Tag: Exodus From Egypt

During the last days of Pesach, Jews reflect on the Exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea, but do not celebrate to empathize with the suffering of the Egyptians.
Cantor Lauren Phillips Fogelman's parody song "Four Cups of Wine," based on the Indigo Girls' "Closer to Fine," was a runner-up in Kveller's parody contest.
Tech entrepreneur Martin Moshal has commissioned an opulent haggadah for his Seder in Sydney, featuring intricate designs with various metals and precious metals, innovative techniques, and black and white illustrations reminiscent of early printing plates.
The text reflects on the significance of the Jewish calendar as a guide to history, values, and survival, particularly after traumatic events like the war unleashed on October 7, 2023.
The Tablets Passover Haggadah offers a blend of tradition and modernity for a diverse group at the Seder table.
The text discusses the obligation to visually experience the story of the Exodus during Passover, emphasizing the use of illustrations in the Haggadah to help depict the suffering and triumph of the Israelites and Egyptians.
The author reflects on the two Passover tales told in their home: the traditional Exodus from Egypt and their family's personal story of escape from Velizh, a town in Stalin's Soviet Union.