Tag: American Left

The relationship between Zionism and Liberalism in America is facing strain, especially on the Left which has shifted towards progressivism and criticism of right-wing Israeli policies.
The article discusses how the Palestinian cause has been tied to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement by left-wing activists.
In "Stuck in the Middle," Pierre Birnbaum, a prominent Jewish historian, explores the history of right-wing antisemitism in the United States.
The podcast explores the life of Emma Goldman, a Jewish anarchist activist in early 20th-century America known for her contributions to feminism and the American left.
In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses why conservatives do not align with liberal views, citing examples of coercive policies advocated by the Left, such as charging those with good credit extra money to support individuals with bad credit.
This article emphasizes the importance of personal experiences in shaping perceptions of Israel.
Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreeing to pursue a peace accord signifies shifting dynamics in the Middle East, despite the European and American left's reluctance to acknowledge this change.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the challenges faced by the new centrist political party Blue & White in balancing diverse viewpoints within its membership, the political downfall of almost-Prime Minister Tzipi Livni despite her diplomatic efforts, and the impact of market forces on traditional craftsmen in Tel Aviv.
Paul Berman's essay in Tablet Magazine addresses concerns about the direction of the American left, focusing on the rise of charismatic female figures within it.
In discussions on the American left, two books by Richard Rorty and Michael Walzer stand out, offering critical insights.
The history of American anarchists, including Jewish anarchists, is often overshadowed by the communist movement.
In a recent episode of the Tel Aviv Review, Allison, Noah, and host Gilad Halpern delve into the aftermath of the American elections, reflecting on what lessons Israeli leftists can draw from the defeat of the American left.