Tag: Al Qaeda

The text discusses the looming fear of terrorism striking again, particularly in the UK, emphasizing the difficulty in predicting and preventing such attacks.
The text discusses the rise of Islamism and its impact, particularly focusing on the personal journey of a woman born in Somalia who later became an anti-Islamist activist.
Since the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan two years ago, the country has largely been forgotten by the outside world.
Eliana Johnson and Eli Lake discuss recent events, including the Republican primary elections and Kansas rejecting an abortion ban ballot initiative.
The podcast discusses the recent demise of Ayman al-Zawahiri from al-Qaeda and questions the current stance of the political right on the global fight against terrorism.
Two analysts, Elliott Abrams and Itamar Rabinovich, discuss the impact of the chaos in Syria on Israel's northern border.
Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian intellectual, went from a liberal nationalist to an Islamist figure, with his radical views detailed in works like "Milestones" while imprisoned.