Tag: Anti Jewish Sentiment

The discussion revolves around the concept of resilience within the Jewish community, particularly in the face of ongoing threats and challenges.
The article discusses the war of information between Israel and the Palestinians, highlighting that this is the only war Israel cannot win.
The author addresses the recent surge of anti-Israel sentiment and encourages Jewish individuals to embrace and celebrate their Jewish identity instead of feeling targeted or ashamed.
In September 1948, Aliza Adas, the wife of Shafiq Adas, franticly traveled to the Royal Palace in Baghdad.
In a live show at the Slifka Center at Yale University, the Unorthodox podcast featured Shelly Kagan, a philosophy professor at Yale, known for being a tough grader and a non-welfarist consequentialist.
The release of the final set of Nixon tapes by the Nixon Presidential Library continues to reveal the extent of President Nixon's anti-Jewish sentiment, with recordings showing his negative and inflammatory remarks about Jews and African Americans.