisions within Judaism poses the question: should Judaism adhere to Orthodox, post-denominational, or alternative frameworks...
26 Jul
18forty Chabad’s Mission Is Not Much Different Than Centrist Orthodoxy’s 24 Jul
The text compares the mission of Chabad with Centrist Orthodoxy in understanding the purpose of Jewish practice as creating a dwelling place for God in the p...
24 Jul
18forty Three Weeks To Mourn the Kibbutzim of Slaughter 23 Jul
The essay discusses the need for mourning and healing in the Jewish community following the October 7 massacre and parallels it with the concept of the Three...
23 Jul
18forty His Ladder Will Take You to the Zohar 10 Jul
Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, also known as Baal HaSulam, was a key figure in popularizing Kabbalah and the Zohar in the 20th century. Born in Poland, he mo...
10 Jul
18forty How the Lubavitcher Rebbe Teaches Us to Transcend Ourselves 9 Jul
The article discusses the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, focusing on the importance of collectivity, generosity, and e...
9 Jul
18forty If America Cares About Democracy, It Will Stand by Israel 4 Jul
The text emphasizes the importance of democracy as a moral value and highlights Abraham Lincoln's definition of democracy as protecting individual freedom an...
4 Jul
18forty Does Revelation Satisfy the ‘Why Be Jewish’ Question? 3 Jul
The essay discusses the fundamental question of "why be Jewish" in contemporary discourse, focusing on the shift towards emphasizing the act of "doing Jewish...
3 Jul
18forty Benny Morris Has Thoughts on Israel, the War, and Our Future 25 Jun
Benny Morris, a prominent Israeli historian, has shifted to the right politically over the years, and remains a crucial figure in understanding Israel's hist...
25 Jun
18forty Discovering Orthodoxy, Halacha, and Myself 19 Jun
The author describes her journey of discovering Orthodoxy and halacha, starting with a fascination with the moon and the interconnectedness of Jewish women's...
19 Jun
18forty Is Orthodoxy Too Fractured? Our Past Can Guide Us 19 Jun
In 1992, a symposium on Orthodox unity addressed significant halakhic issues and challenges facing the Jewish community, including internal divisions, outrea...
19 Jun
18forty I Always Felt Religiously Homeless Growing Up—Until I Came to Israel 5 Jun
The author reflects on feeling spiritually homeless while growing up in a mixed denominational Jewish environment in America. They struggled to reconcile the...
5 Jun
18forty My Jewish identity began as a crisis—It’s become so much more today 30 May
The author reflects on their Jewish identity crisis, which started in their youth when questioning the meaning of Judaism, leading them to atheism due to per...
30 May
18forty What Jewish Denominations Mean to Me 16 May
The author reflects on their personal journey of Jewish affiliation, revealing a deep connection to Orthodox Judaism stemming from a family history where Jew...
16 May
18forty Can We Handle the Summer of October 7? 10 May
The article discusses how the trauma of October 7, like the horror experienced during that event, will now mark time for Israel and global Jewry. The challen...
10 May
18forty Torah or Zionism? Hesder Ideology Says Both 9 May
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's paper from 1981 outlines the Hesder program's unique approach, allowing religious students to combine military service with Torah s...
9 May
18forty Do You Have the Free Will to Read This? 5 May
The text discusses different philosophical perspectives on free will, including libertarianism, determinism, and compatibilism, and their implications for Je...
5 May
18forty A Letter to Children Estranged From Their Parents 17 Apr
The letter addresses children who are estranged from their parents, emphasizing the deep hurt and complexities of these relationships. The writer draws on ex...
17 Apr
18forty A Prayer for Israel to Add to Your Pesach Seder 17 Apr
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon has composed a special prayer for Israel to be recited at Pesach Sedarim, expressing gratitude for living in a time of redemption and w...
17 Apr
18forty Hebrew Lips 12 Apr
"The Hebrew Lips" is a poem reflecting on the tension within Jews between the harshness of biblical texts and the reverence for human life inherent in the He...
