Tag: Eugenics

This essay explores the reasons behind the involvement of many doctors in the Holocaust and emphasizes the moral lessons that can be learned from this dark chapter in history.
In his book "Social Mendelism: Genetics and the Politics of Race in Germany, 1900-1948", Prof. Amir Teicher from Tel Aviv University explores how a significant genetic theory from the 19th century was later coopted by a culture of racial categorization.
President Donald Trump praised the Ford Motor Company and highlighted the concept of "good bloodlines" during a speech at a Michigan Ford plant, referencing company founder Henry Ford's lineage and eugenics beliefs.
During a visit to a Ford factory in Michigan, President Trump praised the "good bloodlines" of Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, sparking criticism from Jewish leaders due to Ford's history as a notorious anti-Semite and supporter of eugenics.
A new exhibition at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum sheds light on FDR's involvement in a eugenic project during World War II, aiming to resettle displaced Europeans, particularly Jews.
In the film "The German Doctor," director Luca Puenzo creates a fictionalized account of Josef Mengele's time in Patagonia, Argentina, portraying him as a friendly but sinister figure named Jos Mengele experimenting with genetics.