Tag: Boston Red Sox

Josh Kantor, the organist at Fenway Park for the Boston Red Sox, has maintained a streak of playing at every game for 21 seasons, totaling 1,698 games.
Chaim Bloom, a Shabbat-observant and kosher-keeping Jewish baseball executive, has been fired from his position as the chief baseball officer of the Boston Red Sox.
Chaim Bloom has been fired as the Boston Red Sox's chief baseball officer after a four-year tenure.
Chaim Bloom, the new chief baseball officer for the Boston Red Sox, has faced scrutiny and high expectations in his role.
Chaim Bloom, the new head of baseball operations for the Boston Red Sox, is known for his admiration of Yankees general manager Brian Cashman and his focus on strategic player development over high spending.
Steve Calechman, a Boston-raised sports fan, shares his unique story of being a devout Detroit team supporter due to his father's admiration for Jewish sports legend Hank Greenberg who played for the Detroit Tigers in the 1930s and 1940s.