12 Apr
18forty ‘Are Your Brothers To Go to War While You Stay Here?’: On Haredim Drafting to the IDF 10 Apr
In a response to Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's opposition to forced conscription of yeshiva students, Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot discusses his son, Amita...
10 Apr
18forty The 7 Essential Features of Anti-Judaism 5 Apr
In a series of discussions on anti-Judaism using various texts, the unique characteristics and historical roots of hatred towards Jews were explored. The key...
5 Apr
18forty (What) Do Jews Believe About the Afterlife? 29 Mar
Judaism's beliefs about the afterlife are diverse and not extensively discussed, despite classical Jewish sources refuting the misconception that Judaism lac...
29 Mar
18forty The Influence of Affluence: Money and Mental Health in Our Community 20 Mar
The article explores the impact of affluence on mental health within Orthodox Jewish communities, highlighting the pursuit of material success and social com...
20 Mar
18forty Your Attachment Style, Applied to God 18 Mar
Attachment styles, which stem from early childhood interactions with primary caregivers, influence how we engage in relationships. These styles can impact no...
18 Mar
18forty Is It Just a Phase? What You Need To Know About Child Mental Health 13 Mar
Child mental health is a crucial issue that requires attention and understanding from parents. Statistics show that a significant percentage of children expe...
13 Mar
18forty Do You Need a Rabbi, or a Therapist? 6 Mar
The article discusses the distinction between seeking guidance from a rabbi or a therapist in the Jewish community. It emphasizes that rabbis and therapists ...
6 Mar
18forty Do We Know Why God Allows Evil and Suffering? 25 Feb
The theological problem of evil and suffering, also known as theodicy, challenges belief in a just and fair world governed by a traditional view of God. Rabb...
25 Feb
18forty Do We Care Too Much? Furor Sanandi and Our Desire to Heal 21 Feb
The text delves into the concept of "furor sanandi," the passion or frenzy to heal, particularly in therapeutic settings where caring too much can hinder neu...
21 Feb
18forty Is American Judaism Boring? 15 Feb
The article responds to a podcast discussion claiming that American Judaism is boring. The author disagrees, stating that American Judaism can be meaningful ...
15 Feb
18forty 3 Arguments for God’s Existence 26 Jan
In this essay, the author explores three philosophical arguments for the existence of God: the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, and the onto...
26 Jan
18forty 4 Conversations to Help You Think About the Israel-Hamas War 18 Jan
This article presents four conversations that can help people understand and think critically about the Israel-Hamas war. The first conversation explores how...
18 Jan
18forty 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Whenever You Hear a Dvar Torah 10 Jan
The author presents three questions to ask oneself when listening to a Dvar Torah (a Torah discourse). The first question is whether the Torah idea presented...
10 Jan
18forty What Makes Beliefs Rational? 29 Dec 2023
In this essay, the author explores the concept of rationality and its application to beliefs, particularly in relation to Judaism. They discuss the distincti...
29 Dec 2023
18forty What Makes Beliefs Rational? 29 Dec 2023
The essay explores the concept of rationality in relation to beliefs, specifically in the context of Judaism. It distinguishes between epistemic rationality ...
29 Dec 2023
18forty From Hawk to Dove: The Path(s) of Yossi Klein Halevi 28 Dec 2023
Yossi Klein Halevi, a well-known Jewish author, has written several books that tell both personal and national stories. His first book, "Memoirs of a Jewish ...
28 Dec 2023
18forty From Hawk to Dove: The Path(s) of Yossi Klein Halevi 28 Dec 2023
Yossi Klein Halevi, a well-known Jewish author, is discussed in this article, highlighting his transition from a hawkish stance on Israeli politics to a more...
28 Dec 2023
18forty Army Service is Essential for Every Jew: Letter From an IDF Combat Soldier in Gaza 28 Dec 2023
In this letter, an IDF combat soldier expresses his belief that army service is essential for every Jew. He argues that having sovereignty and control over t...
28 Dec 2023