Tag: Arab World

The essay "Yes, history (still) matters" by David Harris discusses the significance of the 1967 Six-Day War and its lasting impact on the Jewish world.
The text discusses the need for Jews to be aware of rising antisemitism and to consider historical precedents beyond the Holocaust, including periods like the Spanish Inquisition and the Soviet Union era, in assessing potential threats to Jewish life.
The recent Iranian attack on Israel has brought to light the broader strategic aim of Iran's leadership rooted in Mahdism ideology, aiming to establish a global caliphate by eliminating obstacles like Israel.
The author discusses a Gaza City store with a controversial name that opened in 2015.
The author argues that despite the negative optics of the war in Gaza, support for Israel has not wavered, partly because those protesting tend to be in line with Iran, viewed negatively by the typical American observer.
The text discusses the portrayal of Israel as inhumane during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Israel is actually conducting one of the most humane wars in recent memory.
The article discusses the potential for a formal alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, considering the historical Arab stance against Israel and recent geopolitical changes.
The article discusses the potential future of Israel in 50 years.
Dr. Yoav Di Capua, a history professor at the University of Texas at Austin, delves into Arab intellectual history in his new book "No Exit: Arab Existentialism, Jean Paul Sartre and Decolonization."
"Our Man in Beirut" by Matti Friedman sheds light on the little-known Arab Section, an espionage unit that served Israel before and after statehood, comprised mainly of Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries.
Eli Kowaz and Noa Shusterman speak with Hussein Ibish, Senior Resident Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, discussing Israel's evolving ties with the Arab world and the repercussions of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem.
Dr. Azriel Bermant, a historian and professor at Tel Aviv University, delves into his book "Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East" with host Gilad Halpern, focusing on the interactions between the renowned British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Israel, and the Arab world.
A symposium discusses the revolutionary events in the Middle East since the Tunisian protests and their implications for Israel, exploring various books and authors relevant to understanding the causes and outcomes of these revolutions.
Gilbert Achcar, in "The Arabs and the Holocaust," explores the role of Arabs during the Holocaust, arguing that most were not complicit in Nazi atrocities and should not be blamed for them.