Tag: Education System

The article discusses the concerning state of the younger generation and their views on Judaism and Israel.
Rabbi Fine argues that exams like GCSEs and A-Levels are outdated in the 21st century and do not cater to the diverse skills needed in the modern workforce.
The text discusses the debate surrounding the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) in New York City, which is seen as a symbol of American meritocracy and a pathway to prestigious public schools.
Mindy Levine, a religious mother of three, will be participating in the Jerusalem Pride Parade for the first time and delivering a keynote address.
Irvin Studin, a policy expert and academic, warns of a bleak future for Canada post-pandemic in his book "Canada Must Think for Itself: 10 Theses for Our Country's Survival and Success in the 21st Century."
On Election Day, amidst a backdrop of lockdowns, economic struggles, and educational challenges, long lines at limited polling places and a surge in absentee ballots are expected, potentially leading to delayed results and uncertainty.
Yossi Dahan, a law and philosophy professor, in his book "Justice, Privatization and the Objectives of the Education System," published by the Van Leer Institute press, explores how capitalism and multiculturalism have impacted education in Israel.
Yossi Dahan, a professor and chairman at various institutions, explores in his new book the impact of capitalism and multiculturalism on education in Israel, focusing on educational justice and how policymakers should tackle it.