Tag: Alana Newhouse

New York Congressman Ritchie Torres engages in a conversation with Tablet Magazine's Liel Leibovitz and Alana Newhouse, covering topics such as Zionism, the impact of social media on antisemitism, and the importance of patriotism.
In her work "Brokenism," Alana Newhouse examines the concept of institutions, like schools, newsrooms, and governments, as being broken and questions whether they can be fixed or if they are perpetually damaged.
Tablet Top Tens is a collection of articles from Jewish media.
In this interview with Alana Newhouse, editor in chief of Tablets, she discusses her recent article that presents a fresh perspective on the divisions facing Americans.
This episode of Unorthodox celebrates the release of The 100 Most Jewish Foods: A Highly Debatable List, featuring contributors reading their entries.
In episode 160 of Unorthodox, the discussion revolves around Jewish superstitions, ranging from protection against the evil eye to beliefs about whistling.
Unorthodox podcast celebrates its third anniversary with a special episode reflecting on memorable segments.
In episode 15 of "On a Mission," the podcast Unorthodox features editor-in-chief Alana Newhouse discussing Tablet's new print magazine and sharing insights from its upcoming issue.
The author reflects on his time at Tablet Magazine and his journey in learning about Jewish culture while writing for The Scroll.