Tag: Biblical Prophecy

In this article, the author explores the concept of dispensationalism in Christian Zionism, which is the belief that the return of Jews to the Holy Land is hastening the apocalypse and the Second Coming of Christ.
The birth of a red heifer in Israel has sparked excitement among some Jewish and Evangelical Christian groups who believe it is a sign that the Third Temple will be built, heralding the messianic era or the End Times.
"The State of Israel as the Gateway to End Times" discusses the influence of Hal Lindsey's book, "The Late Great Planet Earth," on the fusion of evangelical Christianity and politics in the United States.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three important topics: the decreasing popularity of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister among Israelis, the lack of trust Israeli teens have for those who are different from them, and the issue of misogyny towards Mizrahi women in positions of power.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the declining support for Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, analyzing its implications for the upcoming elections.
"God, Israel, & Shiloh: Returning to the Land" by David Rubin recounts his harrowing experience of being shot at with his young son in Shiloh, a Jewish community with a rich historical and biblical significance.