Tag: Beit Midrash

The author discusses the importance of creating a culture of learning for women in Torah study, particularly in Gemara and Talmud, similar to the vibrant environment commonly found among male learners in Jewish houses of study.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has initiated the Shalem Fellowship program for university students in London aiming to promote advanced Jewish learning.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen of Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford, Connecticut, reflects on his congregant, the late Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who passed away at 82.
In this article, the author discusses the trend of attaching career goals and qualifications to women's Torah study.
The Talmud Yerushalmi, also known as the Jerusalem Talmud, has long been overlooked and inaccessible to many.
In "Yeshiva Days: Learning on the Lower East Side," Jonathan Boyarin provides an account of his year as a student and observer at Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem (MTJ), a Yeshiva on New York's Lower East Side.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder discusses what the Torah has to say about social justice.
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder joins the 18Forty Podcast to discuss the Torah's perspective on social justice.
Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld reflects on the role of imagination in women's participation in Torah study, from teaching Masekhet Avodah Zarah to girls in a summer program to the recent Women’s Siyum HaShas in Jerusalem.
The author reflects on her experiences navigating the limited opportunities for women in Talmud study within the Modern Orthodox community, highlighting instances of exclusion and barriers to Torah learning for women.
The writer reflects on their profound connection to the study of Talmud at the Drisha Institute, where they first encountered the text and discovered their love for learning and teaching Torah.
The article discusses the ongoing debate around the inclusion of women in intensive Torah study, particularly focusing on the need to update communal attitudes and practices.