Tag: Board Of Deputies

The Board of Deputies is expressing concerns about a potential VAT hike on private schools, particularly impacting Charedi families who rely on these schools for faith-based education.
The letters to the editor cover various topics of concern within the Jewish community.
Gideon Falter, CEO of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, faced discrimination by the police in London for being openly Jewish during a pro-Palestinian march, highlighting the lack of protection for Jews in such situations.
The letters to the editor cover various topics related to the Jewish community in the UK.
This Pesach, amidst the celebration of freedom and the retelling of the Exodus story, there is a call to remember those who are currently held captive, specifically over 100 individuals taken hostage in a tragic event in October.
Various letters to the editor discuss different aspects of Jewish communal leadership and events.
The letters to the editor discuss the relevance of the Board of Deputies in 2024 and its role in representing the British Jewish community.
The article discusses the role and activities of the Board of Deputies, highlighting recent efforts to combat antisemitism, support Israel, and engage with government officials and community leaders.
The election for the presidency of the Board of Deputies is approaching, with the main challenge being the organization's relevance in the modern Jewish community.
Pikuach, the inspection service for Jewish studies accredited by the Department for Education, has decided to maintain its practice of providing schools with one-word overall grades following Ofsted's example.