Tag: Children Of Israel

The Behaalotecha parashah delves into the challenges faced by the Israelites in the desert, highlighting their complaints and false nostalgia despite escaping slavery in Egypt.
Etgar Quiz no. 263 presents a series of multiple-choice questions related to Jewish knowledge and tradition.
The Parashah of the week, Ki Tissa, discusses the first poll tax imposed on the Israelites to raise funds for the Temple Treasury.
This quiz covers various Jewish trivia questions, such as food eaten by the Children of Israel in the desert, the leader who brought the Jewish people into Israel (Yehoshua), David Ben Gurion's retirement location (The Negev), the biblical origin of the Edomites (Esau), the first Israeli to present a prize at the Golden Globes (Gal Gadot), and the father of Chasidism also known as Baal Shem Tov.
The Etgar Quiz discusses various Jewish concepts and trivia questions.
Passover is a holiday that celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt.
Rabbi Yaakov Leiner, a Hasidic master, offers a contemporary reading of the midrash that states the Torah was given in the morning and the ordinances in the evening.