Tag: Essays

The text reflects on the enduring relevance of George Orwell's work, particularly his journalistic integrity and clear, urgent writing style which continues to serve as a compass for those seeking clarity in a complex world.
The Tel Aviv Review of Books is a new online English-language publication providing insights into the world of Israeli literature through book reviews, essays, criticism, fiction, and poetry.
The Tel Aviv Review of Books is a new online publication that provides English-language content such as book reviews, essays, literary criticism, fiction, and poetry to offer international readers insights into the Israeli literary scene.
Professor Martin Kramer, a Middle East scholar and president of Jerusalem's Shalem College, has released a new book titled "The War on Error: Israel, Islam, and the Middle East," which aims to challenge misconceptions and prejudices present in academic discussions about Israel and the Middle East.
Meir Shalev's book "Beginnings" delves into the Hebrew Bible with the aim of encouraging readers to rediscover the original text and make fresh personal discoveries.