Tag: Childlessness

A Jewish individual undergoing fertility treatment reflects on the emotional journey of having embryos that didn't develop into children due to scientific reasons.
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age face unique challenges in the quest to find a mate, encountering social isolation, pressure, and judgment from well-meaning individuals.
Orthodox never-married women past childbearing age often face unique challenges, including social isolation, pressure to marry, and judgment from friends, family, and matchmakers.
In Israel, the societal emphasis on motherhood is strong due to reasons like religious beliefs, historical trauma, and demographic concerns.
In "Inconceivable," the authors of Midrash Tanchuma explore why the matriarchs were initially barren, suggesting that it was to elicit their prayers and submission to a destiny beyond their control.
Journalist and political scientist Elliot Jager discusses his book "The Pater: My Father, My Judaism, My Childlessness" with host Gilad Halpern, exploring the experience of being a childless Jewish man in modern times.