Tag: Canary Mission

Twitter's new privacy policy, which bans users from posting photos or videos of private individuals without their permission, has raised concerns among researchers who track and expose hate groups and extremists.
Dr. Lara Kollab, who lost job offers from two hospitals due to anti-Semitic tweets she posted in college, is now seeking a hearing with the State Medical Board of Ohio.
Dr. Lara Kollab, who was fired by the Cleveland Clinic due to her history of anti-Semitic tweets, had a job offer withdrawn by Kern Medical Center in California after it was determined she provided false information during the interview process.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis criticized the online blacklist site Canary Mission for targeting a college student from their community, Sophie Hurwitz, who is involved with Jewish Voice for Peace.
The Helen Diller Family Foundation, a U.S. charity exposed as a funder of Canary Mission, a controversial online blacklist targeting critics of Israel, has announced it will not renew its grant to the website.
Allison, Don, and Noah participate in discussions at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, covering topics like the impact of the Canary Mission, which exposes critics of Israel, on Jewish Americans.
The text discusses three main topics at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America: the impact of Canary Mission on critics of Israel, the use of Jewish values to justify various political positions, and the resurgence of non-Zionist Jewish cultural creativity in America.
The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles has decided to suspend grants to the organization Megamot Shalom after learning about its possible connection to the controversial Canary Mission, which blacklists anti-Israel activists on college campuses.
The Forward reported on major Jewish charities in the U.S., the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles and the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, funding Megamot Shalom, linked to Canary Mission, an online blacklist targeting pro-Palestinian activists.
The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, exposed for funding the online blacklist Canary Mission targeting students critical of Israel, announced it will cease supporting the site after facing backlash.
The Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco has been revealed as a major donor to Canary Mission, a secretive website known for creating dossiers on college students critical of Israel, potentially harming their job prospects.
Canary Mission, an anonymous online blacklist targeting pro-Palestinian activists, is increasingly being used by Israeli officials to interrogate and bar individuals from entering Israel based on their profiles.
A wave of hardline tactics targeting students critical of Israel, particularly the BDS movement, has emerged with a secretive and aggressive approach.
The Israel on Campus Coalition, a mainstream Jewish pro-Israel group, has endorsed the controversial website Canary Mission, known for creating political profiles of pro-Palestinian student activists to deter them from future employment opportunities.