Daily Podcasts Video search
BimBam King David: Part 4 - David Becomes King 28 Mar 2019
The video explores David's fixation on waging war to take over Jerusalem and build a Temple, while also touching on his past as a admired warrior and husband...
28 Mar 2019
BimBam King David: Husband - Part 3 - David and Michal 28 Mar 2019
The video explores the relationship between David and Michal as they navigate King Saul's attempts to get David killed, showcasing David as a husband while p...
28 Mar 2019
BimBam King David: Warrior - Part 2 - David and Goliath 28 Mar 2019
This video is the second episode in an animated series about King David, focusing on the famous battle between David and Goliath.
28 Mar 2019
BimBam King David: Shepherd - Part 1 of the Animated Bible Series 28 Mar 2019
An animated retelling of the story of King David in the Bible, focusing on his humble beginnings as a shepherd and his prophesied rise to becoming the next K...
28 Mar 2019
BimBam Bar Kochba: The Worst Jewish Hero Ever 27 Mar 2019
A critical examination of the Bar Kochba Revolt, exploring the lead figure's controversial reputation as a Jewish hero despite the ultimate failure of the re...
27 Mar 2019
BimBam What is Masada? A Window into Modern Israel 27 Mar 2019
This YouTube video explores the history of Masada, an ancient fortress in Israel with a dark past, detailing the Jewish rebellion against the Romans, culmina...
27 Mar 2019
BimBam Parshat Shemini featuring Rabbi Dan Horwitz 26 Mar 2019
Rabbi Dan Horwitz discusses the challenging events in Parshat Shemini, focusing on Aaron's reactions to tragedy and the importance of silence in this animate...
26 Mar 2019
BimBam Burial vs. Cremation: A Jewish Perspective 25 Mar 2019
This video explores the topic of burial versus cremation from a Jewish perspective, discussing the traditional acceptance of ground burial in Judaism and the...
25 Mar 2019
BimBam How did Kabbalah Begin? Brief History of Jewish Mysticism 14 Mar 2019
The video provides a historical perspective on Kabbalah by tracing its origins back to the thirteenth century in northern Spain and discussing its ongoing im...
14 Mar 2019
BimBam How to Talk to Your Kids About Death 10 Mar 2019
Chaplain Laura Fitch and parent Alana Kadden Ballon provide advice on how to effectively talk to children about death, emphasizing the importance of using si...
10 Mar 2019
BimBam Parshat Vayikra featuring Judaism Unbound 10 Mar 2019
An animated interpretation of Parshat Vayikra featuring Judaism Unbound hosts discussing burnt offerings and sacrifices in ancient Israelite traditions.
10 Mar 2019
BimBam Parshat Pekudei: The Cloud 6 Mar 2019
A personal exploration of Parashat Pekudei focusing on the completion of the tabernacle and the Divine presence guiding the Israelites, portrayed through the...
6 Mar 2019
BimBam Who Was Og? The Oldest Giant in the Torah 5 Mar 2019
This animated video explores the story of Og, an ancient giant in the Torah, and how the Israelites overcame him with God's help.
5 Mar 2019
BimBam Who Was Miriam in the Torah? Intro to the Prophetess 5 Mar 2019
An exploration of the story and significance of Miriam, a prominent female leader in the Torah, emphasizing that being a leader is about loving your people a...
5 Mar 2019
BimBam Shgaga: The Torah’s Response to Making Mistakes 5 Mar 2019
This animated video explores the Torah concept of Shgaga, which relates to making mistakes accidentally, by sharing three different Torah stories illustratin...
5 Mar 2019